Day 4 for me and I'm going to try and not think about today being Friday. Tonight my husband will have his wine and I know it will be hard. I don't think I'll be sitting with him though cause we're off to Manchester (university!!!) tomorrow with my "baby" so we'll be last minute packing. We did have a talk last night though - he really does underestimate my problem and sees my drinking as something I can control like he does and drink moderately. A few weeks ago when I talked to my Dr. he said that I had to view drinking like having an affair - they are both based on deceit. He said fine having a drink with my hubby, no problems with that but I had to see drinking on my own, in the middle of an afternoon or topping that glass up when no-one's looking as an "affair". Well, basically I've been having an affair recently!! I know moderation will not work, its got to be total abstinance and I accept that now.
I must admit its lovely when you wake in the night and know you can snuggle back down and get back to sleep and that you feel well, with no panic attacks, sweating or anxiety - that alone is worth it for me.
Anyway, must get ready - looking forward to hearing from everyone today - Garden Girl, please say hi - thinking of you.