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Newbies in need Day 14

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    Newbies in need Day 14

    Hi everyone

    Well its nearly the week-end and tomorrow is the half way point for those of us who started 1st September. I have not found it that long, I guess I have been so busy with the girls going back to school and trying to catch up around the house. I certainly have not been obsessing as much about alcohol and am getting used to not having that glass of wine or bottle every night. Throwing myself into the programme really helped and of course these boards.

    Tomorrow is my big challenge, the wedding!! I keep telling myself that I have been dealing with alcohol being around since I started, hubby still has his wine every night. this is just going to be more of the same. It helps that I am going to the wedding with the girls and not him (he has a fishing competition). I am packing my all one, supplements and cd's as we have 2 nights in the hotel. Wont be able to check in tomorrow, withdrawl symptoms!! but will let you all know on Sunday how I got on.

    Have a great alcohol free week-end everyone.


    Newbies in need Day 14

    Morning Rustop - we both must have posted at the same time. I shall go back to my thread and send everyone over here!!! Good luck for tomorrow - it will be hard but you sound strong - just keep thinking ahead of that first drink, how you feel after a bottle, how you feel in the night, how you feel in the morning - try and visualise how you would feel.
    Good luck, Janicexx
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Newbies in need Day 14

      just pasted my message from other thread:

      Hi everyone - hope everyone had a good day yesterday. Paula, I was sorry about your "slip" but thats all it was, don't see it as anything else - you have been so strong in the past, just keep going - it never happened - you can do it again (I posted a message to you at the end of yesterday's newbies.)

      Day 4 for me and I'm going to try and not think about today being Friday. Tonight my husband will have his wine and I know it will be hard. I don't think I'll be sitting with him though cause we're off to Manchester (university!!!) tomorrow with my "baby" so we'll be last minute packing. We did have a talk last night though - he really does underestimate my problem and sees my drinking as something I can control like he does and drink moderately. A few weeks ago when I talked to my Dr. he said that I had to view drinking like having an affair - they are both based on deceit. He said fine having a drink with my hubby, no problems with that but I had to see drinking on my own, in the middle of an afternoon or topping that glass up when no-one's looking as an "affair". Well, basically I've been having an affair recently!! I know moderation will not work, its got to be total abstinance and I accept that now.

      I must admit its lovely when you wake in the night and know you can snuggle back down and get back to sleep and that you feel well, with no panic attacks, sweating or anxiety - that alone is worth it for me.

      Anyway, must get ready - looking forward to hearing from everyone today - Garden Girl, please say hi - thinking of you.

      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


        Newbies in need Day 14

        Hi everyone,
        Thanks Janice. Good luck Rustop, have a lovely weekend. Second day for me, my husband also thinks I should be able to drink like he does in moderation, but it does'nt work for me. It takes one alcoholic to really understand another. Thank god and RJ for this site. Have a great weekend in Manchester Janice.xx


          Newbies in need Day 14

          Rustop - I really hope you enjoy the wedding. I loved 'mine' recently without booze and managed even with all the emotional gunk going on (you guys helping massively of course for which I am soooh grateful!!) So, if I can you can!! Remember that!

          Janice - off to Uni time...? Tough one. It'll be OK. Painful but.... I love your doc's words and your penultimate paragraph... thanks for the reminder...(not! Grim wasn't it!)

          Paula - good luck to say so many good things, you deserve to add to your days big time!

          love FMF x
          :heart: c: :heart:
          "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


            Newbies in need Day 14

            Hey Rustop.

            I've been sober for 2(short a day) weeks also. Had 1 drink on 3 odd nights but I don't see that as a problem. I'm enjoying being sober, discovered AF beer - it's great!

            Good luck for the wedding- it'll be difficult but as I said to someone else before; use it as an exercise to see who slurs first, who acts like an idiot first and be thankful it's not you! Have fun though- I LOVE weddings (used to be because there was free booze but also because I love the whole ceremony of it- I cry EVERYTIME!)

            Good luck and wish you a sober stay!

            Yay to sober Spring! (well, it's Spring here)
            Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
            Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


              Newbies in need Day 14

              Good morning Rustop, Janice, paula, FMF and all.

              Rustop, I am delighted for you in doing so well to date. Can`t see that the wedding will be such an enormous temptation for you, as like you say, your hubby has continued to have drink around you since you quit, which shows you have great resolve.......I don`t keep drink in the house.......would hate to hazard a guess as to what might "befall" me if I did!!! lol Am confident you`ll pull the wedding off without succumbing to the booze.

              See Janice!!!!............just knew you were going to post that you`re on Day 4. Can appreciate your doc`s perspective that perhaps solo drinking is more dangerous, but wouldn`t buy into his "deceit" idea, as when all is said and done, we can`t deceive ourselves.........we know the truth if we`re drinking, despite us managing to hide it from those around us. Put all thoughts of it being Fri. out of your head Janice........the weekend allure is all romantic`s been planted in our heads by the drunk in us to tempt us to fall..........we have to learn to look on the weekend just as we do the week nights. Awww......I feel for you, with your "baby" going off to uni......wonderful, though.

              Paula and Janice........I do agree that we are very much misunderstood by those who do not suffer from our affliction. Great to know you`re back on track paula.

              Glad to hear you sounding your usual happy self, FMF.

              Have the best of days all !!

              Much love,

              Starlight Impress x


                Newbies in need Day 14

                Hi Deilight.......we posted at same time.........fab to see you doing so well.

                Starlight Impress x


                  Newbies in need Day 14


                  Have a great time at the wedding. Today will be day 9 for me. I am amazed how many of you also have husbands that drink. I guess I'm not alone.



                    Newbies in need Day 14

                    Hi Everyone: First, Chief (Don) where are you? Maybe you're on another forum, & I just missed your post. Anyhow, I feel like we haven't heard from you for a while. I had a great day w/the g-sons, hubby, & puppy. Tiring but great fun. Just the sort of thing I wouldn't have been able to do when I was drinking. Mary (67)
                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012


                      Newbies in need Day 14


                      15 days sober today! 12 days AF! Yippeee! Just wanted to post that!

                      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

