today is day 5 af for me. i've had cravings over the last few days but been able to fight them off and i haven't been too bad with the shakes. this morning however i feel very very tired and my hands are shaking quite bad, feel like my body is shaking too, i'm not sweating though. i have an appointment with a p-doc later on today (trying to find out if i have bi-polar) i don't know whether to tell them or not because in july i was very distressed and spoke to a mh nurse she told me they would not see me if i was drinking. i want to be honest about everything so i can get the proper help. don't know what to do or say. i know that i have been self medicating since i was 13yrs old. i feel very alone and isolated at the moment and its friday, i really don't want to have a drink today, 5 days af is very good for me i want to carry on being af.
i feel as though i'm rambling on now, head feels fuzzy

any support would be very much appreciated
sorry if i haven't made much sense