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    30 some days and i had to get drunk!!not the normal wasted,just drunk.just wanted to make anyone else that slipped up to feel not left out .I've only slipped 1,379 642 times (about).At least theres no ddt's.carry on ,I'm good today ,maybe another month? life is getting back to normal?been drinking all my life so normal is ?interesting tho ,everyone have a good day!!:thanks:


    I know how it is, look.
    I think I may have beat you by about 1,237,000 times, but who's counting, right? Anyway, I don't feel left out. But it's always good to get on the other side of the fence. Stay there as long as you can. Another month is my goal too.
    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



      Just have to carry on regardless, you nobly intend.............a slip, despite not being good, should never take us back to the Hell from which we`ve recently escaped.

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress x



        Hello look,
        It's funny that you've posted this today. Today is my 40th day AF. Well, it would have been, but I decided to get drunk tonight. Excuses are: had a very stressful day, it's Friday night and it's been hot. Reasons are: nil.
        Thought I was doing well but it snuck up on me and I just couldn't be bothered to say no.
        I hope we can both start again.
        AF since December 22nd 2008
        Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman



          Wishing you renewed strength, marshy.
          Both look and yourself have a great attitude to this little`re not wasting time getting mad, but rather opting to renew your commitment to AF.

          More power to you both!!!

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x



            Been there, done that got the t. shirt.
            Like star says, just a hiccup.
            Love Paula.x



              You should go to AA. This group alone can not help anyone. People need outside help.



                what the heck is this message was smarti2u? don't know how long you've been coming here but you'll find plenty of people that don't actually prescribe to the aa theory. and if not for this site, would be in a whole lotta trouble in a lotta ways. rj never said this site would save anyone. we are merely here to support each other. no one can save or help anyone ultimately. each and every one of us starts with ourselves and the courage and strength of those around us and some of us the meds as well. so don't know where you are quite coming from but you are amazingly off purpose and off base and to come to a site like rj's and post like this is very disrespectful. so if you don't like this site or what it holds, then perhaps it is not for you. so move along.....



                  This site is amazing, I agree with Boot, I had 5 years of AA, it helped and I would not
                  decry it, but I get more support from this site. AA itself would say the first step to solving
                  a problem is admitting you have one. Maybe your so entrenched in AA dogma, you can't see any other way.



                    Get lost you idiot.
                    It always seems impossible until it's done....



                      Hey Smarti.........don`t think you`re as smart as you`d like to think. Grrrrr...

                      DITTO TO WHAT FLIP SAID!!!!!!!



                        I need to jump in here :-)

                        Hi everyone! I am a newbie. Today is day 3 af and I feel fantastic. The AA comment made my skin crawl. I was SO relieved when I found this site. You all seem so wonderful and even though I've only been lurking, you have all helped me get to this point, which, believe me, was not easy. AA is definitely not for everyone ( I wont get into my strong opinions of AA here). Even those in AA have the occasional slips - it is not fool proof. You all are obviously a wonderful support system for those of us trying to quit and I want to say thank you.



                          Hi Mary and welcome,
                          keep up the good work. Must rush off to work now.
                          Love Paula.



                            A lot of us have strong view about AA and other things, but none of us try and push our views where they aren't welcome. Pity some people don't realise that ! lol

                            Welcome Mary, so glad you are here!
                            It always seems impossible until it's done....



                              Smarti ... your comment was pushy and narrow minded, but i can understand that from an AA perspective. I have been here for a while and found amazing strength, support, inspiration and information here, whereas, aa operates on fear and often feuled my fears to such a high degree that i would drink to quell the anxiety. hope it works for you however, take care, j
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!

