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    Hi MaryK and welcome.
    Thankyou for your positive input about M.W.O.
    I do not berate AA.......I afford AA respect, much like anything else.......after all, it does bring many people success. However, it`s just too dictatorial to appeal to me personally.......I may well say "I am a sinner" in the confessional, if I were so religiously inclined, but NO WAYYYYY would I ever stand up and say suchlike before a room full of that idea does make my skin crawl.

    Smarti has much to learn about mutual respect.

    I am yet another person who is now sober, thanks to my own commitment, M.W.O. and its caring members.

    M.W.O. worked for me MaryK........can work for you too.

    Love and strength to you,

    Starlight Impress x



      Sorry MaryK.........forgot to congratulate you for being on Day 3........well done!!!

      Starlight Impress x



        Thank you Paula, Flip & Starlight I am so happy that I read MWO and came to this site. You guys really are wonderful:thanks:



          Look & Marshy, I'm sorry to hear you slipped. We don't reprimand or ridicule our fellow members here. We truely support eachother and create an environment that encourages us to come back and post when we are succeeding, and more important, when we are not.
          I know both of you feel terrible about drinking and you will get back on board because you want to, not because of shame. Get up, brush yourself off, and get mad at The Beast for sucking you in.

          To "Smarti?" - This is how we operate. I would challenge the success rate of MWO to AA any day of the week. If AA works for you, fine. It doesn't work for the majority of the folks here or the majority of folks anywhere. It's just that for alot of years it was the only game in town....not anymore. If you want to be sincere and come onboard, we will welcome you. But don't come in here and start firing shots. You will lose.




            Flip and Chief (and all the wonderful people here)

            You guys rock! This a forum of support and nonjudgement. Anyone who feels the need to be sanctimonious can do so elsewhere.



              that about says it all. hope everyone is back on track and enjoying a sober day with no hangovers. yeahhh. god i don't miss that.



                I've talked to you many a night on chat - you are working hard and making lots of great progress. Your mind and heart are in the right place. You're making it - a little slip is a little slip. oops - it's gone. Keep going. You're doing great.
                AA is probably not for you. I've done AA and it definitely was not for me. Try it if you want to - it works for some. But I know you and think you will probably have more success here.
                I guarantee you'll have a lot more fun here.

                :rockband: :dancin:
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                  If I had to rely on you people on this site, I'd be boozed up every day.
                  Can anyone manage to get some sober days under your belt?
                  Some of you people sound like this is your only human contact with the world.

                  Thanks to AA I don't even think about drinking anymore. Some of you should get out
                  in the real world.



                    F*** off back to AA then!!!

                    I am sober, like so many here, so shows just what you know.......ZILCH!!!!!!!!

                    Starlight Impress



                      So you'd like to sit inside and type about were sober for 3 days and got tanked up the next?
                      Do you ever get outside, get fresh air and meet other alcoholics? Hear their stories in real live life, see their pain, joy, happiness and sadness?
                      I'm not trying to upset you so much that you go running for your bottle or anything.



                        SMARTASS -

                        If you are so great and have everything under control, why are you here???? Sounds like you have some real issues to deal with yourself. If you "don't even think about drinking anymore", why did you look for this site and take the time to write a book and then 2 other posts???

                        The people here are great --- but of course, no one would like you with that attitude, so you haven't experienced the bonding that we had.

                        Bottom line --- you don't belong here. Get back outside --- in the woods for all I care --- and leave us alone!!

                        PS. Don't flatter yourself. You don't mean sh-t to us, so your little preaching tirade and would never make us drink!!



                          LQQK who's talking.......You can't even manage to keep less than 2 weeks together.
                          Is it ok in this group to keep failing day after day...come back and everything is peachy keen.......Get in the real life people. I think you are all phony's
                          Sooooooooo I'm sure everyone here will have a bottoms up, after all it IS Saturday night and heck--you can start day 1 over problem



                            You are just not worth my time...



                              hey smarti pants, if you do not like here ... take off, not a problem. you will teach us nothing, zero with your self-righteous attitude you know way more, definitely, than we do, so why bother here? you are a sanctimonious, know-it-all, and as one may say, good for you!!! many, many pats on the back. too bad you are too closed minded to see things differently, but that is entirely your choice. good luck, why bother to come back here, since you have it figured out and insult us, and take good care. wish you much luck nonetheless, j
                              Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!



                                Dear Smarti-pants..

                                If you are so offended by us, what the hell are you doing here? There are so many online sites that cater to the despate, angry and stagnet AA worshipers that you so proudly defend. Sounds like you actually NEED a meeting. The "first step" is admiting you are an asshole.. log off....

                                Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

