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    yep, i'm with flip and starlight on this one. it's about respect. and m.w.o. deserves that as well as it's members. so, tis perfectly fine to have other opinions but there is a definite way to express them without being cruel, mean and harsh. otherwise, yep there isn't any room for that here. no respect, no entrance. i think one has to move past idiot stage to get to i need help stage. lol wow is that in a book somewhere? if not, i'll write it. smiles everyone. hope you are having a cheery day



      If you look a little harder jane, you willl also find a separate post to that person directly addressing this issue.

      And to quote your own words ..."And telling anyone, however poorly he/she may have expressed him/herself, is counterproductive to the camaraderie and common support established on this site"...
      It always seems impossible until it's done....



        flippers, i dig you girlie. :O)O))))))))))))



          I also think its counterproductive to be rude--as in...Get lost you idiot. Maybe the best way to respond would be would be with a little diplomacy rather than rudeness. I am not an AA advocate by any means, (although if it has benefitted you, than good for you), but if someone comes off all preachy in a way that offends you, rather than add fuel to the fire, why not just either ignore them or simply acknowledge it, but explain that it's not your deal and move on to the next post. Admittedly, we might miss the drama. I know I missed the last drama here because I was out of town. I regretted it for about 10 seconds (just because I was nosey, and I'm here almost every day so I couldn't imagine how I missed anything), and then I realized that I can get my drama-fix with People magazine. I don't need to create drama. Now I sound kinda preachy. That wasn't my intention at all.It just bothers me a lot to see the daggers being hurled at each other here. We beat ourselves up enough.




            I'm sorry Julieoo1 but i completely agree with the girls.

            Hi and hope your day has been good

            The person posted this to a member:
            "LQQK who's talking.......You can't even manage to keep less than 2 weeks together.
            Is it ok in this group to keep failing day after day...come back and everything is peachy keen.......Get in the real life people. I think you are all phony's
            Sooooooooo I'm sure everyone here will have a bottoms up, after all it IS Saturday night and heck--you can start day 1 over problem"

            This place is MWO, for people who have a common goal of 'mastering' or eliminating drinking by being together, working for each other, with each other, in a non-judgemental non-threatening way. I, for one, need that safety.

            Some of us are at a most vulnerable stage, others are terrified, others still are on top of things. This is not a 'forum' for destructive people to rant and rave and hurl offensive and personal insults at members. Let him start his own site.

            OK none of us are going for a sainthood, and we all say SOME things in the heat of a defensive/protective relaliatory moment, but you've got to defend this place, sometimes fire with fire...

            I agree with you that it might be better to ignore the person altogether, but we're only human too and already beating ourselves up about enough.

            All the best





              Hi all, love this website although i dont know that i like what i just read, i have been coming in here for a while and left for a while .....

              At this point of my life I will take any suggestions to me as I am so very desperate to stop drinking. I was just wondering why everyone is so against AA? I had four years of recovery through AA and lost it because I did not go to meetings and clean up the wreckage of my past.... angry, lonley, tired, mad, sad, glad, and everything else was just a reason to drink, this site and AA are a program of suggestion, I go to meetings try to talk with other drunks like myself because I can relate to them and know that I am not alone then I come in here and read all these posts and I also dont feel so alone so what is the big beef with people making suggestions to other people to try and help them? I have seen hundreds of threads made suggesting topa, books etc.

              Guess what Im trying to say is it kinda pisses me off that they bash AA, It has certainly helped not drink one day at a time.



                Hi Karbi

                It is nice to meet you and we are glad that you are here. MWO certainly has no problems at all with AA and thinks that anything that can help someone deal successfully with this struggle is welcome and admirable. I think if you read back over past posts, you will find that we have always been very supportive of people who find AA helpful and who are using AA and MWO at the same time.

                The recent problem which is the one you are referring to is troubling and I can understand how you might interpret it as meaning we are against AA. We are not as a group against AA - we are for anything that helps any member of our community.

                In this most recent experience, one person came on the boards and started using abusive and hateful language about some specific people on this site. Not all of these postings were shared with the general public. There is one thing that is not tolerated on this site and that gets many people riled up - that is abuse and personal attacks against one of our members. We are a caring and protective community - good or bad - that's what we are. We will not sit still while those we care about are attacked.

                I have had experience with AA. So have many other members of MWO. My experience was not a good one. Others have had bad experiences, others have had good experiences. We are all free to express our feelings and experiences - whether good or bad. If AA works well for you then I'm sure we would all like to learn and benefit from your experiences with it. This is a site of sharing knowlege. No one claims to have a magic formula. We all learn from one another.

                We are happy that you are here. I personally hope that you continue with AA since it has helped you so much. It is a good organization that has helped many people. I also hope you hang around here and hopefully we can add to whatever you benefit from attending AA meetings. Our approach is different but our goal is the same.
                Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.



                  The perfect post here Mags.......thanks for being such a diplomatic lady.

                  Much love,

                  Starlight Impress x



                    Dear Karbihere
                    MWO members come from different backgrounds, countries, religions etc. this is a very open forum.
                    I have a very specific reason for being here (to moderate) some members are here because they have had horrible experiences with AA. If you read many of the posts on this site, you will see that the main reason that we have become members, is to learn and support each other in the best possible way.

                    If AA has been a positive experience for you it would be nice if you could explain why and how. you more than likely will be congratulated for sharing your story.
                    We have all found a special way to cut down or quit drinking and it's great to know that the information regarding our growth is readily available to all.

                    welcome to my way out

                    You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                      You know something ..... the trouble causer has done exactly what he/she wanted ...... got the good people here falling out .....

                      Let it fall gracefully to the bottom .............. please ..............

                      Good riddance to bad rubbish ............. (I hope) ...........



                        karbi, don't be pissed. that just flows with the halt piece. i had tremendous success with aa when it worked for me. then it didn't work for me anymore. and glad that you are here also. are you doing the mwo program? is it working for you? are you trying to moderate or going af? not sure how you need support now other than what you read you were upset about. so, share what's up. maybe there is something we can work on. smiles boots

