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No Hangover Monday

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    No Hangover Monday

    Iowegian.....................Yippeeeeeeeee for you..............................It's so good to wake up w/o feeling remorse and anguish from the nite before, knowing you did it again. The hangover is just part of it. The emotional turmoil and regret we feel has been almost unbearable for me at times. I was out of work a few months ago. Since I'm sober 4 months, I've gotten a job and have 2 possibilities working. Keep it up. good things happen when we stay sober.


      No Hangover Monday

      Thanks golfgirl & db. C ya in chat soon.
      "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


        No Hangover Monday

        Well done iowe and Cindi!!

        Starlight Impress x


          No Hangover Monday


          Well done, you can do this! What I would suggest is write down all the things you want/need to do, want in one column, need in another and do one at a time.Start with the things you WANT so it doesnt' feel like a chore. For every 2 WANTS do 1 NEED and you'll see it will be easier. Don't bombard yourself - one step at a time. I know how you feel! I want to do so many things and I have a knee prob that is putting a spanner in the works so my steps are even SMALLER!

          Good luck. Have a joyful, hangover free weekend - remember how GOOD last Monday felt and aim for the same feeling.
          Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
          Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-

