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    My first Post

    I hope I am doing this correctly.....I have tried this program before and it worked well but I stopped when my hair began falling out......I stopped the hypnosis and the entire program. I should have continued everything but the topamax but I didn't and eventually in no time at all I found myself back to my old habits and the 20 pounds I lost had been gained plus an additional 5.

    I decided last week to begin again and deal with the hair loss thing. Somehow, I missed the remedy for hair loss the first time around (zinc lozenges, biotin, rogaine and selenium). I was wondering if anyone knows if the hair loss is temporary and if it will re-grow once topamax is stopped. I also need to to know where and if I can order just one of the cd's as I believe my most important one is scratched.

    Lady Jane


    Lady Jane

    My first Post

    Welcome Back Lady! This program can be done without the topamax so maybe you want to give that a try first? I cannot help with the hair loss as I was not on topa long enough for it to be an issue for me. I have found consistency is the key with the supps and the CDs. They really do work.
    I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


      My first Post

      Hi Lady Jane........welcome back.

      I don`t use topa, but I believe MSM/organic sulphur can help with hair problems. I believe bootcampbarbie also posted about products to stimulate hair growth, so you might like to search her posts.(Apologies if I`m wrong barbie, but I think you did post such a while back??)

      Wishing you well,

      Starlight Impress x


        My first Post

        Lady Jane,

        Welcome back.

        Others have had success with Campral and/or Naltrexone. I don't think hair loss is a side effect of those.

        Might want to do some research there?

        At any rate, best of luck and good to see you come back.

        AF April 9, 2016


          My first Post

          Hi and welcome:welcome:

          I'm doing the programme with just the supplements and the cd's. Personally I think the topamax works best if you want to moderate, I'm going or trying to go AF. Good luck whatever path you choose.



            My first Post

            welcome back. it's a great day to begin newly. i too wonder about going off topa but see that i still need to be on it. and i'm trying this lithium orotate. you might check into that.


              My first Post

              :h hi m8 like u i go thru the program dont give up there is hope stick wiv it tho:h luv use all:h
              Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                My first Post

                hey mitch; how are you doing today?


                  My first Post

                  Yikes! I have an appt tomorrow AM to ask my doc to start me on Topo -- I hadn't read anywhere that hair loss is a side effect ... Jane, were you able to ascertain that it was the Topo causing it?


                    My first Post

                    yes, i have to say that topa does have an impact in that arena big time. but i did buy biotin and i just bought thymus too. so i'm going to start taking it. the hairdresser tells me that it will take care of that problem imediately.


                      My first Post

                      Hi, i take biotin .... barbie do you take thymus as well (i.e., take both)? what is thymus and where can you buy it?
                      Cuckoo for Cocoa Puff!!!


                        My first Post

                        yes, let me see if i can remember how she spoke it to me. one is for regenerating hair growth and the other is for thickening the hair. the minute you start taking them they start working. not weeks later but the minute they hit your system. and the thymus i believe is the one that expands the folicule spelling? so your hair is actually healthier. i bought them both on line at some supplement store let me check the brand. brb and buy organic.
                        nutricology and 2 a day 1000 mg. if you are a vegetarian you can't take thymus. it is an animal product. i had done a lot of research on it years back because it is supposedly good for anti aging. but when my hair started rapidly thinning. i was like oh my goddddd quick


                          My first Post

                          Thanks for all the great feedback.....I am going forward with the tope and this time will try to reach the maximum dosage....I've asked the dr. who's prescribed if hairlosss occurs,if it will grow back and she says it will. I am hoping she is right. I've also begun taking 2000 mgs of biotin daily along with 200 mgs of selenium. I prefer the program of moderation which is working great. My cravings and obsessions have been lifted but I realize that I must never quit using the cds or the supps.....Not a big price to pay for the rewards. Remembering and not getting complacent are key for me.

                          Again, thank you to all those who replied...I so appreciate it and if anyone else has any experience to share on hair loss and ways to combat it or knowledge if the hair loss is not permanent, I would appreciate it.



                          Lady Jane


                            My first Post

                            Wishing you all the best for your journey ahead, Lady Jane.

                            Starlight Impress x


                              My first Post

                              THis is my first time here and i have the concerns on the pills.
                              how do the Topamax work vv the suplemments?

