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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??


    Never too late. Jump on board!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Anyone??

      It's day 4, 3 days without a hangover. It's still early in the day, but I changed my mood to "hopeful".
      "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


        AF Anyone??

        Count me in too! I am on Day 5 today, since my decision to have some fun last Friday. The more the merrier, I think! :H


          AF Anyone??

          Hey Everyone!

          Still sober still going. Hope you're all doing well. It's day 19 for me now. Feeling good.

          well done on days done - every day counts and it's great to see them add up!

          stay strong all of you, hope to watch all your days add up.
          Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
          Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


            AF Anyone??

            What a great thread. I have been AF for a while so I am officially appointing myself cheerleader for this. (That also helps me) You guys are wonderful.............................You're all gonna JUST DO IT................with or without overpriced Nikes.

            Here goes the cheer
            :yougo: :yougo: :yougo: :yougo:
            Get excited folks
            You're doin' this !!!!!
            Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


              AF Anyone??

              Hello to you all,how wonderfull to see more names and the days mounting up!
              End of day 4 for me,been really busy so not too much time to think about the wine.Sleep has been wierd though infact not sure if i i have slept or not.Dreaming that i am drinking and feeling awful.Then when i get up realise i haven,t.Such a relief,but soooo strange.
              Well done everyone.Heres to tomorrow xx


                AF Anyone??

                Hello All from me too!!! Yep day 2 is drawing to an end here for me. I have felt a little bit cranky (serious lack of sleep last night - boyfriend snored me onto the settee and I stayed wide eyed till three in the morning......), but even though I was tired today I WAS NOT HUNGOVER!!!!!

                It's so nice to see so many people on the thread starting out together. It really does give me a lot more energy and enthusiasm when I go through all the names and see everyones day count..............

                KEEP AT IT ALL OF YOU - IT WILL BE WORTH IT,.......ALWAYS IS!!:happy:

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  AF Anyone??

                  Don't worry Amelia, I have been sleeping very badly too with hectic dreams. Life is easier when you're not hungover - being tired AND hungover is the pits! Tired is better.

                  I love the fact we have our own cheerleader - Go Mags!
                  Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                  Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                    AF Anyone??

                    Good Morning to All

                    Starting Day 4 here and thrilled!!

                    Regarding sleep. It is really weird. I am sleeping better than I have in literally years. Last night I went to sleep at 8:30 and other than the usual hot flashes which wake me up several times a night (or perhaps withdrawal night sweats, who knows, who cares) I slept until 5:30 this morning. For someone who is lucky to get 4 or 5 hours a night, that is amazing!!

                    I have added L-Tryptophan and Melatonin at night just before I go to bed. I am not suffering the weird dreams that everyone says they get from the L-Tryptophan. Once I take the pills, I am drowsy within 30 minutes and fall asleep. When I wake up, I am no drugged feeling at all. Just ready to go.

                    It sounds like everyone else is doing really well. :goodjob:

                    Looking forward to another AF day and another hangover free morning tomorrow!!

                    Love you all and thanks for starting this.

                    AF April 9, 2016


                      AF Anyone??

                      Good morning my team mates (and cheerleader). It's been almost a week since I joined this site, and this is day 5 for me. I slept well last night with no sleep aids at all. I have Rozerem I can use if need be, but just didn't need it last night. Another hangover free day is here. I've started making plans for the weekend, and have some things to look forward to already. Let's hang together, and get through this.
                      Take care,
                      "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


                        AF Anyone??

                        Hey all,

                        I would love to join your team. I had strung together 6 AF days and then slipped . . . . .er fell flat last night. This time I am NOT going to slide away but rather pop back up and go again!!! I would love to join the group effort. As Mary says, we have to learn from our mistakes. How can I avoid another yesterday. Wine was on my mind yesterday and then a series of things allowed me to set myself up . . . ran to grocery store that carries wine (did not have time to get to the one that did not as I intended), an hour window of time to make dinner by myself sans kids . . . etc. That is truly my bewitching hour. If I can get past 7:30 or 8:00 pm I am not nearly as tempted. I need to find ways to distract myself!!! You all are inspiring. It helps to know there are so many others out there!!!!!

                        On we march!!!

                        Take care!


                          AF Anyone??

                          Awesome for you, Evergreen!! A very successful mindset..

                          Yes, join the team, we even have our own cheerleader, Mags, and we will keep marching forward to 30 days AF!!

                          Enjoy your day today, we are all with you.

                          AF April 9, 2016


                            AF Anyone??

                            I'm going on month 5 and want to stick to it. I'm with you all the way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                              AF Anyone??

                              Right you guys, I have been spurred on......had wine on the brain (thoughts only) due to a very stressful and sleep deprived couple of days, but it is 9pm here now and I only have a few hours to get through so I am gonna hang on. Yes you are right Deilight, tired is better than hungover and tired!!!
                              Welcome Evergreen, good on you for getting back on the train.
                              Welcome Golfgirl also......5 MONTHS how awesome is that!
                              Going to have a bath and dinner and go to bed WITHOUT alcohol.
                              Hello to everyone else and congrats on your AF days.


                              Sober since 30/06/10


                                AF Anyone??

                                Hello from me too,
                                Tis almost 10pm here in the uk,and i have just had some tea and toast and i am off to bed,and when i get up i will be on day six.Felt a little flat today,probly due to the restless nights-but as you all so rightly say beats the hangovers!!
                                Well done to every one,every day a huge achievement.
                                See you tomorrow xx

