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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??

    I'll join

    Can I join the 30 day AF group? I really don't think I can do it but I need to.

    I just know come Friday night I am going to talk myself into drinking. I seriously have no control. Every week I spend 2-3 days so hungover I am sick. It is such a waste but I just keep doing it. For God's sake the party needs to end!

    I have no willpower to say no to the beer in the fridge. My hubby doesn't have a problem with just having one beer here and there so we usually have alcohol in the house. He doesn't want to not be able to have alcohol in the house just because I have no control. Maybe I will try getting some nonalc beer - then at least I can calm my anxiety by acting like I am having a beer. Anyway I would like to get in an AF habit before I make a fool of myself at Thanksgiving with my husbands family. They always have an endless supply of alcohol.

    I think I am too hungover to count today as day 1. I will start counting tomorrow then!

    Someone mentioned that there is a 'get help now' button somewhere here. Where is it?

    Thanks all - maybe letting all of you know I am trying will help me not be so weak.



      AF Anyone??


      Please feel free to jump in. And even if you drink, you are still welcome to post here. Many of us have been and are where you are. Don't feel badly about yourself, it just makes the situation worse. Keep trying to make the situation better and feel good about yourself that you are trying to do something about it.

      The Need Help ASAP Forum is the area to post in if you want help quickly. People try to respond quickly to that area.

      Jump into the chat room, too, if you need help. Someone will come along soon, hopefully, and chat with you.

      I am AF 6 days, working on 7 and never thought I would get there!!

      I actually do use the AF beer when I am around drinkers, btw. I does seem to "help" mentally to have something to drink that pretends to be alcohol. I figure, whatever it takes!!

      Good luck,
      AF April 9, 2016


        AF Anyone??

        plz can i join in?

        hi everyone,
        i joined this site 2wks ago, i managed 8 days af felt great AND THEN WENT AND GOT SOME WINE, DOH! i then managed 4 days af but on friday night i had 4 beers & last night a bottle of wine.
        i wasn't drunk on any of these occasions, just tipsy, but had i of had more alcohol in the house i would've been trashed. i am not a moderater, 24yrs of drinking has shown me that.
        i don't have the book or the cd's as i don't have a debit or credit card. i have bought some kudzu, b vits and a lot of other supplements.
        i would really like to be forever af but i'd like to get 30days, well even 14days would be brilliant, so i'm here back on day 1 again.
        i do know one thing for sure, i'm never going to give up trying to give up.
        all the people on this site are so caring & supportive of each other, it truly does give me inspiration. i'd love to join everyone to give and recieve support in getting 30 days af.
        i hope everyone has reached their goals this weekend, if not, like me, never give up, giving up.
        much love to you all
        want :h
        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

        Snake....... come crawling,
        There's fire in your eyes,
        Bite me, excite me,
        I'll learn to realize.

        The poison transmuted,
        Brings eternal flame.
        Open me to heaven,
        To heal me again.


          AF Anyone??


          Please, please join in!! The more the merrier, I say!!

          Yes, never give up giving up. I agree. I've been doing that since May.

          I am sorry you can't get the book or cds. I haven't been able to order the cds either, $$$ issues here, too. I did, however, get the book. It is not very expensive. Perhaps you could call customer service and see if there is a way with check or money order? The book is an invaluable resource.

          The supps (even if not from mwo) are also important. I have found this time they helped me sooo much. Last time I tried to go AF I was at a client site, by day 4 my hands were shaking so badly, I couldn't even type. It was so embarrassing!! (I told them I had the flu and went out that evening and drank a few. sigh)

          This time, by following fanatically the mwo recommendations, plus adding a little bit more, from Seven Weeks to Sobriety, I kept waiting for the symptoms and they never appeared!! It could only have been the supps. That is the only difference this time. (and I stayed home this week so I wasn't in a hotel by myself trying to get through this.)

          Oh, and staying addicted to this site this week has also helped.

          The support here is awesome. I could not have done it without the chats and the advice and the posts here. My virtual 24 hour meeting. It even follows me on the road. How cool is that?

          So, come on board and keep on keeping on!!

          AF April 9, 2016


            AF Anyone??

            Hi Dove and Want - WELCOME :welcome:

            Dove, I know it can be difficult having booze around when you are considering being AF.
            My partner still drinks wine and beer even though he knows I have big issues with alcohol.
            However, this time round, I am on 6 days AF and determined not to let that have any effect on me whatsoever.

            Your confidence will grow with every new step you make to a better way of life (AF if that is what you want).
            Start with small steps and build up if you need to. Be gentle with yourself and begin to say to yourself again and again 'I can do this, I will do this'. Keep posting here and let us know about your highs and lows. They are both important in learning how to stay on the right side of the AF fence.

            Want, 8 days AF is more than I have under my belt at the moment (although I have managed 30 before with copious drinking in between times).
            You are now in a position to say 'I have done that and I can do it again!!!!!', with regards to your AF time.
            I totally understand what you mean about not yet being able to moderate. One glass and my body and mind are consumed with what alcohol I am going to drink, how much and how I am going to drink 'enough for me' without others knowing. During my AF stints, I have realised that life is so much less stressful without the option of booze. Plus the added bonus of a hangover free head etc etc.......

            , woo hoo, I am on day 6 at the moment, so it sounds like you are a day ahead of me. Feels good huh?

            Onwards and upwards everyone!! Keep up the good work.

            Sober since 30/06/10


              AF Anyone??

              Hey Want

              I don't know where you are in the UK, big bummer you don't have a credit card, yeah it really puts the kybosh on picking up stuff easily and discreetly.

              If it's any use to you you can buy RJ's book in this shop:
              The Galaxy Bookshop
              7 Mill Street
              Box 1219
              Hardwick, VT 05843
              Tel: 802-472-5533
              Fax: 802-472-6733
              Although it could be miles away from where you are, sorry. I'll keep an eye out.

              Another place you may be able to contact is: Darren or Sarah at:

              "Aphrohead Ltd
              Unit 3 Slaidburn Business Centre
              Slaidburn Crescent
              PR9 9YF
              United Kingdom

              Reg: 05376982" though a number wasn't listed for them...

              Take care,



                AF Anyone??

                :thanks: Amelia, Cindi & Phoenix,
                i've emailed RJ to see if there is another way to get her book, will probably get a reply tomorrow.
                those addresses are not near me Phoenix, but i'll check em out anyway, thanks.
                hope your all having a good day.

                Dove, i know what you mean about the will power, it would be so difficult if i had alcohol in the fridge. i drink for the buzz so i'm not sure af beer would work for me, but anything is worth a try to get you started on these early days. Would your husband not consider having no beer in for a week or two, just a thought.
                hope you feel better tomorrow.

                AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                Snake....... come crawling,
                There's fire in your eyes,
                Bite me, excite me,
                I'll learn to realize.

                The poison transmuted,
                Brings eternal flame.
                Open me to heaven,
                To heal me again.


                  AF Anyone??

                  Hey Want,

                  I ordered my book from if that is any use to you?? So you could use a debit card rather than a credit card?
                  Came pretty quickly I do recall.
                  Good luck


                  Sober since 30/06/10


                    AF Anyone??

                    Going on day 5and hoping to do as well as the year I did before


                      AF Anyone??

                      Can I join too please. I tried 30 days in March, and then I did succeed with thirty days in July, felt great and then started moderating, but felt recently I have been slipping back and feel another 30 would really do me good, not posted on here for a while either so that would be great too. This is day 3 for me and 10 mins to go to day 4, I live in france.


                        AF Anyone??

                        Mind if if join - I have been a phantom reader thus far. I am at day 5 - I am at a loss for what 'AF' stands for though.


                          AF Anyone??

                          Hi and welcome jyletal

                          AF = alcohol free

                          Nice to have you here.


                            AF Anyone??

                            Addugan and Jyletal-

                            Yes!! Welcome and jump on in. :welcome:

                            30 days AF is good for all anybody, whether you want to be AF forever or are considering it or want to mod.

                            Everybody is welcome and we are very happy to have you with us.

                            Any questions, just ask.

                            Coming to the end of day 7 for me. Yippee!!

                            AF April 9, 2016


                              AF Anyone??

                              Hi Guys, am still here.Head in hands though!
                              Well done to all even if you did not make the A/F mark,i did 7 then on Sat eve i did not slip i just jumped.Yes, how weak is that.It was planned- children away.A good morning in that i did a class(sports)then visited a few friends then came home empty house so the rest is history,i am still here though and will kep coming regardless of flaws need to be honest for once in my life.
                              Will still look out for you all,and wish you the best lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                                AF Anyone??

                                A big welcome to all the newcomers,Great you have taken the first step.......Baby steps xx

