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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??


    I forgot to tell you, the quote for Doris Olds is one of my favorites.

    It lists the four triggers of relapse and I think it's important to list again.

    Remember this acronym, HALT, because it is powerful to succumb to alcohol.

    Hunger--Keep your body fueled with food, your mind with knowledge, and your spirit with love.

    Anxiety--Don't feed on hurried pleasures, expectations of others, or your own guilt. Fight anxiety with work and exercise.

    Lonliness--Never feel lonely. Get out among other people. Help those less fortunate through volunteerism. Seek out those who are lonely.

    Tiredness--Rest your weary soul and body. Eliminating tiredness will help you conquer and overcome the stress of daily rigor and recovery from alcohol.


      AF Anyone??

      For 2/3,

      "I walk softly with my spirit today. I am uplifted by the thought that I am not alone, nor ever wa. I work its quiet magic in my day. There is nothing that I can think, fell or do, that cannot be made lighter and truer by inviting spirit into it. I rest in the joyous awareness that spirit is with me; has never left me. If I feel an absence of spirit I will remember that it is not spirit that moves away from me, but me that moves away from spirit. Tian Dayton" "If you can't have faith in what is held up to you for faith, you must find things to believe in yourself, for a life without faith in something is too narrow a space to live. Alec Bourne."


        AF Anyone??

        For 2/4,

        "My mom often summarized her pholosophy in succinct phrases. One of her favorites was: The most precious figts should not be kept or hidden. They should be given freely with no strings; a smile, a kiss and love. Amelia Rose Bederka as told to Stve Bederkap-Toth" "Go out into the world today and love the people you meet. Let your presence light new light in the hearts of people. Mother Teresa"


          AF Anyone??


          I understand. I've been there too.

          Have a good week and I look forward to hearing more about your week and having more to share with you.


            AF Anyone??

            For 2/5,

            "The road to recovery should be renamed the joy of discovery. Each day I uncover a part of me that was lost and hidden from view. I love the transformation as I look forward to my future and the person that I am becoming.

            Let me accpet today's challenges with gratitude knowing that I will be given the inner strength needed to go on with my life. Not everyone is so fortunate to be given a second chance to start over. Let me see the opportunity in my hardships rather than despair, as the guiding force for goodness leads me there. Theresa Meehan" "Tell me and I'll forget; show me and I may remember; involve me and I'll understand. Chinese Proverb"


              AF Anyone??


              It's good to "meet" you. I've seen you post on other threads. It's good to see you're here too.


                AF Anyone??

                Hi Everyone, just spent a while catching up on all the posts,
                good to see everyone. I have been doing pretty well moderating, but am trying af this week, have a big social thing Tues night and am inspired by Gary to do it without drinking, I think it will be interesting just to watch people,
                not a lot of other news here, my hands aren't burnt but are toasty, time to give them a rest I think,
                Amelia, you are sounding good, I agree with the post about not worrying about getting unpacked so quickly, moving is a stressful thing but also so exciting!
                I am off to the gym this morning, have to work off the superbowl chips,
                all my best to everyone, P


                  AF Anyone??

                  Hi everyone. Gary, I would just like to confirm what others have said and that is I find your posts supportive and thought provoking. As I said in an earlier post I really liked the post about having time to think clear thoughts.

                  Newlife, thank you for the quotes. They are most welcomed.

                  Diane and Amelia, the best move I ever had was when I moved into by boyfriend's house from an apartment. I was able to pack up a box or 2 a night and then take it over to his house and unpack it. It went so smooth. I think if I ever move from my current house, I will just take the important stuff (pictures, sentimental stuff) and leave the rest. Just start over.

                  Prose your holiday must have done you a world of good because you sound great.

                  Wakupmom look forward to hearing from you now that the weekend is over.

                  Planet, Maasai, and everyone else (sorry can't remember all the names) hope things are going well with you.

                  Love to all,


                    AF Anyone??

                    Hello all,
                    I'm so worn out tonight and just want to drink A LOT! Between my kids' school work, sports, Boy Scouts, etc. there is no end in sight and this is the kind of stress that makes me want to drink until I feel "groovy" about it. My older son cried himself to sleep tonight because my jackass of an ex-husband won't take him on a camping trip next weekend - so in addition to holding a crying boy until he finally fell asleep in front of the fireplace; I got to do the dishes, laundry, check homework, make lunches, tidy up....AND I get to go camping next weekend in the friggen COLD with BOYS AND DADS!!. Ok, you people in the midwest, east coast, Colorado, London, etc are laughing at me at this point - but I grew up on the east coast and am still a cold baby even if I live in Southern California now.

                    I'm just so upset for my son - he needs a dad and I can't be that no matter how hard I try - it's so discouraging. What he doesn't need on top of it is a mom who drinks too much and, unfortunately, that's what my kids have.

                    I'm anxious for the "Fun" part of life because the "Life Sucks" part has worn out it's welcome.



                      AF Anyone??

                      I'm going to post one last inspiration for awhile. I may be back by the end of the month. Good luck to all of you and I'll be praying for your recovery.

                      Recovering from my mother's death wasn't wasy for me. Because she was elderly, it was expected but I still missed her. One day while going through her things I found a small journal; inside she had written, Such a pretty book for pretty thoughts." Apparently she died shortly after because the following pages were blank. I began on the next page and wrote my memories and about the life of love she lived. She continues to live through my words not only for myself buy also for those that read about her in years to come. Carol Van Dyke Brown" "The written word may be our greatest invention. It allows us to converse with the dead, the absent, and the unborn. Abraham Lincoln"


                        AF Anyone??


                        Your life mimics mine. I'm going through a divorce and my boys are having a rough time. And to top it off, the weight of the world is on my shoulders.

                        I know exactly what you mean when you say, "he needs a dad and I can't be that no matter how hard I try - it's so discouraging. What he doesn't need on top of it is a mom who drinks too much and, unfortunately, that's what my kids have. I'm anxious for the "Fun" part of life because the "Life Sucks" part has worn out it's welcome."
                        This is what my kids have too and it's hard to deal with all the stress. I too am hoping for the 'fun' part of life to begin.

                        Good luck to you. I'll think of you in the coming weeks.


                          AF Anyone??

                          Thanks Newlife - your reply means the world to me. Looking forward to hearing from you in March (or the end of Feb - whenever you decide).



                            AF Anyone??

                            Thanks Newlife - your reply means the world to me. Looking forward to hearing from you in March (or the end of Feb - whenever you decide).



                              AF Anyone??

                              Hello all,
                              special hello to Betsy and Newlife,
                              I am sorry to hear about the struggles you are going through right now, boys do need dads, I don't know why it is usually mothers who have that figured out. My heart aches for you Betsy, holding your boy until he fell asleep. Don't forget to tell yourself (when you tell yourself that your kids have a mother who drinks too much) that your kids have a mother that will hold them when they need it- a mother who is THERE. That is so much more important than the other thing.
                              I have been doing some research on cognative (spelling?) thinking, because I too have been trying to see more of the "fun" part of life and less of the "sucks", one thing I have been trying to do is find one little positive in a situation that I generally would not like,
                              sounds kind of corny but has really helped me,
                              anyway, just wanted to let you guys know I am thinking about you, newlife we will miss you so much, please come back when you can.
                              had an af night! all my love to everyone, P


                                AF Anyone??

                                Hello All, I see there have been loads of posts since I last checked in!!.
                                I am in the process of moving now. Cleaning the house from top to bottom today and first long haul trip to our new place.
                                I will check back in later when I have more time.

                                Sober since 30/06/10

