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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??

    Hi my friends,
    Hope your weekend has been a good one.
    Prose. well done on your 4 days,its good to hear how excited you are feeling-long may it last.Yes i have had my babies back this weekend,so lots of cuddles and good company..i love them soooo much.Thanks for remembering.You sweetie xx
    Amelia,what an achievment 13 days Go Girl !! xx
    Cindi, sorry to hear about your experience the other day,and good on you for not giving up.Hope your lunch went well xx
    Delight,What a star you are. 30 days is fab.I think it would be nice to start a new month off with a new thread as long as everyone else is happy with that..Don't want to loose anyone (all so very special) xx
    Cuckoosnest.A big welcome to you,and sorry to hear of yourbreakup,that can be tough.So stay close and hurry back xx
    If i missed any names i am sorry,but Hi and lots bestest wishes to you.
    Well i have just turned my calander over to October,i did actually do 13 days A/F this month,not great but at least i did string some together.I am closing the last day of the month with a "I wont drink today"
    See you in October xx


      AF Anyone??

      AF Octoberfest!

      Good Morning Everyone!

      I thought I'd start a new October thread-an Alcohol Free Octoberfest! This month I want to go 100% AF! Last month was great with a drink a week but let's see if I can go the whole hog this time.

      So. Prose and Wakeup just click on the thread with above heading and we'll start again. Amelia and db2- you of course! AND ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO JOIN!
      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


        AF Anyone??

        Hello All, Hope you had a great weekend!

        Day 14 for me today. Yep 2 weeks. Seems like an eternity. But I guess that's what happens when you're actually sober and 'with it' every waking hour instead of hungover or drinking......

        Cindi, Really happy to see you have 2 days AF under your belt again. I know from the past when I have slipped from being AF, I have REALLY SLIPPED and certainly haven't managed to get myselp 'up and at it again' that quickly!!! Well done.

        Deilight, 30 days sober(with no drunkeness)! Well done. That is truely an achievement. I will look for your new thread, although I would like to continue with this one.......

        Prose, 4 days now. See, I said that the days just add up slowly but surely didn't I??? Day 4 is a hard one though and so is day 5. So do stay close to the boards if you feel tempted and hopefully that will help.....

        , 13 days of AF during September is fantastic. Thats just a day short of the length of time I am on now!!! That's basically half the month AF. Great.

        , Hows everything going with you and the boyfriend?? Have you managed to get the new computer???

        Hello to anyone I have missed. Hope you all are having a good day / evening.

        Sober since 30/06/10


          AF Anyone??

          Hello everyone,
          just a quick note as I have to run, computer wasn't happy earlier, couldn't get service for some reason, anyway made it through night 4 and boy are you right Amelia, took all my strength to get through it, little voice kept saying "come on, it's OK" but I didn't listen!
          hopefully today will be better, but at least i didn't buckle.
          sorry so short but have to go, all my best to everyone, hope to have more time and a working computer tomorrow! P


            AF Anyone??

            Hello all,

            I am bright and sunny today because the weather is so fine and I am so looking forward to going October AF. October is going to be my month!! I just know it.

            Yes, that darn voice that says "oh, just one, come on," or "come on girl, you know you can't beat this, just give in so you aren't miserable." The second one pisses me off!!

            First, I AM miserable because I drink, so how much more miserable will I be when I don't? Not much, I am guessing.

            Anyway, let's keep beating the "voices" back and racking up those AF days!!

            Have a good one, everyone.
            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Anyone??

              Hello all,Hope you had a good Monday.
              Mine was good.
              Heres to another" not drinking today"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


                AF Anyone??

                Hey Cindi, Prose, Wakeupmom

                I am so happy to see that you have all posted and either had AF days or commited to attempting some AF days in October. I am with you all wholeheartedly.......

                Cindi and Prose I can totally relate to what you both metioned in your posts today about that voice in our heads that says 'go on,....just have one....'. I have had that happen really seriously perhaps four times in the 14 days I have been AF. So that is not tooo bad.
                It comes and goes. I reckon it must get easier with time.

                Hope you have all had good nights.

                Hello to everyone else

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  AF Anyone??

                  Goodnight, AF Team,

                  I am going to bed. You will note my signature has one gold star and 30 blue ones.

                  Hope to be changing all those stars to gold by the end of the month.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    AF Anyone??

                    Hi Amelia, Prose, Deilight, Wakeupmom, and Db2fromala, well it is 9:00 pm on Monday and I haven't had a drink. So October is starting out great. Things are well with me. The bf has left so there is some sadness but I have found this wonderful life line. I was so excited today to get my new computer hooked up. The first thing I tried to do was log on to the site but I couldn't get internet access. I called my ex because he had set up the account. I didn't get in touch with him until late in the day (around 7:00 pm and was seriously jonesing for a drink). He couldn't remember the password for internet access so I had to call tech support and get the password reset. I was on the phone for over an hour which helped me to not think about a drink. As soon as I got access I logged onto the site. Anyway to make a short story long, I made it through day 1 AF. Success to us all and thank you all for your concern and kind words to me.


                      AF Anyone??

                      I too am going to bed. I will try meditation tonight to see if that helps.


                        AF Anyone??

                        hello everyone, glad to see you wakeupmom and cuckoonest83, and of course everyone else,
                        i like the idea of the gold stars! I have set up a little "savings account" of sorts, the money I don't spend on drinking i am setting aside and will buy myself something pretty, there are some earrings i have been eyeing,
                        anyway made it through day 5, I can't remember the last time I have gone this long, I hope you all know how helpful you have all been,
                        is it weird to send love to you all? maybe a bit, so i will send warmest wishes but in my heart I am sending love,


                          AF Anyone??

                          Hello All,

                          Cindi I love the idea of the stars too!!! They look fab lined up under your signature strip. Very inspirational!!! One star and counting........onwards and upwards

                          Cuckoosnest, I am happy to hear you have your 'lifeline' up and running. Again, I am sorry to hear that it has ended with your partner. But, I guess that leaves you with PLENTY of time to throw yourself into looking after yourself and to logging on here

                          Prose, Congrats on getting to Day 5!!! Like I said the other day, those 4 and 5'ves are toughies aren't they??? Nearly a week!!!! Love to you too. It is really helpful to know that we can come home and log on and share about a common problem that we are all going through isn't it??? I know we don't 'know' each other really well, but it is still enormously helpful and encouraging and I guess we will learn more about everyone else as time goes on.

                          Wakeupmom, are you on Day 3 AF now???!!! I am sure I saw on a thread somewhere else that you were 2 days AF yesterday??? How fantastic, plus you said yesterday was a good day for you so I hope so.

                          Hello to everyone else and hope you all have stress free days (if only )

                          Sober since 30/06/10


                            AF Anyone??

                            You girls sound great! Day 1 of October in the bag and I wish you all strength and calm for the days ahead! YAY!
                            Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                            Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                              AF Anyone??

                              good morning all. I woke up this morning feeling tired because I didn't sleep well but I didn't collaspe into bed last in oblivion so I feel great. Hope you all had success too. I have to get to work so I will write later tonight. prose, congrats on day 5. hugs to all.:goodjob:


                                AF Anyone??

                                Hey All, Just got in from a LOOOOONG stressy day at work and am completely pooped.
                                Good to see you feeling tired, but good Cuckoosnest.

                                Hey Deilight, you are sounding very perky!!
                                Glad your AF days are going well so far

                                Prose, Wakeupmom and Cindi, hope you are all A.O.K.

                                Right, I am gonna go try and unwind.

                                Sober since 30/06/10

