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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??


    Nope, you are still in the group, can't get out that easy. :H

    I managed to get through yesterday, a tough one for me as it is family day and I am used to sipping wine all afternoon while cooking and playing and watching football.

    This week will be the first week in hotel, though. Old demons will rear their ugly head when I walk by the hotel bar to my lonely room.

    I may need all the help I can get!! Hope all of you are there.

    I get in late tonight, so hopefully it won't be an issue tonight.

    AF April 9, 2016


      AF Anyone??

      Hi Cindi,
      Am here for you,Just keep on walking Hon! you can do this!!I know you can-sending u a big powerfull hug xx


        AF Anyone??

        Hello Meggie, Addugan and Jyletal!!:welcome:

        Great to have you all here and sounds like you are all on your AF way already - great!!

        Dfromala, You are ahead of me timewise, so I think you are sleeping into your day 8 now - great. Well done. Like Wakeupmom has said, we will be here for you when you are away in the hotel,....hope you have a laptop honey!!??

        I am on the evening of Day 7 so just behind you.................

        Wakeupmom, great to see you posting. I agree with Dfromala, you are still in the group girl, so we want to keep on hearing your news and whenever you want to start counting up again, I will be counting along with you.

        Hello to everyone else not mentioned.

        Hope you are all doing well, let us know how you are getting on.


        Sober since 30/06/10


          AF Anyone??

          There are so many people on this thread now that I don't want to start listing names, I may leave someone out.

          Welcome to the latest joiners and well done to all of you who are still on track.

          Yesterday was a hard one for me but I managed, it was a long weekend here with the entire country partying and being VERY loud about it.

          Anyway, on 25 days sober and I'm still on the bus! 5 days to go to a 30!

          Keep going boys and girls! My thoughts are with you all.
          Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
          Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


            AF Anyone??

            Good Morning Everyone!!

            I barely made it last night, but I did make it!!

            Had to call in some troops. I KNEW it would be hard and the fates tried to make it even harder with nothing open but the damn bar.

            However, I grabbed a glass of water and a bag of popcorn (I am still starving, no dinner last night. I hate traveling.. I hate traveling .. I really really hate traveling) and called in some reinforcements for chat. Several jumped in and helped get me through.

            Funny how the restaurant closes at 10 but the bar stays open until 2 a.m. here. Geez.

            At least they had popcorn. sigh

            So, am on day 9 and today, which also happens to be my baby girl's 25th birthday.

            Have a wonderful day, all.

            AF April 9, 2016


              AF Anyone??

              Hi guys,Am here to spur you on.So glad you are all doing so well.
              Cindi you did great,so proud of you!! xx
              Lots of love and encouragment to you all
              Amelia-so pleased you started this post wishing you well too,and everyone else xxxxxxx


                AF Anyone??

                Hey Deilight, great to see your at 25 with only 5 to go (looking forward to being there myself). What was everyone partying about? Just a long weekend or something more significant???

                Cindi, glad that you made it through last night even though it sounds like it was tough. Sorry I wasn't around for chat, I think we are definately in different time zones. Good to see you on day 9.

                Wakeupmom, thanks for all your kind words of support and encouragement. It's really nice to have you on this thread.

                Right I am off to bed, absolutely pooped. End of Day 8 for me.

                Hello to everyone else on the thread. Please pop in and let us know how you are doing.x

                Sober since 30/06/10


                  AF Anyone??

                  Amelia - it was Heritage Day, with 11 official languages and so many different cultures to go with them, people have the opportunity to celebrate their heritage.

                  Db2 - well done! Glad you got through the lonely night! Must be hard, yes, bars are always open later!! What about the hungry I say!

                  Almost in double digits Amelia! Cool.

                  3 days away! Still feel strong, hope you all are doing okay.

                  How is Iowegian?

                  Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                  Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                    AF Anyone??

                    Ah ha Deilight, now I understand, sounds like a fab celebration!!! 3 days away from 30 days, ahhhhhhh I am sooo jealous!! Well done, that is absolutely fantastic. What are you going to do when you get to the big 3 - 0 ? Are you going to carry on or moderate or what?

                    , how are the nights in the hotel going? I can imagine it must be tough being by yourself in a hotel without the comforts of home. I hope you are doing ok.

                    How are you getting along honey? Are you managing to moderate at the moment? Like I said before, if you hop back on the AF wagon, just let us know and we will be cheering you on!!

                    Hello to everyone else. Hope you are all doing well.
                    Keep us posted.

                    Sober since 30/06/10


                      AF Anyone??


                      I am on day 27 SOBER, 23 days AF, in reality. I have had 1 day with 2 drinks and 3 days with 1. I still count them as sober days. You'll see in the beginning of the thread I counted sober and AF. You can check out my drinktracker if you like- the 4 days are pretty spread.

                      Anyway, I am 27 days sober
                      and very proud. My next 30 I am going for complete AF! On monday I felt like falling off the bus after my 1 drink (even before) and then thought about you all (and the yukky hangover!) and decided to go home and drink tea! Yippee!

                      Maybe I'll have a sober celebration - invite people and ban alcohol from the premises - you think it'll work?
                      Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
                      Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


                        AF Anyone??

                        Deilight, Amelia, and Wakeupmom,

                        Yes. I am here and chugging along.

                        I was up until midnight on chat with a bunch of people. It was fun. So I was not alone. Thank heavens for MWO. Otherwise, this would really be a tough thing to do.

                        Deilight, a sans alcohol party sounds like fun!! Think of something for people to do besides drink alcohol, though, to keep them busy. Being an artsy kind of person, I bet you can come up with something fun!!

                        btw, I saw your post on your hand, I have no advice, just wanted to say I hope it gets better, soon. If Benadryl doesn't work, I don't know what will.

                        Amelia, I am so glad you started this thread. We are going to make it!! :thanks:

                        Wakeupmom, glad you are still hanging in there with us. Every day we keep trying is a good thing. Period. It is when we just "give up" and let it go that we lose. You are still working at making life better. That is what really counts. I did that for months and months.

                        Take care all and have a wonderful day.
                        AF April 9, 2016


                          AF Anyone??

                          Hi everyone,
                          I'm baaaaack!
                          have been in and out of town then had internet problems so have not been on this site for a while, not been doing great because of holidays but am ready to try again, if I could go a month it would be a miracle! but i will try one day at a time, today will be day one,
                          hello to amelia, wakeupmom, and pinklady, and others from another thread,


                            AF Anyone??

                            i know this is a stupid question but how do you chat? not good with computers, i think that if I could chat in real time in the evening it might help me get over the craving hump.....


                              AF Anyone??

                              Hey Prose!!!!!
                              So nice to see you back. Hello back to you too!!!
                              As far as chat is concerned, I am not too sure myself as I think it has changed a bit just recently?? Maybe someone else can help you out.
                              But great to see you posting and hope your first day goes smoothly.

                              Must admit I was gagging for a drink on the way home - All sorts of excuses really (tiredness, shitty day at work, problems with my man etc etc). However, I took my supps, then managed to make it out of the supermarket without the booze and am now at home with a cup of tea. I had better have a bath and take some Kalms, just to make sure.

                              Db2fromala, glad it is going AOK for you in the hotel. Yuk, sounds awful to me, but I am glad you are managing to pull the necessary tools out of your bag to keep you safe and AF.
                              Yes, we will do this (even if I was a little shakey earlier). There is too much to lose.

                              , I am still in awe of your days (and yes I am now in double figures too - just), not long to go for you girl!!!!!!

                              , thinking of you honey, hope you are doing ok xxx

                              Sober since 30/06/10


                                AF Anyone??

                                havent had a drink today

                                Hey everyone,

                                I haven't had a drink today & I'm usually on my 4th by now

