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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??

    Dear Prose,
    Thank you so much for thinking of me. I haven't been AF but I am still reading the posts everyday. Cindi, congratulations. How proud you must be. I know it will take me a few failures before I can have success but I won't quit trying. Amelia and Wakeupmon I hope you are both doing well. I believe I told you that my long term relationship recently ended so I am having a hard time coping in an empty house alone. I do have plans for the weekend and have started going regularly to the gym. I hoping once my Topamax arrives to try AF again. Again thank you so much for thinking of me. It helps.


    p.s. I like this thread too and even though I haven't been posting I have been reading through some of the posts. Amelia, perhaps you could start another one for November?


      AF Anyone??

      Hey Cuckoosnest, great to see you posting. I know how difficult it is to be 'home alone' for an extended period. My drinking was at its worst when my partner was working away from home for six months (and I didn't have the extra stress of having just broken up!!!).
      You sound like you are doing really well going the the gym and making other social plans.
      I know I keep saying it, but exercise is really helpful.
      I did 2 days AF, but I am afraid I have had a glass of wine tonight and may have another.
      So yes Cuckoosnest, I agree - Shall we start another thread for November (new month - new start)??? Does anyone volunteer to start it?? I've had my turn Or we could get RJ to move this thread to 'General' as we have all been around for a bit??? I don't mind either way.

      Prose, as I said above, I have also had a glass of wine tonight (although have no intention of going crazy!). You are stringing a good amount of AF days together so its progress!! I agree with you, I really like the bunch of people that we have on this thread (New posts from new people always welcome of course!!), but yes - nice group of people.

      , my sleepover was great fun although we did stay up way too late and (as I predicted) drank too much wine!! I was exhausted on the Sunday and had committed myself to Sunday Lunch with my boyfriends parents. I had to concentrate to stay awake - not good. But lunch was fab!
      I do agree with you that drinking is sometimes a complete waste of time as that is just what happens (especially if we overdo it) we are wasting our time. Nothing important gets done, we dont follow our dreams (or even think about them) etc etc.
      Yep, it's a good phrase isn't it. You get sick and tired of being sick and tired.

      , Wow!!!!! Those stars are just terrific. You have come such a long way in such a short amount of time. I can JUST TELL from your posts that you are feeling pretty damn good. It is such an inspiration as the others have said, to see your post and straight away, see the line up (and a good line up) of stars after your post.
      As you say, sleeping well is the biggest bonus!! At the moment I am as I am soooo busy at work I am completely exhausted. But it does make life much brighter when you have a few good hours of snooze time under your belt in the morning.

      Right all gotta go.

      Hope you are all happy.


      Sober since 30/06/10


        AF Anyone??

        Hi Amelia,Prose,Cindi,and Cuckoo,
        Just checking in on a dull thurs morning!Great to see you all posting.Welcome back Cuckoo!Sorry to hear you are feeling lonely.I understand the emptyness.Just stay close,what ever!!
        Cindi, those stars are fab!Hope your daughter is ok.
        Prose, progress is progress,so keep going.
        Amelia,glad you had a fun weekend,hope you are catching up on your sleep.
        I have had an awfull cold-thought i would be healthy with all the supps,and A/F days.Never mind.Feeling upbeat,despite that.
        Keep coming back,hugs xxxxx


          AF Anyone??

          Just wanted to check in before I left for work. Wakeupmom it is good to be back. Looking forward to starting AF in November.


            AF Anyone??

            hi everyone,
            Cuckoo, so glad to see you!!!!! and glad to hear you are going to the gym. I do a lot of walking but have been thinking about joining a gym close to my house to do some weight training.
            I am alone a lot and know how difficult that can be, but hang in there, i haven't been af either but still not overdoing it, bye for now, P


              AF Anyone??

              Thank you, prose. You do a heart good. I'm looking to hang in November with you lovely ladies. I really like this thread and this group.


                AF Anyone??

                :blush: I would like to join the AF bus if thats ok with you guys??? Well after a messy weekend and making a fool of myself on another thread :blush: I have managed to get two days AF under my belt and heading towards 3 Feeling really great! Tired though as im not sleeping well, but i can cope with that as long as i dont feel ILL....hope to get to know you all better soon!

                Don't put off til tomorrow what you can do today, if you do it today and like it, you can do it again tomorrow!



                  AF Anyone??

                  me again,
                  glad to meet you xEmx, good job on the 2 af days!
                  Cuckoo, glad to hear you like this thread, I really do too, even though there are just a few of us, maybe that is why I like it so much, anyway, hope you are having a good day, mine is not going as planned, but then there aren't many that do...
                  talk soon I hope,


                    AF Anyone??


                    I'm new to this all and i'm going to do my 30AF starting from the 1st of November.. (Gives me time to get everything i need by then). It'll be the longest period AF for some 5 years at a guess.. So really need some support.
                    So i will join your quest next week. Keep it up til then.
                    Finski xx


                      AF Anyone??

                      Hey Welcome Finski!!!!!:welcome:
                      We would love you to join us. Fantastic. Yes 1st of November is a great time to start too.
                      I have booked myself off (serious immediate money making work) from the 1st of November to spend 2 months painting. So I REALLY want to be AF during that time also.
                      Welcome aboard. This thread is really supportive and there are some great people posting on it.
                      Look forward to hearing more from you.

                      Sober since 30/06/10


                        AF Anyone??

                        Hello xEmx:welcome: to you too!!!
                        You are doing so well with 2 days AF under your belt! I think that the first day is always the worst (because it is usually done with a hangover).
                        To be honest. I don't think anyone makes a fool of themselves here. We all know what this is about, because we are all living it or have lived it.
                        The main thing is that you are here because you have realised that something has to change. Some people change after a few months, or years. Some lucky ones change immediately.
                        If you have posted something after a few drinks that you now regret - DON'T SWEAT IT. I reckon most of us have.
                        Just keep on posting.

                        Sober since 30/06/10


                          AF Anyone??

                          xEMx and finski, welcome to the thread. I look forward to reading some of your posts. Out of all the threads I've read, I like this one the best. I tried in October to go AF and had 4 days AF but ended up doing a backslide. I have all the supplements and 1/2 way done reading the book and the cd's this time. I ordered topamax but haven't received it yet. Anyway, I'm looking forward to going AF in November. My birthday is in November and I can't think of a better birthday present to give myself than to be alcohol free and sober.

                          Prose and Amelia, always, always happy to hear from you two. Prose, sorry you day isn't going as planned. Hopefully, you will have a better evening. My day is going okay. I just got some furniture delivered to replace what my ex took when he moved out and now I have an appointment to go discuss a will with a lawyer. Not an extremely joyous event.
                          Amelia, what type of painting do you do? I always wish I had that talent but I'm lucky to get a stick figure down properly. Do you sell your paintings? Well I need to get back to putting the finishing touches on the new furniture. Till later. Cuckoo


                            AF Anyone??

                            Hey Cuckoo, phew, it has been so long since I broke up with someone, I have forgotten how many things that you have to sort out once you decide to part. Difficult times, but hopefully your life will be happier for it eventually.......
                            Painting wise, I use 'fast drying' oil paints and paint anything from portraits to bulls, crows, roosters, you name it. My biggest problem is that I rush on into a painting and get disgruntled when I realise I haven't planned it well enough before I actually started.
                            Yes I do sell them. I have about 20 paintings hanging in a boutique hotel and loads of people ring me once they have seen them to organise commissions.
                            So really looking forward to Nov/Dec to paint full time.

                            Sober since 30/06/10


                              AF Anyone??

                              welcome finski!
                              I think you will like it here.
                              How cool, Amelia, I would love to see your work! A am a wanna-be potter, am taking some classes and now have a wheel at home, the reason my day wasn't going as planned was that i had hoped to work on that this afternoon, then started cleaning, but now I am done so think I will go spend some time with some clay,
                              Hey Cuckoo, what is your new furniture like? You are smart to do the will thing, sucks at the time but feels good when it is finished...
                              well, heading off to play with some clay, P


                                AF Anyone??

                                Hi Prose and Amelia. Amelia my first bf and I lived together for 8 years and this last one and I lived together 16 years. I'm hoping my next one (if there is one) will be 32 years. I too would love to see your paintings. I love art but have no talent for it. Prose, my nephew took some pottery classes and made me a lovely vase. How large is your wheel. I always equate pottery wheels with the scene from the movie Ghost. My furniture is pretty basic spare room furniture and kitchen dining set. What I do love is that I purchased two new mattresses. A really good one for my room and a pretty good one for the spare room. I can't wait to try my new mattress out tonight. It is really comfortable. Well, I'm headed out to the lawyers and then to the gym. Talk to you later. Have a great day evening and a great day tomorrow.

