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AF Anyone??

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    AF Anyone??

    Ok. I didn't make it yesterday. But I didn't have a drink till 11:45 PM. Even as I drank it I was thinking what am I doing? I am so close! I don't know. Yesterday was so stressful at work and still I almost made it. No excuses. OOOOOO AL is crafty. But I am craftier. I am so ready for today. I am detoxing. Bulgar wheat and steamed veggies. I don't have to work for the next two days so I'm going to de-stress. Thanks for all your support - sorry to disappoint but I am on my way.


      AF Anyone??

      I did it. I made it through day one and now begin day two. I told my family I was going to just take care of my own dinner and they obliged and I read and watched movies and sipped bedtime tea till I went to sleep. I'm trying to pretend I am at rehab without spending the money....I wouldn't have to cook or clean there and I could sleep....


        AF Anyone??

        I'm in too

        Ok, I'm in - July 1 will be my day 1. Someone else here wrote that they would just do this to see what's it like. I went AF once before with that exact thinking - see what's its like on the other side of the wine bottle...and I went 40 days. I thought that was enough and I would moderate after 'the cleansing', which I did until cancer showed up in our life - hubby. That was 6 months ago - we are still dealing with ol' big C, but more in the background now. And I am back to "Everyday Wine". So, it will be good to go one day, maybe the next, and see what unfolds. It was an interesting journey last time, although I spent too much time on MWO instead of the gym. Maybe I can do that differently now. I need to just get healthier and get weight off. I think AL contributes to that, too.

        Thanks for letting me jump in with you all - Lord knows I can use the support

        "Go Placidly Amid the Noise and Haste"


          AF Anyone??

          How's it going everyone? MWO2? Go2goal? I get the gym part. I need to get there too. But I'm riding my bike to work - gas crunch and exercise. Still on day two. Have made it till now and have saved up a bit of chocolate to have as a treat...I'm hopeful to be on day 3 tomorrow. Wishing you all the best!


            AF Anyone??

            Hey Diane 52, good to see you have made it through to day 2 (and now day 3?) I love your idea about pretending you are at rehab - without spending the money!!

            Goal2goal, if you have done 40 days before, can do that and more. Try to remember all the things you did back then that kept you away from the bottle and implement them now.

            Kat 5 - is it Day 18 or 19 for you??? Sounds like you are doing really well AND losing weight to boot. Yep the booze is nothing but sugar and empty calories....enjoy watching your waistline shrink!

            MWO2, let us know how you are getting on. The CD's, book and supps will help loads as will reading all the posts and info on here. Have you got anyone at home that you can buddie up with to go AF with?

            Greenie, you must be 2 weeks AF plus now. Way to go girl...!!

            1967 would love to know how you are getting on.

            Right gotta get myself ready for work. Wishing you all an easy stress free (Alcohol free if poss) day!


            Sober since 30/06/10


              AF Anyone??

              I'm on day 5 and didn't think it was possible. It is only hard at moments. But the moments it is hard it is hard. I have to talk back. I have to say, no it won't be one drink and you know it. You been saying that for 14 years and you are a liar. May be I can mod and maybe I can't but I sure am never gonna know if I can't go 30 days. I'm just not going to speak to AL till then. If ever. Sometimes I read "My Voddy" here in long time abstainers for comfort and laughter. I think Dexterhead wrote a funny one too aouut the very twisted love/truly hate stories we, I have with AL. I've been able to go bike riding every day. I know I shouldn't not eat breakfast but for the first time in a long time I'm not eating to quell my nausea so I can get to work. I have to remember to eat breakfast instead of needing to so I can work. I also have to bring a lot of work home with me and I am vowing not to do that. If I have to get up at 4:30 am and work till 5 pm-at 5 pm I have to be done. I can't come home and drink my way through it just to bear it. Just some of the stuff I am trying as I work on day 5. I'm going to a 4th get together today and taking Perrier and lemon with me. If it gets tough I am committed to leaving and I know I can drive!
              Thanks for writing Amelia - good to hear from you always. How are you doing Greenie? Still going strong?
              mwo2 how's it going for you? It is so tough to believe that it is possible. I've been at this site for 6 months and this is the first time I have made it this far. I think we just have to keep believing in ourselves and in one another. The day will come and keep coming with the support from friends here and around you. You matter!
              Kat5 - I hope all is still going well for you and that you feel better and better. I haven't had cancer but so grateful for you that you are a survivor. That would scare me. Glad you are still here and fighting. Seems so unfair. Glad you feel like you are coming back from the disruptions to your body and cycles.
              Hey go2 - good for you for 40 and helping your husband through a difficult time. Without making light of your situation or mine or our struggles to noe degree or another, sometimes, during recent stresses in our family, a death, I have thought of the movie airplane and thought ,"Maybe this was the wrong week to stop sniffing glue". Sometimes are harder than others. It gives me hope that you could mod. I 'm not sure if I can. I'll find out, won't I?
              Sweet Pea thanks for the encouragement. Nice to hear from someone on the road ahead of us!
              all the best to all of us.


                AF Anyone??

                OH! 1967! How are you? Got lost in my own #*%t! Keep coming back!


                  AF Anyone??

                  Hello Amelia and gang. Been gone a long time, finally back. 21 days af, as of today. It took the scare of a heart attack to do it, or at least the mis diagnosis based on a stress test. Took three weeks to see a cardiologist. He went on to well me that there was a mis-read by the tester. Awesome. A whole lot of stress for nothing. I did however resolve to get my act together, and voila. So far so good. I did finally get my hands on Campral...avaliable in Canada, finally and happily covered by insurance. I've only used it a few times, seems to act rather quickly.I do think however that a rather significant motivation was the specter of an untimely end, a self directed one. i don't recommend this as a course of action, but at the end of the day I think wouild rather be alive, than the quietest one at the wake.


