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What to do

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    What to do

    I just ordered the book 2 days ago and read it all by yesterday. I was so eager to get started, I went to the health store yesterday and bought some supplements that was listed in the book and started taking them. I know I have not got a prescription from my doctor nor received the cd, but wanted to start right away. Yesterday I did not drink. Today, I took the supplements and torn between drinking or not drinking. It is Friday and always a drinking night. I know that I am not fully prepared with all of the things I need, and it is easy for me to tell myself that it is ok to drink because I should wait and make sure that I am fully prepared before I start my plan of AF.


    What to do

    I am right there with you - it's friday, chinese takeaway and a bottle of wine (or 2 in my case!). I dont have the book yet but do have kudzu which I have been taking. I am going to order the cds' and the supplements from this site because I guess they will be better than those bought at the healthfood shop.

    What has happened though is through reading all the posts on here and listening to threads I feel I CAN DO IT - now, of course, it is a matter of when?

    Good luck,


      What to do

      You both need to chose for yourselves when a good time to "start" is. I do believe taking the supplements before you even try to go AF is still a good idea. They help start the healing.

      I have been doing the supplements religiously this time. (Okay, I've tried many times.) And have not had one seirious withdrawl symptom in 5 days!! It has been awesome and made the whole process sooo much easier.

      However, I did also start taking Campral and topa the second day AF. Just so you know. I am sure they are helping, too.

      But in the past when I tried to quit (daily drinker and physically dependent) I would get the shakes and sweats and tremors. It was really embarrassing at a client site one day.

      This time nada!!

      So, start the supps as soon as you can and remember, nothing says you have to drink all you normally do while you are contemplating your "quit date" you can consciously try to reduce your intake somewhat. It will make going AF that much easier.

      (If you are shooting for mods, gradual reduction is what you may need to do anyway.)

      Onwards and upwards everyone!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        What to do

        hey there you know you can just decide even to not drink today. i mean you hate the hang over right?


          What to do

          Yes, but my brain keeps telling me that it is friday and I can sleep in on saturday


            What to do

            Alby do whatever you think is the right thing to do ..... If that means drinking tonight then start tomorrow ...... But if that means being AF tonight ....... Well I promise you that you will wake up tomorrow feeling so good and proud of yourself!!!!!

            Whatever you decide, I'm still here for you, as is everyone else here ..... but what do you want for yourself????

            Love & Hugs,


              What to do

     could have ALL of tomorrow without a hangover if you want. Tonight is much shorter than all of tomorrow!

              I know it's a cliche, but about the timing......if not now, when???????

              Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                What to do

                One of the hardest cycles/patterns/behaviours to break are the days you most look forward to drinking. It is super tough and a huge internal battle within, but once you get through a couple of them it gets easier. What is going to happen when next Friday comes along and then the next, etc...? That is something you need to dig deep within and answer for yourself.

                Whatever you do decide, we are here with you.


                  What to do

                  yes you can sleep in but you still hate the way you feel about yourself the next day girlie. if you didn't you certainly wouldn't be on these boards........

