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How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

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    How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

    Kudzu whadya think?

    First things first: don't be feeling like you crapped up with 7 drinks!!!!!!!!!

    You didn't pee on the bedroom floor during the night
    You didn't run off with another fella
    You didn't fall over into someone's lap
    You didn't puke on a bar/nightclub floor
    You didn't get barred from anywhere
    You didn't drunk text an ex and make suggesive comments and then get ignored
    You didn't tell someone what you really thought of them

    DID YOU? :H

    So there!
    OK so seven, big deal. You're not denying it, you're aware of them, you've thought about it (prob a lot), and decided you'd like to moderate even more. So I'd call that honest and productive work!

    That's my two cents' worth on that :soapbox:

    In other news, I was just thinking yesterday bout all the meds/supps that are out there, like the Kudzu, how are you finding that?
    I was half thinking of ordering Naltrexone but i thought 98$ every month was going to prove a dis-incentive... Not thought of touching the topamax based on the messages on the boards about side effects?

    Good idea on the change of scenery thing at end of month. Btw, if you can give up the cigs and stay off them, I reckon you've got no trouble managing your drinking. Nico is apparently 10 times more addictive that heroin. Food for thought.



      How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

      LOL- No I didn't do any of those things...In fact, I didn't really feel particularly drunk- maybe because I ate a bit in between.

      But I DID start a row with my boyfriend, which actually I think I would have done without the drink, as he seriously annoyed me, but it doesn't help my credibility or cause to start rows after drinks- drunk or not.

      Well what's done is done :blush:, but yes I certainly have had worse drunks than that one.

      Tonight, about an hour and a half ago, as I mentioned in the last post I took 300 mg of Kudzu, along with 1000 mg of L-Glutamine, and (this is the time I normally have a beer) then another at around 10.30 pm, which brings me to closing time at 12.

      I do not feel like having a drink at all. You know that feeling you get when you have overeaten and you just feel too stuffed to think about putting anything in your mouth, well I feel like that. I did eat quite a bit but I don't think that was it- I think it's the Kudzu.

      So my routine from now on will be the same as today- I took 1000mg of L-Glut around 3 pm, then at around 7pm 300mg of Kudzu and 1000mg more of L-Glutamine.

      I would get some kudzu if I were you, it does seem to help. I am waiting for the order from MWO but I have some by Solaray, I would imagine thats also available in Ireland, I think you just have to make sure it also has Daidzin in it.

      I tried the Topamax but on the first day (25 mg) I had blurred vision, and a kind of discomfort around the eyes, which scared me after reading the instructions that came with it, so I cant touch that.

      So thats great! Apart from-- and its A BIGGIE-- my nightly visitor has just come in, so I've sent him packing to get some beers as to be honest he does my head in without them. He does my head in with them, but it does seem to help marginally.

      Well, never mind not long to go, just 8 days.

      It took me 3 years to pack in the ciggies, I used to get up in the morning, feel disgusted at how many I had smoked and put the rest of the pack down the toilet.

      Within an hour I would be in the car driving to the nearest cig shop. I did this repeatedly for three years :hitme:

      I tried everything- hypnosis, acupuncture, books, patches, you name it, I tried it.

      Eventually I was sooooo tired of trying and failing I just took advantage of the complete change of routine (I went to the UK for two weeks) and that seemed to do the trick.

      At the start of the three years I read a book by Allen Carr, "The Easy way to Give Up Smoking" Well it worked.

      He states emphatically in the book not to have a cigarette as his method only works once. (He never worked out why) Well needless to say after a month of quitting, without cravings-it was very easy, I decided I had beaten it, but after a month of not smoking at the end of the night a colleague offered me a cig and without really thinking I took it.

      Allen carr was right that his method did not work a second time.

      But he now has clinics all over the world, Allen Carr's Easyway Worldwide: Ireland

      Or for other countries.

      I am not sure but I believe the session lasts around 4 or 5 hours, and is covered a money back guarantee, so you don't quit, you don't pay

      Alternatively of course, one can just but the book- but for sure the session is more likely to be effective, and with the costs of cigs these days the session would soon be paid for.

      Well that was 9 years ago now, so I can count that as a success I think.

      I did actually stop drinking for 2 years, around 11 years ago. I white knuckled it for about 4 months, then the cravings began to subside, at the 7 month stage I had absolutely no desire to drink anything, ever.

      I restarted when I got friendly with the friend who has just died. He was a customer in the bar I worked, alcoholic and disabled. I used to see him home- and we would stop off at a bar on the way. Well the rest is history as they say.

      Since I have tried to stop many times but it never seems to last long.

      I am quite optimistic about this programme though.

      Sorry for going on so long but looking busy stops me from having to make mundane conversation with my visitor

      M x


        How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

        Hey Marbella:

        did you know Allan Carr has a book on Alcohol-- Easy Way to Control Alcohol, something like that.


          How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until


          Ah crap. Just finished watching season 3 :upset: last episode. over. done. nada. finito. zip. curtains. criochnaithe. Have to wait til Lord knows when for season four. Is there a Lost cult? I want in.

          Sorry, rant over. (Can't promise that though :H )

          Hello everyone. i'm eating clove drops. i've had about 15 and my
          tongue is nfire:

          Btw FMF DUI is indeed Drinking under the influence/drink driving.

          Anywho, I'm AF today. No probs with that either :-)
          Was supposed to go to the Afters of a wedding tonight, but we didn't really want to. We really love the gang there but Afters have never been our scene, ironically for me, I hear you snigger!!!??? Bold sniggerers :-[

          It's a bit weird joining a party when everyone has been :toasted: for hours already. We stayed home instead. So that's good, and I watched Lost, except now it's over.

          Can excessive clove drops cause rambling or incoherent posting? I think so.
          How is everyone else getting on? It's twenty after midnight here. Had a lovely day really, except for being contented tired with week's work.

          I don't feel all wound up about "to drink or not to drink" the day after question; I can honestly say it didn't bother me once this evening.

          And that's something that has brought me immense relief which I'm wise enough tonight to just enjoy, and not analyse. Must be the clove drops.

          Laters all, and I hope you are all having a very nice weekend wherever you are x



            How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

            Phoenix, I'm a member of the Lost cult, LOL.

            Good job not drinking.

            Marbella, I wrote down the Allen Carr book from another thread about stopping smoking. I really need to just haven't determined I am ready. I quit for 2 months at the beginning of the year using Chantix, but I caved and decided I wasn't ready to quit yet. I'm seriously thinking of getting the book.


              How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until


              Marcie: I really recommend that book, I wouldn't even worry about feeling you are not ready, as he does not require you stop until you finish the book, so you can read it at your pace. Or buy it for the new year?? Always a good time to make changes and not too far away

              I also bought his Easyway to quit Alcohol- it did not stop me, but I think I cut down quite a bit after reading it, so now might be a good time to re-read it.

              And Pheonix! As for those clove drops there could well be something in that- I read somewhere that chewing cloves helps to curb the desire for alcohol. (Just looked it up again- 2 whole cloves should be sucked, not chewed or eaten)- so you might have found a handy tool with your clove drops:yay:

              Off to walk the doggies

              M x


                How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

                i know i can drink moderately it depends the coy i keep i used to b a weekend drinker then that changed too much time and money to myself hang in there if you are watching a good dvd try pringles and dip it works 4 me
                Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


                  How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until


                  Thanks Mitch :-) i'm doing well today, no hangover yipeeeeeeeee

                  Memarcie, who do you think is in the coffin????
                  Do you think Charlie really drowned?

                  Marby, good on you for walking those doggies, nothing like blowing out the cobwebs on a sunday morn (and with no desperate hangover yay)

                  Just watched the Hollyoaks omnibus, it just keeps on delivering, love it!!! Do you miss watchin any of the soaps over there in Spain?

                  Toodles all



                    How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

                    LOL I don't miss the soaps as I came here when I was 16 and had never really gotten into any of them, apart from a bit of Corrie- my sister used to write to me every week and tell me what happened:-))

                    These days we can pick up all the British TV channels and all the American ones to come to that (My BF is a TV Satellite Installer and he fixes computers also- very handy to have around actually) but I've never really had the time for TV- too busy sitting in bars I suppose.

                    Might catch up now in the winter!

                    M x


                      How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until


                      Hey all :banana:

                      M, Thanks for the link with Allen Carr - I bought his book a few yrs back and it's languishing in a bookcase somewhere in my parents' house I think, I never even read it for God's sake, what am I like?
                      I quit for over two yrs 6 yrs ago and started again a few days b4 I got married. Poor dote hubby gets all the blame :H

                      No not his fault, I just succumbed under pressure!

                      Memarcie, I too tried champix at the beginning of this year and was off the cigs completely with it. HOWEVER, it made me SOOOOOOOOOO sick that i stopped taking it, and soon enough was back on the cigs.
                      I think the start dosage tablets of Champix were grand, some nausea but it was bearable. When I went up to the higher dose after the two weeks I was terribly sick.

                      I was thinking about going back to doc soon and asking him if he could just prescribe me the start dose, indefinitely, but i dunno if he can do that.

                      Then I get to thinking, isn't it enough to be trying to quit or moderate this lifestyle drinking stuff for a while and not try to do too much at the same time?
                      I've had one non-AF day in 9 days and I've already noticed life changing. I'm in much better form. Hubby and I are communicating so much more. I've lost weight already.

                      I did the What Kind Of Drinker Are You test on another thread and discovered I'm the Allergic/Non addictive type which provided massive and comforting-ish insight into my relationship with alcohol. Have either of you tried it? [The test I mean, not the alcohol :H ]

                      Anyway, it's freezing cold here, but at least it's not bucketing down.

                      Hope your sunday is going well for you



                        How Will You Ever Know U CAN Moderate until

                        I have a bottle of Chantix(3 month supply from my insurance mail order pharmacy). They are the 1mg tablets and when I started taking it again a few weeks ago I just cut them in half which is the starting dose. I didn't stay on it though, decided to wait a few months. Maybe you can do that? I never had any sx from the drug except the weird dreams in the beginning.

                        I don't remember the coffin part, but its been a few months since it was on, so I'll get back into it when it starts again. Not sure about Charlie, the way things happen on that island, he probably didn't drown!

