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First time here, 13th hour without wine...

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    First time here, 13th hour without wine...

    Hi littlewheel,
    Glad you`re back with us..........stick around........M.W.O. works.

    Yes, I think we really do have to rethink our lifestyles when we decide to quit, and I think it would be the wisest thing if you were to quit the bartender`s job. No wayyyyy could I work in a pub.........the "fumes" from a full glass of wine would probably have me weak at the knees. Although you don`t drink on the job, I think working in that kind of environment is a bit like overexposure and is setting your brain up to tempt you to unwind with the booze when you get home from work. Am not saying that we have to change our lifestyles forever to successfully`s just easier on ourselves when newly quit if we do.

    I think it`s wonderful that you`re awaiting an appointment with an alcohol counselor........will be an enormous help to you. I must say though, I disagree with the doc you saw at the medical centre.........naturally, no doc would like to give you addictive meds in lieu of alcohol, but in U.K. anyway, these drugs are only prescribed for a week or 2 to ensure a safe withdrawal without any risk of us becoming dependent on the drug. So now that you`re having to do cold turkey, I would say to get yourself along to the Accident and Emergency Dept. if you feel at all ill........that`s what it`s there for.........use it if you feel you can`t cope with the withdrawal.......they`ll take good care of you.

    Look forward to hearing how things are going with you over the weekend.

    Starlight Impress x


      First time here, 13th hour without wine...

      Hi LittleWheel! Im glad to see you back too! I hope all is going well with you today..


        First time here, 13th hour without wine...

        Oh my God! Everything Littlewheel has said relates to my life, and there is more. I posted a few months back and then stopped because I was failing miserably. Now, having had a dreadful month of waking up not remembering what happened the night before I really want to get a grip on my life; I will lose so much otherwise. My husband and kids have been so tolerant but for how much longer?! I sit here with wine in hand to ease the hangover of last night, knowing I want to get a handle on things, but 'tomorrow' will have to be the day I start! I hate myself for ruining my life in this way and I want to do something but haven't quite got the courage to commit myself to quitting and openly say this is what I am doing. It's my life............ I drink every day.......... what would people say if I was to give up........ good, well done etc etc. but I can't face everyone realising I admit I have a drink problem. I can't go to the Doctors I am related to a medic so we know all the medics locally and I don't want to shame my relation. Today I promise myself to be back here regularly and to take a firm hold on my drink habits, just one last night then a 'real' life must start!
        Good to be here.


          First time here, 13th hour without wine...

          Littlewheel, we can all relate to how you feel but I think that you are on the way up .....

          I promise that the less that you drink, the better you will feel ..... anxiety and agrophobia will pass also .........


            First time here, 13th hour without wine...

            Butterflybe, I relate to your post. Drinking a glass of wine to ease the hangover, thinking, "I'll start tomorrow," and then often I do, but then feel so good in the evening that a glass of wine seems harmless....

            But then I did go AF for several days, and the only way I could was by telling my husband that I didn't want alcohol in the house because I would just drink it. He understood, and treated it sort of like me being on a diet. If you don't want people to think you're an alcoholic, maybe just tell your husband that you want to go on a diet or a health kick or something, and that's why you don't want booze around. Maybe he will help you along in that respect by not buying it and by reminding you when you want to buy it that you are on this "diet."

            You'll do it, and then you'll realize that the "one last night" that was spent feeling awful, waking up with regret, etc., will be the last night you will ever feel that way. You will have a first night of feeling good about yourself when you go to bed AF, and then the nights when you moderate easily, those will be good too. Just tell yourself that you HAVE to do this for your kids, and it makes it easier. Get some good tea, or some seltzer, and it helps too. You'll get through your first day and then the next day will be like the sun is rising for the first time for you in a long time. Good luck!


              First time here, 13th hour without wine...

              Thanks for your words of wisdom Mokigirl. I know you are right and I will get a handle on this with the support of my husband.


                First time here, 13th hour without wine...

                Dear Littlewheel, I just read your posts and this is also my first post. Tomorow is October 1 - the first of the new month and the first day of the rest of our lives - let's keep in touch and hang tough

