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Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

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    Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

    Don't beat yourself up!!!! Would it help if you didn't have any in the house???

    If its in then I will drink, if not I wont ......

    Keep your chin up .....


      Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

      It's okay Alby. Today I am on day 2, I was thinking of what somebody said about picturing a place I wouldn't drink, heck I have drank in the bathroom, the tub......But I've never drank in the basement....AND exercise equipment is there.......hmmmmmm, an idea perhaps.


        Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

        Hi Alby........I`m now 58 days sober, and during all those 58 days, I have not kept a single drop of alcohol in my house..........find it works a treat.

        Starlight Impress x


          Any ideas on how to get through day 2?


          I agree about not keeping alcohol in the house. But I personally have asked my husband to stop buying alcohol because I just drink it all, just like we don't buy chips when we're on a diet because we of course eat them. He agreed, but then bought some whiskey a few days later anyway. I drank it, hated myself, and here I am. I am going to HAVE to do this with alcohol in the house, I'm convinced.

          One trick I learned once was to pretend that every bad thought that comes into your brain needs to be swept out. It can't hurt you if it's just a thought, but you need to get rid of it. Pretend you have a broom in your brain, and just sweep out the bad thoughts. "I want a drink right now, now, now! (sweep, sweep, sweep)" Sounds corny, I know, but it has worked for me before. Good luck! I'm on day 1 again, too.


            Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

            Mokigirl :welcome:

            I love the idea about the broom, I sometimes wake up worrying about things that I can't change next time i'll sweep them away .....

            Godd luck with day 1 .....


              Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

              Thanks everyone. I agree. As long as there is alcohol in the house, I will drink it. I have been yelled at before for drinking my wifes whiskey. She barely drinks so is willing to not keep any in the house. I am actualy just starting to quit drinking and have not established a well thoughtout plan. It took me about 6 months to actually stop smoking cigs altogether, so I would guess that it may be similiar to quiting smoking. I do not know, it is my first time.


                Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                Okay, speaking of whiskey, I once again drank some of it. Okay, lots. What sort of a wife and mother of two wonderful young kids drinks whiskey at night? Good lord, do I reek of it when I talk to my kids' friends' moms? Anyway, tonight I threw all of it down the drain. I don't care what my husband thinks. If it comes in the house, it's going down the drain. For several months, anyway. I'm sure I'll get back to my old self of not wanting it, but I have to be free from it for a while. I really think that's the only way. We live in a rural area, so it's not like I'm going to go out to a bar and get snockered. I just need to have a clean house and get back to my old self again. I just hope he doesn't look at me like I'm damaged goods for asking this of him.

