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Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

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    Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

    I have not been af for 2 days in a row since 2005. I am taking supplements and telling myself all the right things - alcohol is the devil. My kids do not like me when I drink. I think I can do it, but was looking for any thoughts.


    Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

    Just tell yourself that you`re only not drinking for today works.

    Starlight Impress x


      Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

      Alby, keep thinking of ur kids, make sure u don't get the alcohol. Tell urself U can always drink another day but this is an AF day. I believe in u!!!! This is AF Day 1 for me, so u need to be ahead of me....r u competitive? Then stay ahead of me!!!! :goodjob:


        Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

        Alby, you CAN do this .....I promise you that if you get throught today you will feel sooooo good in the morning !!!!!!

        Keep posting here to get you through it .....


          Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

          Keep yourself busy. Go somewhere with the kids where you cannot drink. During your "witching hour" go the McDonalds, to the library, out for a bikeride or walk. I have found that I must plan ahead and "run interference" into my routine to break the habit of those awful witching hours. The key is to break the old routine.

          My best to you,


            Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

            Thanks. I will plan a walk with the kids after dinner. I will stop worring about tomorrow and focus on today being af. Hart, I will think about you when the devil comes and whispers in my mind. I will tell myself that I must stay ahead of Hart. I will look forward to another good night sleep.


              Any ideas on how to get through day 2?


              One trick I do, is when the craving comes, I tell myself, "It is just a thought, just a wish, just a desire. The thought, the wish, the desire can't hurt me. I will definitely be irritated that I won't give in to it but it won't actually harm me. Drinking the alcohol will definitely harm me and make me feel badly about myself!!"

              Try that. It goes along with that one day at a time, one hour at a time thing.

              Good luck,
              AF April 9, 2016


                Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                ok Thanks Cindi. I will try that too - I do anything that will push the thought of drinking out of my brain.


                  Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                  Alby - go exercise, ride a bike, run or walk for awhile - even do that with your kids if they are old enough and do it at your bewitching hour. Gets your head all wrapped around feeling physically fit! Wishing you and Hart a very successful day!


                    Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                    Hi Alby

                    Sometimes I change all the bed linen...

                    Sometimes I hoover...

                    Sometimes I clean the windows particularly on the outside of the house cos there's no way I could manage a bottle, a glass (and possibly the packet of cigarettes- I know I'm awful) and stay upright on a kitchen chair with a cloth and a bottle of window cleaner. Not to mention avoid the nosy drivers passing by on the road :H

                    Sometimes I come into my garden toolshed where I come to MWO quietly and not pollute my husband's clean breathing air in the house with smoke... It's soooooooooooo cold and uncomfortable here that i'd never think of drinking lol

                    Hope you've found something to help take your mind off 'it'




                      Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                      OMG, Phoenix, you CRACKED ME UP!! ROFL!! :H


                      Alby, you have to read the thread to understand the shed thing....

                      AF April 9, 2016


                        Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                        When I went to hypnosis for smoking the hypnotist told me to imagine a place where I would not dream of ever having a cigarette.

                        I racked my brains and the only place I could come up with was "In the shower".

                        I was then told to either go to that place when the cravings hit hard, or lie somewhere nice, relax, and imagine I was in that place.

                        Might help a little with the drink cravings- I haven't tried it for drink yet as I am at work when the bewitching hour begins.


                          Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                          Think past having that first drink to the next day and the hangover, feelings of self disgust etc. etc. and focus on that not on the pleasure of the first mouthful. I have used that method a few times and it worked. Keeping busy helps too.



                            Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                            Thanks everyone. I appreciate all of the ideas and support. I let you know how I do.


                              Any ideas on how to get through day 2?

                              I failed. I resisted past my normal starting drinking hour. I went to the bottle twice and turned away. The third time I told myself that tonight was a good night to drink because tomorrow I will not drink and I can not go 3 days in a row.

                              I know that it was a bad choice. I will start again today.


