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Newbies in Need ODAT

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    Newbies in Need ODAT

    Good morning everyone

    Decided to rename this thread as there are lots of us on different days AF but each one of us is struggling to get through just one day at a time so thats what we have in common. I started the 1st of September so today is Day 25. Only 5 days to go to reach my 30 day goal. In one way I should be over the moon and I am but I have done this before and I know that once I start to drink again I'm back to square one. Having a 30 day goal kept me motivated and some days it was easy and others it was a real struggle. I have been struggling more the last few days so thats why I focussing more on ODAT. Once I reach the 30 days I'll try for another 30 and take it in steps like that.

    Janice, Mary and all to come hope all is going well for you.


    Newbies in Need ODAT

    Good idea Rustop.......count me on Day 58.

    Well done on the 25!!!

    Starlight Impress x


      Newbies in Need ODAT

      Rustop and Starlight,

      Great thread. Yes, one day at a time. Man last night was tough!! Grrr. Had to beat the beast back big time. Luckily MWO to the rescue.

      Need to figure out how to change the "hit the bar" mindset in the travels.

      But I know I can do it.

      Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Newbies in Need ODAT

        Rus - great thread. No matter where we are ODAT works! (You never know when you might need it!)

        Hey, I'm watching you for day 33 - OK?!?! Otherwise there might be a 'vacuum' moment at 30!! Wont let you have it. Pact? (Tell me to p*** off though if I've typed out of place!)

        You can do this Rustop....

        FMF xx
        :heart: c: :heart:
        "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


          Newbies in Need ODAT

          Good Morning everyone! Well, I started AF last Thursday which is a strange day to start, but I was able to get through the weekend, which was a huge accomplishment! Good idea Rustop, as I really do not care for counting days either, I would just like to be able to say "I just dont drink anymore." It seems to be working so far! One of (many) things that is really motivating me right now, is that I really really want to get my healthy body back. I think about all the damage alcohol does, its enough to make anyone sick. I feel grateful that I am still on the planet to be honest. Have a great day everyone!


            Newbies in Need ODAT

            Oh heck - I hope that was OK Rus....looks wrong now it's 'up there'.... just wanting to give you support, hon! Shoot the messenger if you want!!
            :heart: c: :heart:
            "Be patient and gentle with yourself - the magic is in you."


              Newbies in Need ODAT

              Dear Rustop & all my other friends: Newbies in need ODAT is great. I am in ODAT mode. Even though I'm using DrinkTracker, I'm trying not to count. Thank you so much for starting this thread & staying w/it. I can't tell you how much it means to me. I feel strong today & will stay sober (for today). Tomorrow is not here yet, so I'm not thinking about it. Cindi, it will get easier as you do it. Our habits of drinking are very, very ingrained. It's not easy to replace them w/new habits. It takes many, many repetitions before a habit is replaced by a new one. Certainly the evidence of that was my Sunday slips. I'm so in the habit of drinking on Sunday while others do their own thing. I will come up w/a new way to spend Sunday. I've promised myself that.

              Star, your posts mean so much to me. I love that you are so far along. At 58 days, you are more than half-way to 90 days. 90 days is the length of a traditional rehab're rehabbing yourself. It takes 90 days for the brain to readjust itself. To me, that seems so hopeful. Take care of your's a wonderful thing that you now have.

              Love, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in Need ODAT

                Hey Finding, no problem. Taken in the spirit it was intended. I have had cravings on the strangest days not the ones I expected at all, glad I have all your support. Well done Cindi for bypassing the bar. We all have these habits and just when we get a handle on one the other poses a challenge. During one of my AF stints last year I had grown accostomed to not having wine at home. Then we went away to a cottage for Easter and of course out of my usual environment, vacation mood, went back drinking wine. That continued every night for the following six months. It probably takes the 90 days to break the habit but I'd say the first year is going to be a major challenge. First Christmas, birthday celebrations, vacations etc. etc. No point worrying about it though hence ODAT.



                  Newbies in Need ODAT

                  Hi everyone, good idea Rustop renaming the thread - I know that sometimes when we are well into a month, it is tempting to use the excuse "well I've slipped, might as well wait until the 1st of next month now before going AF".

                  Well its 3.30pm and I've just got back from work after doing extra hours today. Today will be day 1AF if I can get past these next few hours, between now and tea time - danger time! I really didn't feel very well last night, really bad tummy ache and woke in the night feeling really sick. Not a good sign. So, I'm not drinking today.

                  Good luck everyone, janicexx
                  AF since 9 May 2012
                  Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                    Newbies in Need ODAT

                    Hi Janice

                    Good luck over the next few hours, you will get through them. Hope you are feeling a little better, it might be just a 24 hour tummy bug. Pamper yourself this evening.



                      Newbies in Need ODAT

                      Thanks Mary.........I knew you had posted that it takes 90 days to break a habit, but I was unaware that a traditional rehab programme lasts 90 days..........I just want to wake up one morning and realize it`s at least 3pm before I`ve even thought of so determined now not to drink.......just need the voice in my head to cease......period. Ughh!!!

                      Starlight Impress x


                        Newbies in Need ODAT

                        Starlight, you are so right. That's all I want too... to stop thinking about it. I know I will. I wonder, why was I okay not drinking when I was pregnant? What about when I was nursing? My mind was focused on looking forward to something else, other than the wine. So I realized that maybe depression got me here, but now it's this habit that I have to break as I am not feeling depressed anymore but still am going through the motions that I established when I was. Starlight, please tell me when you go that day without thinking about drinking! I will cheer for you!



                          Newbies in Need ODAT

                          May I join you? I've had so many days I thought I was so committed to being the first of many AF days (maybe forever) and have failed each time. So I got to be embarrassed to get on a thread and say "Today I really AM going to do it", like any of you who might be paying attention to my posts would roll your eyes and say, "Yeah right". Okay, I know that's projection - there's a bit inside me that says that.

                          So I like the ODAT idea.
                          Here is one day I will not drink alcohol.
                          FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!


                            Newbies in Need ODAT

                            I've been there too! Maybe that's why the one day at a time trick works so well. I'm not going to think about tomorrow or set a goal, I think. That's too much. I'm just not going to drink today. I'll check back with you tomorrow and am wishing you the best!


                              Newbies in Need ODAT

                              Thanks - this idea is new to me ... I worry that without a goal I'll give in too easily on trigger nights, like when my daughter is with her dad. But then, I didn't do too well when I did set goals, so what the heck.
                              FINALLY -- I'm a non-drinker!!

