I am officially a bad parent!! For the first time I felt too rough this morning to take the boys to school!! I am so ashamed of myself!
I am in the beginnings of setting up a business BUT how can I run a business if I cant manage to run my life?
I truly have had enough now!
The book still hasn?t arrived so I am going to download it from the site and read it tonight instead of drinking!
I have been reading the posts on here with interest and understand the sugar cravings and I was particularly interested in the what to drink discussion.
I have bought Kudzu from the health shop but am a little concerned, it says 2 a day but am aware from reading the posts that many of you take many more. Is it safe to? Can you overdose on them?
I am so grateful I found this forum, you are all so inspiring.
Best wishes to all of you and :thanks: