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I need help!!

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    I need help!!

    This is my first day of the rest of my life, I want to stop, but am afraid that I won't make it through the day without doing it............................Please, I will check in periodically throughout the day for some support and advice, I just want to go Mon-Thurs without drinking, and REALLY want to do it this time!!! I have in the past but then it gets to be a daily thing that I cannot control:new:

    Thanks in advance for ANY help!!:thanks:

    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

    I need help!!


    Hang in there. We can do today.

    Anytime you feel you need help, jump into the ASAP forum or jump into the chat and see if someone will join you.

    But know that WE CAN DO TODAY. (We'll worry about tomorrow in the morning.)

    AF April 9, 2016


      I need help!!

      Hi and Welcome Cowgal,

      Here you will find support, the comittment comes from you. Quite honestly, there is no magic word or golden button......boy! I for one wish there was! But, you have taken the first Huge step.....recognizing that you have a problem with alcohol AND..You are Brave enough to reach out.

      I encourage you to spend as much time as possible reading here, I really encourage you to order or download the book as soon as possible. Above all else, take care of yourself.

      Good Luck and Best Wishes,
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        I need help!!

        Hi Cowgirl and :welcome:

        Do as Kate said and download the book. The supplements and cd's really help too. We are all there to support you, just join in on the different threads.



          I need help!!

          Hi Cowgirl, like yourself I want to get through the week without a drink- have restarted the program after slipping back into my old ways. It does work if you stick to it and the site is a great help. You can do it, welcome!!


            I need help!!

            Cowgal and missCDJ - you CAN do it! You have to BELIEVE and the rest of the journey becomes a little easier. Good Luck! Keep coming back, it takes a little time to find your feet but you'll soon find loads of support and people to "talk" to.
            Full is not nearly as heavy as empty, my love...
            Not nearly. -Fiona Apple-


              I need help!!

              Hi. Juniperbelle here. I'm new today also, and my doc insists that I join a group, since I'm a bit of a loner. I'll hang out and ask questions for awhile. BTW, I tend to be a binge drinker: when some severe physical or emotional pain hits, I want to sleep through it; it also happens automatically. Before I know it, I've lost 3-4 days, with no memory.


                I need help!!


                Thanks for all the support, but I am physically not doing well and may not get through this day as I thought, I think I need a few beers just to help me with the shakes, and if I only have a few tomorrow will be easier to go cold turkey, who knows, I may change my heart in a while and become more determined to do this..............right now PHYSICALLY, I am in dire need of the alcohol......................don't know what to do ??!!!?!:upset:
                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  I need help!!


                  How much do you drink daily?

                  Physical withdrawal is no joke!!

                  This site has some links to direct you about it, like when you need to go to doc for withdrawal help, etc.

                  Please take care. Do not use this as an excuse to drink a lot, though, if you are going to drink. If you need help, the doctor can give you some meds that will make withdrawal less dangerous and easier.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    I need help!!

                    Welcome. Don't try to do this alone. There is tons of support here. Are you taking anything to help you?


                      I need help!!


                      I usually only drink a 6 pack of miller lite/day, but had a really partying weekend, don't EVEN know what the count was?!

                      I just went out and bought a beer, drank it, will be ok until I get off work at 4:30, then I need to go to my son's baseball game at 6...............plan on just maybe 1 or two, then tomorrow will be ok to start AF ...........I think!?:sighbubble:
                      Sory I blew it already, and thanks for the support, will keep checking in while here at work, have NO home computer right now, but it is being repared and should have again 4:30 on I am on my own :fingers:

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        I need help!!

                        cowgal, just wondering how you are getting on. i managed to get through day one without a drink but had severe cravings following a phone call telling me i willhave to pay back thousands of pounds in benefits(uk tax credits) which i apparently shouldn't have been given - a big shock. unable to get to the shops for wine as have been waiting in for a furniture delivery and this saved me i think..the furniture never arrived which i am cross about, but am so glad i was unable to leave the house. Craving gone now I've eaten my evening meal and day 2 beckons. Have you got any meds for withdrawal symptoms? No shakes etc here but maybe it's early days. Not sure how much u have to be drinking to get bad withdrawal?


                          I need help!!

                          Doing ok

                          Actually did not sleep well, but didn't drink too much either, had just a few to make myself feel "not too shaky", but I KNOW today I will not drink!!!!:wd: :happy:

                          I just feel like I will make it today!:thanks:

                          Thanks for all your support, will keep checking in all day again for your help!!!

                          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                            I need help!!

                            Reading your posts I think that you and I are similar. I spent the last 2 years drinking far too much at weekends, usually anything from 12-20 beers over Fri Sat and then Sunday in a mess trying to prepare for the week.

                            When I had a drink though things did get worse then I needed a drink to ?steady my nerves? ? just get started? oh any old rubbish to anyone that was around me at the time to explain why I was having a beer when the rest of the world was having breakfast.
                            I did that for 2 years (previously things were much worse but I was in total denial and I?m not in any position to try and help people during that stage, although if anyone wants me to explain I?m happy to).

                            As you?ve read last week was my time. Ending up with me having 2 beers to calm my nerves (read stop the shakes and the fear) at 2am because they woke me up, but that didn?t work so vodka (a rare drink for me, one that I avoided because deep inside I knew I had a problem that I was trying to control) seemed the only way that I might be able to control the shakes. Nothing helped and that?s when I admitted to my girlfriend that I needed help and was taken to hospital.

                            Now what you?re doing isn?t wrong. You need to listen to yourself and decide if and when you need help (many may disagree but this is just my opinion). You sound like you have everything going for you and, like me, alcohol can be justified as a good part of that, but like me its not, its taking all that?s good about what you have and screwing it up.
                            Brilliant that today you?re doing well, if you decide that this or any other help or program works then excellent, just grab onto the things and people and try. If you don?t quite make it ? no problem, just keep trying!

                            I?m no councillor and I don?t always write with the clearest clarity but if you keep trying and keep hope then you will get there. Wish I could give you a hug!


                              I need help!!

                              I feel the hug!!

                              Thank you sooo much for sharing so much with me, I am seeing a psychiatrist today and will try to go to an AA meeting today if that will help, hasn't always, I, too have been battling with this for probably over 2 years, off and on of course...............I'd be dead otherwise:eeew: ??? I know I cannot keep on going on like this, and my husband drinks alot, so he is no support whatsoever!!:upset:

                              OK, now I am rambling, but thanks and one day at a time we WILL get there!!! I love you and feel like we have sooooo much in common, all of us do really..................

                              HUGS and kisses!!:h

                              :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:

