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Mad at myself

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    Mad at myself

    Auntie. a belated :welcome: from me .....

    Well done on your AF days, it feels good doesn't it .....

    Keep it up ...:l


      Mad at myself

      Hi auntie, I can't imagine life without beer. Like you, I have a position in a hospital that requires fortitude, concentration, and strict adherence to patient care. I have been drinking for as long as I can remember. I could not go one day without a twelve pack of ice cold beer. Unfortunately, as my ex would say that beer turned me into a monster. I'm now on day 4 AF and I'm determined not to allow alcohol ruin what I have left in this world. Great job and family. Hopes and prayers. I just remind myself of what I have lost and so far it has been working.


        Mad at myself

        Thanks Betty and John! We all need all the support we can. It's SO hard!! Like right now I'm getting ready to leave work...yes, I sometimes have to work Saturdays too...and am thinking about buying some red wine and taking kudzu when I get home to see if that will blunt my desire for drinking too much. I don't know how fast that works though and I should probably just stay AF. I really don't want to ruin my record now do I?!!
        AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


          Mad at myself

          So dont!!! KNOW you don`t need that red wine.........Sat night ain`t gonna be any better because of wine now, is it?? lol

          Starlight Impress x


            Mad at myself

            Thanks Star! You are so right. I will not have it!
            AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


              Mad at myself

              Clever auntigriselda!!! Proud of you!!

              Starlight Impress x


                Mad at myself

                Thanks again dear Starlight! I'm safely at home sans wine and plan to check out the hypnosis cd. This little voice in my head keeps saying it'll be OK to have just a glass. But it isn't. I love this site!
                AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                  Mad at myself

                  Auntie -- we started the same day but I slipped and am I day 4 (campral in hand this time & I needed to taper) I felt awful after my slip! I realized that alot of it had to do with my boyfriend and how I was reacting to our situation -- I needed to have a long talk to him... he has been very understanding (Starlight thank you for you advice on that one)
                  Auntie -- take a hot bath! drink hot tea!!! take it from this frog!


                    Mad at myself

                    Thanks Baby Girl. Today is day 13 and I'm past the craving now. I'm going to enjoy the evening with the hypnosis cd and a cup of the calming tea!!
                    I'm glad you got the med and are back on track. Isn't it funny how much more understanding others are than we sometimes? My boyfriend was very understanding and has even cut down on drinking himself. He said he would support me all the way. I will be thinking about you!
                    AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs


                      Mad at myself

                      Yay!!!! Enjoy the tea / CDs ... hope to hear from you tomorrow! Baby


                        Mad at myself

                        Auntie...that "little voice in your head" is the BIG, BAD, Beast and he will kick your ass in a New York minute! Recognize it for what it is...the enemy. Day 13 is fantastic! You don't want to give that up. Keep up the good work...



                          Mad at myself

                          Thanks Chief!! Not sure I could have gone this far without all the support here. It's absolutely fantastic. I'm so glad I found this site!
                          AF since Jan. 25th, 2011 :thumbs

