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Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

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    Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

    Good morning everyone, just like to say a quick hi before I get off to work. Yesterday's start to the month was fantastic - it was great to meet new newbies and see "oldies" returning as well!!!

    I hope everyone managed to get through yesterday - if you didn't, pick yourself up, dust yourself down and make today AF because even just one day is worth that lovely feeling you get the next morning!! One day Af is one day less of putting poison into our bodies and that's got to be a good thing.

    No swimming for me today, will aim to go tomorrow but I feel good and know that I won't drink today.

    Thank you all for being there.:thanks:

    AF from 1st October
    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)

    Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

    Good morning Janice and all to come.

    Yeppers. I made it through day 1. 30 more to go.

    It is nice to wake up without a hangover and regrets. Remember this feeling later when the urge starts coming on and beat it back.

    One day at a time. Just today. We will worry about tomorrow, tomorrow!!

    Take care all and hope all meet their goals today, whatever they may be.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

      Good morning Janice, Cindi and all to come.

      Got through yesterday o.k. It was a hell of a lot easier than 1st September, I'm becomming more used to not having wine at night. The craving is still there but I'm beginning to break the habit. It's a long slow journey but thanks to MWO I'm getting there. I was at a meeting of the parents association in my girls school last night so that kept me busy. Not a very nice morning here but hoping to bring the doggies for a walk later. I go with a friend every day so it's a lot more enjoyable.



        Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

        Good morning everyone, I didn't make it yesterday, so this morning, back to the usual
        feelings, guilt self hate etc. I have decided that I need to see a counsellor, maybe if I
        could talk about some of the things that happened in my past, I may cope better with
        the present. I am so scared of these binges, that just seem to creep up on me.
        Thanks for listening. Paula.


          Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

          day 2 a.f- bring it on!

          Hello everyone,
          Made it thru day one AF and woke up feeling great. Had to wait in all day yesterday for some furniture to arrive (it didn't) and If it wasn't for that probably would have gone out for wine as I'd had some bad news (stress=drink). Once I'd had dinner though the cravings went, it's around 6 o clock I start to think about opening that bottle. supermarket shop today but refuse to be tempted. Am still stressed about the bad news but know how much worse it would feel with a hangover!


            Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

            hi everyone,

            i had a major hangover yesterday from drinking 14 beers. i haven't had a binge like that for about 3 weeks. i had 6 beers left yesterday but threw them away. sorry for my drunken feeling sorry for myself posts.
            day 2 af for me.
            Paula, i hope you feel better tomorrow, don't be too hard on yourself. how is George? i hope he's still gaining strength. i've had counselling in the past, but don't think i was ready to fully embrace it at the time. i'd like to have some more to help with my low self esteem, i'd like to try CBT. Be kind to yourself Paula :l .
            hope we all reach our goals for today
            AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

            Snake....... come crawling,
            There's fire in your eyes,
            Bite me, excite me,
            I'll learn to realize.

            The poison transmuted,
            Brings eternal flame.
            Open me to heaven,
            To heal me again.


              Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

              Thanks Want, George is improving.


                Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                this is day 1

                Paula I couldn't get through yesterday sober, but today is my goal!! We can do this one day at a time..............just today!!!:l Everyone else, thanks for your inspiration, I will keep reading and posting when I get a chance, I am sOOOOOOO happy to be back here!!!!


                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                  Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                  Hi Everyone: I really love this thread. Thank you so much for starting Janice. I'm doing well, but by no means am I taking my sobriety for granted. Firstly, I don't have that much sobriety. Secondly, I relapsed after over 2 months of sobriety. Therefore, I'm on my guard all the time. I have a few social commitments over the weekend that involve liquor. I'll take those as they come. Just for today, I'll stay sober. I'm going to be very busy (not that busy-ness stopped me in the past). I will stay sober for today. Mary
                  Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                  October 3, 2012


                    Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                    Hi Everyone,
                    Looks like i miss the good morning, well good evening everyone.
                    Tonight I'm going dog training, But its always on the way home when I go pass the off licences i get tempted.- I THINK I will try and take a different route home tonight.
                    family is everything to me


                      Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                      Its 6.30 pm - I've been fine today, no cravings but had a bad morning at work. Went into work on a high, came out feeling really down - I don't know why, daft things that happen and I'm feeling just that bit sensitive at the moment. This had a knock-on effect for the afternoon and I ended up getting all upset and emotional. Tomorrow Dad would have been 87 and I just wonder whether mam will pick up the phone and ring me but I very much doubt it, thats something she never does now. As long as she's got her beer, she doesn't need anyone or anything else. And, for a second.......just a second, the thought went through my head "Janice, have a drink, pour yourself a drink". But I started to tell myself "...but I'm only day 2, how can I be so adamant only a few hours ago that this time it's different and then a few hours later, convince myself thats what I need, that's what will make the pain go away??" Anyway, I'm relieved to say I ignored myself and I didn't - and instead I'm on here, I've got no cravings physically but emotionally I'm craving a lot more than a glass of wine.....the only trouble is its so easy to pour myself a glass of wine ...I can't bring dad back and I can't make mam love me. Oh dear, I am sorry for myself....who knows some good jokes??? As always, thanks for listening.......Janicexxx
                      AF since 9 May 2012
                      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                        Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                        Hi Janice, hang in there. We are all here for you. What you are feeling is perfectly normal, the first year after loosing someone you love is the hardest, the first birthday, first Christmas etc. Dealing with that and the drink issue is huge. Baby steps and you will get there.



                          Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                          Hmm , October, the coming of winter. At least in the northern hemisphere.

                          The days are getting short, the skies that ugly, dull grey.

                          I suffer from S.A.D., Seasonal Affective Disorder. I love the sun and HATE the dark, the days are dark and so are my moods.

                          But I have this little light box, that I use in the morning while I drink my coffee to replace the sun, that makes me feel better. I wonder if some of you might benefit from one.

                          I won't link to anything as there are many manufacturers, just do a search.

                          They really do help. :l

                          m. xx
                          ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
                          I am in the next seat.
                          My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                            Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                            Hello all

                            Hello Cowgal, Mary, Want, Rustop, Paula, Magic, Teardrop, Janice, and MissCDJ

                            Magic, I watched that show Men In Trees throughout its first season, and the policewoman, Patrick's mother, has a light box in it cos she suffers from SAD too. I thought that was cool the way depression was subtly brought out of the closet there. My dad suffers from that too, it's very common in the northern hemisphere.

                            Janice, Rustop is totally right, it is a very difficult time in the first year after a bereavement, hang in there, you're doing grand.

                            Retteacher, Mary, I don't feel much qualified to say stuff to you about the sundays, cos I'm new 'round here, but i just have to speak up this minute.
                            You say you relapsed.
                            Please don't say that about those 2 days. I have listened to you/watched your posts since i came here, and i hear you continually beating yourself up over those two days. Others acknowledge their AF and slip days, but you criticise yourself so much.
                            Please take credit for your great achievement, and that is not just me being sycophantic, please believe me. I always feel so sad when I see you talk about failing in your AF goal, so many would love to be as strong as you are. I know you set the bar high for yourself, I admire you for that; I know your sobriety is of paramount importance to you and I do not undervalue your goal, but please do not castigate yourself; you are an inspiration to me.

                            Well done to everyone on getting through this Tuesday, that feels like a Monday over here, with drizzle and cold winds and grey skies.



                              Newbies in Need ODAT Tuesday

                              Hi guys.I agree with what phoenix has said above to Janice,and Mary.
                              Janice i know you are by yourself at the moment and understand what it is like to wonder round an empty house.Try and keep strong on the drink front,but maybe take the solitude as an opportunity to feel your pain and let go.A hug your way xx
                              Mary please take pride in your achievments.You have truley learnt from your slips.Wish i was as focused for such long periods xx
                              Well done and best wishes to everyone xx
                              I did not drink today!!

