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Anyone join me for an AF week?

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    Anyone join me for an AF week?

    7 days AF starting today Wednesday? Have been away for a while and really need to kick start.....


    Anyone join me for an AF week?

    Poppy: I'd love to join you for the week. I've been using the one-day-at-a-time method. It feels manageable to concentrate on only one day, sometimes one hour, or one minute. I try not to think too far ahead, though I know in my heart I really want an AF lifestyle. However, I'd like to be here w/you for the next week. We can help each other stay sober. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012


      Anyone join me for an AF week?

      Hi Mary, glad to have you with me. Today will be easy for me as I feel ill/hung over etc, but tomorrow when Im feeling much better and have energy etc will be much more of a challenge - by the evening I will be wanting to do this madness all over again...?!



        Anyone join me for an AF week?

        Poppy: I joined MWO in April & was very erratic until July 10th. Even through all the slips & relapses during that period, I kept coming here, posting & reading. On July 10th, I decided to stop & make that commitment on a daily basis. I was mostly successful. The rest of July & all of August was AF. In Sept., I had a couple of slips but feel back on track now (since Sept. 24th). I would never have been able to do this wo/MWO. I was struggling w/alcoholism for the past 5 - 7 years. In the last 3 years, I drank alone a lot. The first 7 days were pretty difficult, but after that I began to see more success. Let's keep at this together. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Anyone join me for an AF week?

          I'll join you guys also, I slipped up yesterday but am back at it again today! :-) Hopefully, will be albe to stay AF but I have class tonight and I get home late from that so, it should be ok...
          Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


            Anyone join me for an AF week?

            I sometimes think part of my problem is the all or nothing attitude I have - I mean I am so afraid of failing that I dont even try & go into a sort of blinkered phase of 'everything's fine' .....when quite clearly its not. Which can mean weeks of drinking and not even trying to stop or cut down. I have to learn to forgive myself if I do slip - so that I dont drink again out of guilt and denial etc.....



              Anyone join me for an AF week?

              I'll join for an AF week! The challenge for me is going to be the weekend. I don't remember the last time I had an AF weekend. I've been AF since Monday, and I'd really like to go for at least 30 days (eventually lifetime!) but I'm trying not to think that far in advance. I find the CD's are really helpful to listen to in the evening -- which is usually when I'd reach for a drink...

              I've been reading a lot from this site and finding strength with my battle since May. I've recently renewed my determination and that's all we can really do. Just keep trying. I agree the guilt and denial is awful and am trying to learn new ways to cope myself!
              Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                Anyone join me for an AF week?

                Oh I hear you icandothis, weekends are my REALLY weak time, I just love to have a couple of beers on the weekend.
                Sobriety is like my avatar. It was always right there in front of me but I couldn't see it!


                  Anyone join me for an AF week?

                  Good morning, I feel much better today(dangerous...). Need a plan for the witching hours which for me begins at about 5pm sometimes earlier. I am going to dig out the CDs for one - I havent listened to those properly yet. I am on day 3 of Topamax 25mg and I am just beginning to feel some side effects. (Foggy, mispelling etc). Have to do the school run now but want to check in lots today.



                    Anyone join me for an AF week?

                    I've been listening to the CD's every evening. I'm attempting the 21 days that they recommend to "recondition" and maybe lose some of my cravings for alcohol!
                    Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.:h


                      Anyone join me for an AF week?

                      Hi Everyone: I'm doing well w/the ODAT (one day at a time) method. I'm trying not to think ahead to the weekend when we have 2 non-AF events to go to. I'll plan for those as they come. I read that the brain needs 90 AF days to reset the impulse-control mechanism that got screwed up w/all the drinking. That's why most rehabs are 90 days. I also read that it takes 21 repetitions of something new (going AF) to blot out the old habit (drinking). I like this thread. It's a little more challenging than one day at a time. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        Anyone join me for an AF week?

                        I'm in!



                          Anyone join me for an AF week?

                          Me too- have done 4 days so far and need to do at least another 7 to finish the Master Cleanse.


                            Anyone join me for an AF week?

                            I'm in too. I'm trying for an AF October and find it might be more manageable in smaller doses. This weekend will be the tell all. I haven't had an AF weekend in 15 years. One thing I have been doing to avoid the bewitching hour is to get in my pajamas and wash my face even if it is only 6:00 pm because that prevents me from just running to the liquor store.


                              Anyone join me for an AF week?

                              I would like to try this too. This is my first post ever! My hardest times are also 6 to 8 or 9 pm. Also weekends. This weekend will be particularly hard as it's Columbus Day. So far I have not had a glass of wine (my poison!) in 3 days. But I did have a margarita tuesday night when my husband was out of town and I took the kids to have mexican food. But only one! Then I started this program the next day.:new: Hope I'm posting this correctly, geez.

