my sober day! three weeks today
went to work with a clear head and good attitude had a good day at my work
had lunch then off to the gym did 90 mins at the gym felt good tiz a beautiful summer saturday hops on my motorbike goes for a run and i stop at a beach just minding my own and enjoying the view..this old fellow comes out of his car and starts chatting how nice the bike is and how his son just bought one and just general chat nice old fellow....
then for no aparant reason the conversation changes??
he talks about how his old drinking buddy is sick?? and how he has given away the booze three years ago just quit on his own!!
he is worried about his pal and how he poisens himself with booze and wont eat but he forces the booze down( what are the chances of this man talking to a biker alcholic like me? and not knowing a thing about me and my troubles with drink?? this was nuts is someone upstairs looking after me??) it was a good reminder of what will happen if i drink? and a reminder of life if i dont
be sick like his pal or be like him content to sit at a beach and enjoy the day?
i left him feeling touched and pretty good...
its now saturday night i am alone my family and friends are on the other side of the world
and im content!! i have friends on here and can share so im not alone in the slightest
and what of the sat buzz the weekend?? for me today is a day it has 24 hours in it
the only difference between saturday and monday is that the spelling is different
onwards and upwards odat..jon...:thanks: