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Symptoms of over drinking???

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    Symptoms of over drinking???

    I'm with ya, UKBlonde, I am going to start by jumping rope tonight. No booze for me today, hopefully forever.

    Thank you very much for this information, I truly appreciate it!


      Symptoms of over drinking???

      hi t.ahern im a vodka drinker and the stomach pains, liver pains, heart beats, panic attacks etc etc is down to overindulging part and partial of being an alcoholic im afraid( they do get better after time)i agree with uk blonde she knows her tatties.........the only thing i dont get on is cider drinking major heartburn and stomach upset i have perpectual ulcers in the stomach due to drinking vodka the pain usually goes after 3 days but you think all the worst thus increaseing the heartrate then panic attacks and anxiety.......keep shovelling down the vits, plenty of fluids,good healthyfood, plenty exercise and hey presto back to yourself if your getting pains in the liver its time to give it a break im not a doctor or anything but gained enough knowledge from the hospital over the years to know what im on about the liver is the only organ in the body that can repair itself and it would stun you if you knew what diseases of the liver and internal organs alcohol really mate lost his mum and dad in a month then his wife left him days after burying them and went on a bender for weeks he ended up with jaundice,pleuracy,pancreatitis and diabetes just through alcohol.....its not worth it!! good at the time but makes you comedown with a bang and the pains get worse after each bang keep retaining abs and think possitive i dont mean to scare anybody its just sad fact that this is reality
      from mitch highlander
      Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.


        Symptoms of over drinking???

        Ahern - unfortunately I know that over here GPs (Drs), really don't get ANY training in alcoholism or addiction as a whole. I presume it must only be the same in the states.

        It is left to the private sector, charities and voluntary agencies. Drs often are very eager to learn from us!


          Symptoms of over drinking???

          Hey Mitch,

          Thank you so much for the information. I understand that I must stop drinking. I have been AF for 60 hours now and feel pretty good. My stomach, liver and heart even feel better. You see, I really don't drink that much, but it affects me greatly. If I drink a pint of vodka over the course of 6 hours, I'm a mess. Perhaps that is a lot, but whatever the amount, it's too much for me. I don;t want to end up like your friend. I really do want to be healthy. It's not worth it, I know. It's really hard sometimes. I want to make this work and live an AF life.

          Again, I thank you and please keep in touch. I'll be hanging around for a long, long time. Theresa


            Symptoms of over drinking???

            Hey UK,
            Yes, you are right. But it was very encouraging that my doctor was interested in the MWO program and is going to go on-line to get more information to perhaps help some of his other patients. Thanks!


              Symptoms of over drinking???

              T.Ahern, I am so very happy to hear everything went well with your doctor. He sounds very supportive and I think it is great he is checking out the site. Please keep posting and let me know how you are doing.


                Symptoms of over drinking???

                this is good this is the kind of thread I like to read. it's great that you had the courage to get some help and to share your progress. big hug to you
                You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber


                  Symptoms of over drinking???

                  Thank you, Trixietrack! I am a little fuzzy today, must be the new meds. I am determined to make this work. Thanks for the hug and one great big one back @ ya!


                    Symptoms of over drinking???

                    T.Ahern, saw your post on another thread where you said you have 3 days AF. Congratulations, what a great beginning. Hang in there and keep posting.


                      Symptoms of over drinking???


                      Super glad to hear about your experience with the doc and your terrific AF time. Wishing you all the best!!


