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    Having trouble posting this morning so hope this goes through.

    Hope everyone is well and had a good weekend. If it didn't go to plan, Monday is a good day to get started again so make today an AF day, just today!

    Good to hear from everyone yesterday - I had typed out a message to each of you who posted yesterday but after typing it and losing it 4 times, I'll keep this short if thats okay.
    Just had to say welcome back to Kali, I am so sorry about your grand-daughter and niece and brother-in-law. You have got more than your fair share of problems . You are not a failure Kali - you are here doing something about your problem. Take Nancy's advice and make just a small change for steps and all that. You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers....Please stay with us on newbies.

    I'll be back on later, day 8 for me and feel okay.

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)



    You are doing so brilliantly. I am very happy for you!! More than "good job," GREAT JOB!!

    I, too, am on day 8 and totally excited. This is a record breaker for me. Yahoo!!

    All other newbies, those who have achieved their goals and those who haven't, let's keep on keepin' on. Life is too precious to give up this fight. We shall overcome.

    Flying out soon, so have to quit reading and posting. Will see you on the other side of the trip.

    Take care all and have a beautiful Monday.

    AF April 9, 2016



      just take a look at those gold stars Cindi!!!!!!!!!!!!1
      AF since 9 May 2012
      Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)



        Hi Janice, Cindi and all to come

        The start of another week and hopefully an AF one. Special hello to Kali and welcome, you sure are going through a lot at the moment, our thoughts and prayers are with you. It seems so unfair that some people go through so much. I see my cousin of 35 suffering so much with cancer and feel so guilty that I abused my body the way I have. Back on track today, just took my supplements and must listen to the cd's.




          Good Morning Cindi, Janice and Rustop,
          Nice to see you already this morning. Despite having wine on Sat I feel good this morning and quite optimistic about finishing out the month AF.

          Kali, welcome! This is such a difficult time for you and your family.Please stay with us as drinking will certainly not make any situation easier. We are here for you.
          Got to run but will be back later




            good morning janice and all to come.

            day 8 for me also, i'm really determined to make it today 9 because that will be a first for me in about 6yrs.

            yesterday was touch and go for me. i was making sunday dinner when one of my best friends phoned to say she loves me. she was making sunday dinner and was very drunk. we haven't spoken properly for quite a few months because,
            1. she couldn't cope with my last manic episode and didn't want to know. (really hurt me, cause i'd had to give evidence at our best friends murder trial which triggered my episode, but i can kinda understand why i was pretty wild and out of control)
            2. then i've crashed into depression and felt completely worthless and shut everybody out, she knew i'd crashed but still didn't get in touch with me.
            3. we get pissed out of our minds when we get together and i don't want that anymore.

            she was really upset...... crying on the phone, so i put dinner on hold and went to her house cause i was worried about her.

            i didn't take my bag...... there's a row of shops to go past to get to her house two of which
            sell all my fav wines and beers.

            when i arrived at her house she flung her arms round me telling me how much she loved and missed me. she offered me a drink...... i declined......... said i couldn't stay long cause i was in the middle of making dinner...... just wanted to make sure she was ok.

            it all got a bit weird......... inbetween her repeatedly saying ' i luuuv yoooou' she kept berating me for my manic actions (drink driving with no tax or insurance and a few sexual indescrepences 1 of which ended up with me getting drugged and date raped, blah blah. f***king nightmare) i've been to hell and back, beating myself up and trying to make sense of my actions and the situations i found my self in.

            anyway....i'm glad i went round, i left with mixed emotions, but its kinda cleared the air and the beginning of a new understanding between us, for me anyway, don't think she'll remember :H :l . she's 1 of 3 best friends and i love her too... even if she does like to stick the boot in when she says she loves me.

            i'll call her later and see how she is.

            well i turned down a drink whilst there and thank god i didn't take my bag cause i felt like shite on my way home and probably would have got a bottle of wine. so i feel pretty proud of myself for that.

            bloody hell, sorry, i didn't mean to waffle on so much..........having said that i do feel better for it.

            i don't know you kali but i am saying prayers for you and your family, god bless.

            i hope everyone had a good weekend and like janice said....if anyone has slipped monday is a good day to start again.

            much love to everyone
            AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

            Snake....... come crawling,
            There's fire in your eyes,
            Bite me, excite me,
            I'll learn to realize.

            The poison transmuted,
            Brings eternal flame.
            Open me to heaven,
            To heal me again.



              Hi Janice, Cindi, Rustop: It's Monday & a brand-new start. I feel hopeful & full of purpose. Yesterday worked out fine. I regret the slips that I've had, but they've taught me that drinking doesn't do anything for me. Having a few drinks isn't worth jeopardizing the wonderful peace-of-mind I get from being AF. I'm off to b-sit the grandsons. Love, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012



                LMAO............ see how long it takes me to type and get my thoughts together, only janice had posted, when i started on my waffle.

                hi, db2 8 days is a biggie for me too,

                hi, rustop & vinophile hope you have a good day

                AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                Snake....... come crawling,
                There's fire in your eyes,
                Bite me, excite me,
                I'll learn to realize.

                The poison transmuted,
                Brings eternal flame.
                Open me to heaven,
                To heal me again.



                  Hi all

                  It's Day 6 of an AF week. I feel pretty good. I have done 5 days before many times but only once through a weekend.

                  I was tempted on Saturday because I was feeling depressed but skipped it. I find that you ca get temporarily relief for that, but you trade it for 2-3 days peace of mind and worse depression after when you recover from it. This way, I felt badly on Saturday but
                  I felt ok yesterday and feel ok today.

                  I am planning to continue through at least all the weekdays this week.

                  To Want real meaning: Are you saying you have manic depression? I think a number of members here have written about that. I guess self-medication with alchohol is common. I can't remember exactly, but it might have been a member named cash register who has written about it. I hope you keep safe.

                  new comment
                  or was that bipolar? sorry. maybe someone can help me here?


                    NEWBIES IN NEED ODAT MONDAY

                    Hi all,
                    Yesterday was not a good day for me, just hoping for a better week.
                    Nancy, manic depression, is bi polar. It's an awful illness, sufferers
                    can go from being very elevated in mood to the depths of despair.


                      NEWBIES IN NEED ODAT MONDAY

                      ok today

                      yesterday was not good for me either, and today, THANK GOD, is a new day........sorry for all who, like me didn't fair well over the weekend, but lets all ralley together and gather hope for a new day!:h

                      Love you all, thanks for all the support as usual!!:thanks: :l

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        NEWBIES IN NEED ODAT MONDAY

                        THANKS TO ALL

                        I want to thank you each and everyone for all the support and kindness yesterday. Today is a new day, and for those who had a difficult weekend, or even just one day, I hope today brings you some peace, and maybe even a little joy.

                        I'm now starting day 2 AF, and it does feel really good. I guess it really will be just ODAT for me, moderation will never work in my case, I've tried it way tooooooooooo many times.

                        Thanks and prayers to all,

                        Jan (Kali):thanks:


                          NEWBIES IN NEED ODAT MONDAY

                          My ODAT friends,

                          Janice. Once again, I am ecstatic with how well you are doing. I can't add anything. You are doing so well. If you EVER need support, I hope I am online. You really deserve all the friendship and love you can get here. Go girl!!!

                          Paula. I am sorry you had a bad weekend. I remember the post about the woman dying and if you had not been AF, you could not have been with her. That was beautiful. Now, though, is time to think of yourself. You have some dragons to slay and we will be here to help you slay them!! No joke. I understand. Been there, done that.

                          Want. Your posts speak volumes. See above. You have some dragons to slay. Never, EVER, think drinking yourself to total whacked out means it is okay to be raped. Not by ANYONE. I had a good friend who said, "Stupidity should never result in rape." So, I am glad you did well but I recognize you have issues to deal with. I did too. I was raped as a young girl and at that time people were in the mindset of "well she ASKED FOR IT." Believe me, I never asked for it. At 15, I didn't know what IT was!!

                          Kali, I am so sorry you have so much on your "plate" today. However, life is like that. Hang in there and stay with us. We care and we will help you through this.

                          Vinophile (Janet) - It is great you feel optimistic. Because that is what it takes, optimism, determination and a goal.

                          RU - Do not feel guilty because someone has been hit with something you have not. We all abuse our bodies in some way or another. Just keep on trying. You have done so well, much better than me, and deserve KUDOs. Just jump back on. You can and will. I know you will. We will traverse this hill together.

                          Cowgal, you came in recently and just jumped in headfirst. Good for you!! No, it is not "easy" or "simple," it is a difficult road to travel. However, I just know you are going to do well and beat this damn thing!! I am glad you joined us. You give me hope, too.

                          Nancy, Every post this week has been so positive. I truly think you are finding your way and figuring it out. I want so much for you to be happy in whatever goal you choose. You are out detective. Good luck and best wishes on whatever AF days you choose and if you choose to Mod, then let them truly be mods, so that when you wake up, there is no remorse and no headache. I have so much enjoyed all your posts...

                          Mary, You are my friend, my inspiration and a good person. We did it on Sunday. Yea!!!
                          Every Sunday sober is so awesome. I loved my grandboys this Sunday. Not drunk a bit. OMG. They deserve a Granny who is "there" for them.

                          Everyone else, I am doing great. I love my job (wish I could do it from home, but alas not possible) I love my husband, children and grandchildren. I DO NOT LOVE THE ALCHOL because it minimizes how much I love the ladder. Every day sober is a reminder of special love and caring.

                          Hope you all had/have a wonderful day.

                          AF April 9, 2016

