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OMG!!! New Here...just an intro...

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    OMG!!! New Here...just an intro...

    :new: I am worried sick that I have been drinking too much. I haven't been feeling great, so I went in for a check up and the dr. found that I had elevated prolactin levels. I did some research on my own and found that it could be caused from excessive drinking.

    That was 2 weeks ago, and I haven't taken a sip of my wine since then. I plan to seriously cut back to almost no drinking.

    I have been drinking several bottles of wine a week for about 4 years. Sometimes a little less or more. I have been stressed out, and that was a cool way to chill. Well, my monthly cycle has stopped, so I was afraid it could be the wine. Don't know for sure, but it scared me enough to put down my glass.

    Anyone here relate? Would love some insight. BTW, dh was the one buying all the wine. He loved it because it would mean "fun for him" later on. LOL.

    OMG!!! New Here...just an intro...

    Isthisme, you are exactly right to be worried....lots of us here are in the exact same the book from this site, and start taking some supplements to replenish your nutrients, very important....I too use wine to "chill-out"....I love to cook with wine, sometimes I even put it in the'm trying to moderate seriously also...we CAN do this, read on this site, go to chat, and know that this is the most awesome "family support" around, couldn't do it without these folks! Glad you found us!
    "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"

