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Sick and Tired

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    Sick and Tired

    Hi everyone, I am starting third day of af, the first time in a very long time. I have been reading the posts for the past couple of days and appreciate everyone being here. I have been drinking most of my adult life, been through 2 rehabs, tried AA several times and have continued to abuse this drug. Monday morning I came too and said enough. I know where that saying comes from "sick and tired of being sick and tired". Nothing else has worked in the past and I came across MWO web site, downloaded the book and bought the supplements. I am hoping I can join the ranks of you that sound healthy and happy. Thanks again for being here and sharing.

    Sick and Tired



    Yes. Read and start the program. It does help.

    However, you know from past experience there is no magic bullet. It is still hard work but you can do it and the supplements and advice here help a lot!!

    Another thing is think of a plan. That has helped me. No booze in the house, if being around others drinking is too tough, don't be around them. Etc. You need to have defense mechanisms in place for the common triggers.

    There is much wisdom and advice on this site.

    I am sure many others will chime in to welcome you, too.

    Look forward to "seeing" you around!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Sick and Tired

      Alf: I second what Cindi has said. I came here in April & have definitely had my slips. However, I've had more success here at MWO than I ever have before. I liked Cindi's suggestions as well.

      If you have to go to someone's house & you know you'll see drinking & cocktails, try walking in w/a bottle of water or tea. If you have to, make up an excuse for not drinking. I say that I feel a headache or hot flash (only works for menapausal or post-menapausal women) coming on.

      I try to clear up misunderstandings & conflicts as soon as they occur. Unfinished business can set me off.

      If a craving hits, I try to remember all the awful, embarrassing, humiliating, sneaky times around drinking. I also try to remember really wonderful AF (alcohol-free) times I've had.

      Above all, keep coming here to MWO & post & read...especially this newbie forum. The Newbie in Need ODAT (one day at time thread) is really helpful. Good Luck, Mary
      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
      October 3, 2012


        Sick and Tired

        Alf: One last thing: Even if you slip (which you might not do), don't feel embarrassed about coming back here. This is the only place I've been 100% honest, & I made a pact w/myself that I would come here & 'fess up if I slipped. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Sick and Tired

          Thanks for the help. Yesterday was day from hell, speeding ticket, work sucked, bad news on financial/legal stuff (direct result of choices made while drinking), but the positive was I didn't reach for the bottle Before I would have really drank my troubles away; poor me. Starting day 4 af (first time in years) and I am feeling more at peace with myself and everything else. Taking the supplements, read the book twice, ordered the cd's and I keep reading the posts on this site. This weekend I have to travel to visit with my son and daughter in law in another state. I found out he invited my ex wife and her husband and 2 of my ex sister in laws. This weekend may be a challenge for me. Enough about me; thanks again for the advice and I never thought I would be doing this on the internet, but if feels like a place to come and vent, scream, cry, and maybe even some day laugh.
          Thanks again for being here.


            Sick and Tired


            I sure hope today is a better one for you.

            Stay strong. Not drinking under stress shows you are doing very well. You can do this and you will be glad you did.

            AF April 9, 2016


              Sick and Tired

              Hiya A,

              You will be laughing again before you know it!

              Day 4 is often the toughest.
              Get through today (and perhaps tomorrow) and you will probably have done the worst bit.

              Hang in there - you CAN do this - believe me - I was sick and tired too...

              But now (86 days af) I feel better and more ALIVE than have I felt for over twenty years. It is GREAT! I am really enjoying being AF - and to think I was scared to go AF because I couldn't imagine life without alcohol.

              Well - I have now been there - and it isn't scary or a sad ,deprived place with no joy or fun - it is the BEST!
              Try it - you will love it!

              It is SO worth the early discomfort to get to this place.

              Best of luck

              Hang in there

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Sick and Tired

                Satori: You are an inspiration to all of us. I love that you speak from your experience & let us know how the AF life is working for you at almost 3 months. You're rewiring your brain by letting it be free of any kind of mood-altering substances. Good for you, Mary
                Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                October 3, 2012


                  Sick and Tired

                  Thanks everyone. Made it through the weekend and starting and starting day 8 af for the first time in at least 15 years. Still have "stuff" to deal with , but feeling good and taking things slow. I feel so much better and do not want to lose this calm I am feeling. I do not know what is making the difference this time, the book and supplements (still haven't started CD's) the support and encouragment you guys give, the bottom I hit last week? I like to think it is a combination of all of these and that it finally came together for me. Well, I am going to read some more posts and maybe someday I will have enough time under my belt to help someone else.

                  thank you everybody,


                    Sick and Tired

                    Hi Larry,
                    You are already helping others just by being here.

                    Am so proud of you for having gotten through the weekend and now being on Day 8.

                    Wishing you love and continued strength,

                    Starlight Impress x


                      Sick and Tired

                      :welcome: Larry.....Day 8?????? WTG, sir!

                      Nice to have you here...everyone's experience can help others......stay strong and's much easier to deal with that 'stuff' when you're sober.

                      Suze x
                      Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                        Sick and Tired

                        Just wanted to add my welcome chirp. You sound like you are well on the way to where you want to be. You ARE helping others by sharing your experience, and you will ALWAYS find help when and if you need it.
                        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                          Sick and Tired


                          You sound like you are soooo ready for this and on the right track. Don't we all just love Satori and all his wisdom? Lots of wisdom and support and advice here - never shame - always love. I am so glad to see you have joined us. You are doing fabulous so far. Hang in there - the worst may be behind you. Keep posting and keep reading.
                          Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.


                            Sick and Tired

                            Hi, just checking in again (this is becoming a habit!) Starting day 9 af. Something "strange" happened yesterday. A lady I have been in love with for the past two years called me after three months of not hearing from her. I thought I had lost her for good due to my drinking and how I had acted while drinking. She said she had been dating and realized everyone had their issues and that she wanted to try again with me. I told her I had recently stopped drinking and the line on the other end went silent. I don't know if she believes me, but it doesn't matter, I believe me. She wants to get together this weekend and I said ok. I am kind of excited, but my first priorities are 1) NOT TO DRINK and 2) NOT TO DRINK. I honestly think if I keep these at the top of my list, everything else will be 0k. I also wanted to say how good it feels waking up (as opposed to coming too) and having the energy to do things. This sounds trivial, but yesterday I noticed I could read my own handwriting for the first time in a long time!. Enough of my rambling.

                            thanks again to everyone for being here


                              Sick and Tired


                              Awww. Your post sounds so good.

                              A date completely sober so you can actually be with this woman sounds so wonderful. Remember, if you did drink, you would end up missing a lot of the good time with her.

                              It also sounds like physically you are really healing.

                              Keep on going, Larry.

                              You are doing great!! :goodjob:

                              AF April 9, 2016

