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    i'm on day 10 af and for the last 3 days cravings have been getting stronger,........they're really doing my head in.

    feels like i have a big hole in my chest and stomache that i have to fill will alcohol this is bad. i know if i had some wine or a beer now i would gulp it like my life depended on mouth is watering thinking about sick is that.

    i'm scared to post this coz i don't want to trigger anyone but i really want to share what i'm feeling

    does anybody else ever feel like this...............

    AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

    Snake....... come crawling,
    There's fire in your eyes,
    Bite me, excite me,
    I'll learn to realize.

    The poison transmuted,
    Brings eternal flame.
    Open me to heaven,
    To heal me again.


    Want: You're not triggering me. I addressed this on the Newbie in Need ODAT thread, but it bears repeating. I try to imagine my worst moments drinking:
    -all the ruined events (loved ones' birthdays, weddings, etc.)
    -throwing up
    -the time I drank while I was sick & on medication for poor husband called the doctor.
    -sneaking & hiding
    I then call to mind the benefits of abstinence:
    -remembering everything
    -being in control of myself
    -feeling great
    -enjoying the moment
    -not feeling ashamed
    For me, there's not contest. It's abstinence all the way. Keep coming reading & posting.
    Love, Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012



      I agree with Mary. Try to remind yourself what the negatives were from drinking. It is imparative you don't forget what drinking had done to you.

      The cravings will subside over time. The first couple of weeks are the toughest, and it is then we tend to forget how bad we were in the first place and resume drinking. Please keep reminding yourself of what it was like for you and how rough it was to come off of it.

      I still get cravings, but they are infrequent. My mouth still waters from time to time, but I do what I need to do to shake it off.

      Grab something to eat or have a big glass of water when this happens. My worse cravings were when I was hungry or thirsty.

      You aren't going to trigger anyone here. We all are at different stages in this and this is what the board is for!!! To express your feelings; what you are going through, and anything else you want to ask or discuss. :l



        thanks Mary & AFM,

        that's all brilliant advice, drinking has destroyed so much for me................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ......ok, been imagining, not nice, so so so many d that's the stuff i can remember.

        10 days is massive for me, i don't want to mess up.

        cravings are not going to kill me, the way i drink will.........
        if i go to the shop now and get just 1 beer, i'd feel stupid so i'd have to get 4, i know me, the way i'm feeling now i'd go back and get a bottle of wine when i'd have finished them.............................................. ...
        i need to do this.................................
        i can do this.........................................
        i want to do this...................................
        i deserve to know what life can be like without alcohol...............
        my kids most definately deserve a better healthier mum..........i love them so so much........
        the benefits i'm going to get from being sober are going to be enormous..........
        i already feel so much better would i feel tomorrow if i had a drink today........i'd feel absolutely shite, i don't want to feel like that anymore............
        more than anything i want to know what it is to live life instead of going through the motions and just existing...............

        ok.............getting that out has helped loads, i'm still craving but i'm not gonna give in to them...........
        gonna go and get dinner ready.........sausage, mash & onion gravy, get a bit of anger out on the potatoes

        thanks for being there girls :l :l

        love want
        AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

        Snake....... come crawling,
        There's fire in your eyes,
        Bite me, excite me,
        I'll learn to realize.

        The poison transmuted,
        Brings eternal flame.
        Open me to heaven,
        To heal me again.



          Mash the sh*t out of those potatoes! It will take out some frustration and they will be super smooooth for dinner!

          You are doing great - and NEVER forget, you are worth this!



            SO, I'm not one to talk having drunk myself into a suicidal mess yesterday, BUT, I have been AF for fairly long periods in the past, not so long ago in fact, and this is my best advice:

            Treat yourself great. Spoil yourself. Eat or drink anything (except alcohol) you want when you get cravings (take l-glut, kudzu, whatever-- I don't know about these since I can't get them where I live but lots of people swear by them). Go online and order books, CDs, anything you want. (Think of all the money you are saving on the alcohol). And of course keep coming here.

            This attitude has kept me sober many a time.

            I'm working on it today, in fact (while my kids starve).
            Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

            Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



              dinner was good, the mash was very very smooooth and i'm not smashed....... thank god.
              thanks for the support it really really helped.
              they were some intense cravings i was having earlier, i'm pleased to say they're just a little niggle now.
              i have kudzu but need to get some l-glut, i'll check that out tomorrow.
              can't do much about online books and cd's, debit/credit cards confiscated, but thats a whole other story. i already have some meditation cd's tucked away some where, they'll be of some help with relaxation and sleep.

              beatle, i hope you've fed those poor starving kids good to see your sense of humour is intact.

              thanks again everyone

              take care
              AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

              Snake....... come crawling,
              There's fire in your eyes,
              Bite me, excite me,
              I'll learn to realize.

              The poison transmuted,
              Brings eternal flame.
              Open me to heaven,
              To heal me again.



                good to see you are taking care of yourself. i always giggle when i see your avatar. it is scarey and funny all at the same time. take some good deep breaths and take care of you.



                  thanks bootcamp, thats pretty much how my friends describe me :H
                  don't know if you've seen finding nemo but my kids and ex beau call me dori coz of her short term memory loss, my memory is terrible, i'm gobbling up my b vits and omegas hoping to regenerate some brain cells. bruce, the shark was in a 12 step program to help him over come his addiction to eating fish.........that's always cracked me up in an ironic way.

                  take care
                  AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                  Snake....... come crawling,
                  There's fire in your eyes,
                  Bite me, excite me,
                  I'll learn to realize.

                  The poison transmuted,
                  Brings eternal flame.
                  Open me to heaven,
                  To heal me again.



                    Yes, I agree - your avatar is scary and hilarious at the same time. Love it!

                    Glad you are feeling better. With each and every day it gets a wee bit easier. Just ride it out... ride it out....

                    and.... I'll bet those potatoes were smooooth! Next time you feel edgy I will fly you in for dinner and I will have you smash the potatoes! :H

