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Thinking on not drinking

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    Thinking on not drinking


    Thinking on not drinking


    Maybe your thinking out loud will put things into perspective for you. All of us have lied to ourselves in regards to our drinking. All of us probably have been in denial for some time which ultimately led us here. I believe every single one of us have used every excuse under the sun to pour that first drink --- and then many more.

    Addiction is not an easy thing to overcome. You are doing well with the beginnings of the mental preparation by telling yourself you don't want to drink. You are being honest with yourself that you have a problem.

    Now what you need to do is get a plan in place. Especially for the witching hour. It takes time to re-train the brain. Habits take, I believe, 21 days to break - so they say. You have your supplements, you have MWO but I think what would be very helpful is to keep busy during your 'drinking' hours. Go for a walk, take a bath, read a book, do whatever it takes to not pick up that first drink. Even while out shopping --- try to avoid the liquor section or choose a store that does not sell it. If you are still struggling then see your doctor and he can prescribe you something to help.

    This is not easy, I know. I had to completely change my life to get this far. I still have to be cautious and have my plan in motion every single day in order to remain AF. If I let my guard down I could very well be back where I started in no time.

    Use your will power and the desire to quit along with the tools provided here and try your best. Every AF day you manage to get will motivate you to get more........


      Thinking on not drinking

      Hey what happened to your post LOL!. How come you felt you needed to delete it?


        Thinking on not drinking

        uhoh i just found your other thread though. are you okay there? just let us know how we can support you AFM is very great at that. afm can you support me? i'm feeling the topa stupidity coming on after dose number two. lol


          Thinking on not drinking

          bootsie, as much as I love you I cannot help you in the Topa-induced stupidity department. :H

          Heck, I need help in the stooooopid department much of the time myself without the topa -- any volunteers? LOL!


            Thinking on not drinking

            I seem to have deleted my thinking on drinking,not thinking, wanted to add to it and being the fat fingered typer that I am I hit enter and who knows what but it went away. Good thing the only mesage left is "Im new here", kinda shows huh!! Oh well!! I appreciate and need the support. Iam going to go out for a walk. Feeling selfish doing it, as I am Mom, 3 kids!! I thought it a good practice to start to take care of me!!


              Thinking on not drinking

              Good attitude taa813! You need to take care of you in order to take care of your kids and their is nothing selfish about that ;-)


                Thinking on not drinking

                well, you are smarter then me because i actually don't know how to post a thread. see how smart you are. i'm glad you went out and took a walk. see endorphins. i actually need to go and move some furniture. um not because i feel like drinking. but because i actually need to move furniture. taa please keep checking in. you deserve this as much as anyone. i'm glad you are here. afm is really a great support. just look at how many frickin posts she has for god's sake.


                  Thinking on not drinking

                  Welcome Taa, sometimes we have to be selfish to get well,
                  so do what is best for you, then your family will also benefit.
                  Keep posting. Good luck Paula.

