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My bio - very long, sorry...

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    My bio - very long, sorry...

    I have made a couple of posts and I have to say that finding this message board has been a really amazing thing for me - the honesty and total lack of judgement is exactly what I need and have been looking for.

    I am a 28 year old female born and raised in Toronto, Ontario. I've had emotional problems for as long as I can remember and have been diagnosed with chronic depression years ago.

    I've never received any beneficial treatment for the depression, although I've been really trying to take advantage of every option possible this time around. I've (finally) started seeing a therapist, and my GP, who has been really supportive and as helpful as she could be for the last couple of years, has directed me to a psychiatrist who I see every 6 weeks or so.

    I've been drinking heavily since I was 19 (legal age in my province - I was a good girl). I've made many mistakes, hurt myself many times, and made a lot of bad decisions. Although I met my current boyfriend at the bar I used to hang out 6-7 days a week (I go there only once/twice a month now), he and I are living together and he is very UPSET with my drinking.

    I can go several days without drinking without a problem - no withdrawal or anything but I do have a big drinking problem. After two or three days, or sometimes a little bit longer (it depends on my emotional state, etc.) I get "itchy". I mean "itchy" both figuratively and literally. I crave alcohol (beer in particular) and my body gets itchy - around my ears, sometimes my chin, etc. Everything feels itchy!!

    I want to get well - although I don't know what that feels like. I also want to keep my relationship from failing - and if I don't stop drinking and get better soon he's going to leave,

    That's it for now, I guess. This is me. I hope I can get better eventually.


    PS - Sorry my post is so long... if you've made it this far - thank you for hearing me. :thanks:
    I spend all my time treading water, just barely keeping my head above the waves... my past weighs me down & my fear of the future is drowning me.....

    My bio - very long, sorry...

    Hey bannanas, let me tell you a little about myself and hopefully you can learn from my mistakes. I have been drinking for as long as I can remember. It has ruined many relationships in the past, but I thought nothing of it because I always found someone new until eventually they realized my problem and were gone. Well, to cut it short I recently lost the girl I was going to marry. I knew the first time I met her and never before believed in love at first sight. I'm a monster when I drink, I say the most horrible, unforgiveable things. She is finally at an emotional impasse after many given opportunities. Alcohol caused me to lose someone that I can never replace. Don't let it be too late for you. Stay strong. Thanks for your bio


      My bio - very long, sorry...


      Your post was not too long and I read every bit of it.

      Welcome to MWO and I truly hope you can figure out the cause of the "itchiness" for alcohol and a way to stamp it out.

      This is not easy but nothing in life worth doing is.

      Take it one day at a time, read the MWO book. The supplements help a lot, and I mean a lot!! They may help with your cravings when they hit.

      Take care and glad you are here!

      AF April 9, 2016


        My bio - very long, sorry...

        Thanks for posting Bananas.

        You are young and right to get a grip on this as it will only get worse. Do as Cindi suggests, get the book, supplements etc. and give the whole programme a go. Join the rest of us, we are all struggling and are there to support each other.


