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i let the cravings get the better of me

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    i let the cravings get the better of me

    i've got no excuse, no trigger, no reason other than the cravings.
    i was doing so well.
    i managed to get through friday night af with my friend. it was her daughters birthday so stuffing my face with birthday cake helped with the cravings.
    yesterday at 5:30pm i decided to treat me and my kids to a chinese, whilst waiting for the chinese i found myself in the off license getting 2 bottles of beer and a bottle of wine. my heart was pounding and i felt like everyone knew my dirty secret. when i'd finished them i went and got ANOTHER bottle of wine. .
    2 bottles of beer and 2 bottles of wine........ i feel so disappointed and ashamed.........

    why is the love i have for my kids not enough to stop me?......i wasn't stumbling about infront of my kids and i can remember going to bed........which has shocked me after the amount i drank......
    i love my kids so much but i hate myself.

    gonna get the l - glut tomorrow, they didn't have any in on saturday but are expecting an order tomorrow. looking back, i think when the shop assistant told me they didn't have any i made a subconscious decision to drink then.

    i need to get real and honest with myself.

    don't really know what to say except i'm full of self loathing
    AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

    Snake....... come crawling,
    There's fire in your eyes,
    Bite me, excite me,
    I'll learn to realize.

    The poison transmuted,
    Brings eternal flame.
    Open me to heaven,
    To heal me again.

    i let the cravings get the better of me


    It is natural when learning something new to fall down a few times. You are headed in the right direction. Use this negative energy to propel you into a plan.

    This is not a measure of whether you love your kids or not. Love yourself, take care of yourself, and then they will have someone remarkable to love.

    Learn from this instance. Start again. Hug your kids.

    * * I love Determinator * *


      i let the cravings get the better of me

      Stop right there want..........hating yourself for drinking last night won`t do you the least bit of good.........forget last`s history.

      Just try again tonight, only try KNOW you can do this.

      Much love,

      Starlight Impress x


        i let the cravings get the better of me

        I also fell and drank about the same amount as you Friday and Saturday - also felt horribly ashamed of myself, despairing that I will ever get my mind right and shake this terrible addiction.
        Please don't give up. If others can do it then you can to.
        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


          i let the cravings get the better of me

          As you can too, jessie. As long as you keep on keeping on, you can`t fail to get where you want to be.

          Much love,

          Starlight Impress x


            i let the cravings get the better of me

            From the king of falling down and getting back up, only to do it again, read the attached tag line. Self-loathing doesn't help. Keep trying and it will click sooner or later.(at least I keep hoping so)
            "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


              i let the cravings get the better of me

              Want, I have to compare this to joining a slimming club ..... I run a slimming club and regularly get phone calls about when the class is held ........

              I tell them its thursday and when they join they tell me that they had fish and chips wednesday night because they could ...........

              Thats what you did, you had fish and chips but tomorrow when the l-glut arrives you will have salad ........

              BB xx


                i let the cravings get the better of me

                Want and Jessie,
                We have all been there so many times, but feeling guilty/ashamed is what is likely
                to make us drink again. I know from experience, so try to put it down to a mistake
                that you will try not to make again. Tomorrow is a new day start again.
                Love Paula. xx


                  i let the cravings get the better of me

                  Oh boy been there do that tired of feeling bad. I finally started AA meetings. Yes it helps DAY28 AF ECHOME


                    i let the cravings get the better of me

                    Don't beat yourself up too bad...just a little. You know what you want to do and what you need to do, that's why you're here.
                    You are right about deciding to drink as soon as you heard there was no l-glut. That's exactly what you did, except it wasn't you... it was The Beast. The Beast wanted you to drink and that was a perfect excuse... "no l-glut, might as well drink one more night, what the hell?"... sound familiar?
                    The real you does not want to drink. The real you has to take charge of your actions and what you put into your mouth. The real you has to learn to immediately recognize The Beast when it puts ANY thoughts or senarios into your mind in which the end result is you drinking. Once you master this, The Beast is caged.
                    Pick yourself up and dust yourself off and get back in the game, now. You can do this, we all can do this. It's not rocket science, it's just not drinking...

                    You said.." I need to get real and honest with myself"

                    Once we do that, things get much easier..

                    sending you strength..



                      i let the cravings get the better of me

                      Want & Jessie: Give yourself credit for coming back here to MWO & explaining what happened. I've been where you are, & I know that I had to force myself to come here & 'fess up. Now, pick yourself up & start again. You can do it. Mary
                      Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                      October 3, 2012


                        i let the cravings get the better of me

                        Chin up, Want :l Just a slip.....forget it.

                        (except...remember how you're feeling now...and use it to help you next time you're tempted. The temptation will always be's up to us how we react to it)

                        Keep strong tonight.,....and feel good tomorrow.

                        Suze x
                        Just hand me the chocolate and.........I'll consider my position. My solicitor has advised me to say no more than that.


                          i let the cravings get the better of me

                          Anyone got any sound tips for caging the beast when he comes out to play?


                            i let the cravings get the better of me

                            hi marbella i got a lot from the lizzard brain addiction monster from the orange papers might help to understand a bit,
                            jon day 31 keeping the beast at bay odat!


                              i let the cravings get the better of me

                              Yes, I've been there - we all have - slipped and fallen. Damn, why does the beast keep putting those banana peels under our feet all the time? No use beating yourself over the past. All you can control is the future, not the past.
                              So today is the time to say no more excuses. No more slips. Take the supps, hang in there with us, post every day - 10 times a day if you want to. You're going to do this. Forget the past. Think of your bright sober future!!!!
                              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.

