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i let the cravings get the better of me

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    i let the cravings get the better of me

    I also had a hard time taming the beast when I first started out. I tried to do it on the book and hypnotherapy CD I had picked up prior to finding this site. I would make it just so far and then slip. Taking the Kudzu and the L-Glutamine helps incredibly with the cravings. I eventually made it 30 days back in June. After I made my 30 I slacked off on the supplements and have had two major slips and a couple of little ones. I am now going back on the supplements because I've got alot of triggers in my life right now pulling me to drink and I don't wanna do that anymore.

    Have faith in yourself and take those supplements, you'll be fine!!!
    Suddenly I see
    This is what I want to be
    suddenly I see
    Why the hell it means so much to me.

    -KT Tunstall


      i let the cravings get the better of me

      Slipping is a part of recovery. Coming here and putting it in writing may help you see what led up to your slip. It is very therapeutic to be honest with yourself and this is sort of like journaling your progress.

      Us parents always ask ourselves the million dollar question when it comes to quitting the drinking. "Why isn't the love for our kids enough to see us through". Well, it isn't. It is an addiction that needs to be addressed from within. Of course we love our children and would do anything on this earth to protect them, love them, etc.... When we are gagged and bound by an addiction it doesn't mean we love our kids any less.

      You were doing very well, and had one bad night. Hold your chin up high and carry on. That is all you can do. Carrying guilt will only hold you back and will possibly hold the door wide open for another slip.

      You can do this... I know you can.


        i let the cravings get the better of me

        We have slips & we need to pick ourselves up and we will... in response to Marbella's question how to stop the cravings -- Want had cake on Friday night -- lot's of refined sugar!!!! I know if I have sugar I want more sugar!!!! I learned a long time ago that my body responds to it by wanting more... so the answer is no cake,no wine UGH!!!


          i let the cravings get the better of me

          makes me feel sad, thinking how you are feeling.Your a GOOD person just think of all the good AF days you have achieve. Forget about that one bad day. WE all have made that mistake.(ihave every weekend) As someone said to me dust yourself and start again.

          Take lots of care.

          family is everything to me


            i let the cravings get the better of me

            Want & Jessie

            You are on the path to recovery. We have all been there and done that, coming back to the boards was the right step. I know from my experience last year that by staying away it was giving myself the licence to continue drinking. Today is another day so pick yourselves up and start again. Remember ODAT.



              i let the cravings get the better of me

              thankyou so much everyone. :thanks:

              i felt too hungover to dust myself off yesterday, i didn't drink but i did wallow in self pity which is almost as bad as drinking i think.

              i really really need help with my mental attitude. i know that ultimately that is up to me but any help to steer me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

              you guys are the only support i have at the moment and i really need help with my confidence so i can get out in the real world and start living. i'm living like a timid mouse, yeah i know, sad and pathetic but true.

              i want to go to drug and alcohol counselling but haven't got the confidence..........apathy has taken over.

              i can't get the hypno cd's coz of finances.

              i asked my doctor about CBT last week, he told me that our practice did have a therapist trained in CBT but he had a better job offer and moved to Australia, because of politics and goverment funding he hasn't been replaced.

              i've been approaching this with a defeatist attitude.
              i do have to try harder and i am going to try harder. i CAN do this, i am STRONGER than this.

              this disease has really taken over my life these last 6 yrs, i've had enough, i've really had enough.

              i'm gonna start exercising tomorrow, honestly i am. i have plenty of videos collecting dust, i have no excuse. i used to do them religiously a few years ago.
              i have 3 brilliant kick boxing videos so i'm going to start with them coz i'm really angry.
              i'm going to imagine :alf: THE BEAST and kick sh!t out of him every morning.

              i do have to approach this ODAT, ten mins at time when necessary. i need to deal with the present moment, instead of living in the past and worrying about the future. it's the habit of a life time that's got me absolutley no where.


              again i want to thank EVERYONE OF YOU for being there for me.

              AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

              Snake....... come crawling,
              There's fire in your eyes,
              Bite me, excite me,
              I'll learn to realize.

              The poison transmuted,
              Brings eternal flame.
              Open me to heaven,
              To heal me again.


                i let the cravings get the better of me

                Thats the spirit, Want!!!!

                AF since 9 May 2012
                Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


                  i let the cravings get the better of me

                  Hi want,
                  You`re living like a timid mouse because deep down inside you`re still afraid to REALLY let go of the drink. Once you do, you`ll find your self esteem hadn`t really ran off and left`s just been suffocated by your dependency on alcohol.

                  If you need more of a helping hand........don`t be afraid to ask for it.......get yourself along to that alcohol counselling........that`s what it`s there for.

                  No such a thing as a G.P.`s practice having no access to CBT for you..........if not available on site, your G.P. has a responsibility to any patient to refer them to such a service outwith the surgery. If you really feel overwhelmed by trying to quit the drink and all the changes such a quit incurs, then you must make good use of every single thing at your disposal.

                  You can do this, want, now!!!.........C`MON!!!!

                  Much love,

                  Starlight Impress x

