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    Its about one week now that I have been coming to this forum, actually started a while ago but stopped . I am Wanting an AF life. When I think about It, I mean really think about it my heart starts to pound,I can't tell if it scares me or excites me. The message to the brain is scared!! I am setting a goal!! I have cut back on the amount I consume over the last week, with the exception of Sat night. Felt like a sick bag of nerves yesterday!! I had 2 glasses of wine last night, it was all I wanted. That is pretty good for me, usually it's the whole bottle!! I feel better this am. I will be 40 years young 11/19, or could say I'll be 30 with ten years of experience, I just have a hard time remembering the experience because it has been along time without a drink!!. For my 30th birthday I ran A marathon, 26.2 miles....seems like nothing in comparison with quiting drinking.
    My goal for my 40 th is a month AF. So today is the 15th,I will officially start on the 19th . If it happens sooner... so be it!! I will need tobe strong!! I am going to try a different approach hoping it works for my mind. I am going to look at being sober as a new high!! After reading the threads from those of you who have achieved AF it sounds as though you have found a new life!! Congrats on that and that is all I want for my Bday... freedom!! Thanks for your words of encouragement thus far!! Anyone got any good mantras?? I do well with those.Thanks Tammy


    Taa, I remember my first few af days very well, my emotions were on a rollercoaster!! Convince yourself that those feelings are exitement!!!!

    You will feel amazing I promise ..........



      WHY wait for the 19th to start your sobriety? Why just not start TODAY?

      Just think IF you do as I say how much BETTER you are going to FEEL when the 19th does arrive. No hangover, no depression, no shakes, no stomach pains, no remorsefulness from drinking, ahhhhhhhhhhh---you'll be GLAD you did! TRY it--You LIKE it!

      Good Luck,



        I agree with Billyjack on this one! Why not start today? Your birthday will be a fantastic one not feeling hungover or depressed.

        I hear the 40's are fantastic -- so a life being AF could magnify it immensely. We are all routing for you.



          Hi taa........glad you`re here.

          "Im going to look at being sober as a new high" says you`re destined to come out a winner.

          I agree with the others.......why waste time thinking about it?.......start today!!!

          I was one of those people who was always planning to quit tomorrow.........tomorrow never came until I decided I`d finally had enough..........woke up one morning and decided "TODAY IS THE DAY", `cos why put off `til tomorrow what you can do today???

          Love and strength to you,

          Starlight Impress x



            Taa - Congrats on the decision to begin a new lifestyle. Like boxing up all your stuff and moving across the country to make new friends, get a new job etc, there is the natural rollercoaster of emotions. Live in the moment and remember your goals.

            * * I love Determinator * *




              Congratulations to you on deciding to make a change. It will really be a wonderful transition in your life - although it will be a difficult journey to take in the beginning. The great thing about going AF is it takes no real preparation except throwing out all the booze in the house and then wastin all your time here reading and posting and going on chat. You won't have time to drink and won't want to.

              I am jealous of you deciding to make this change in your forties. I waited until I was older and I wish so much I had had the courage to do it when I was younger. Don't waste another precious day. I am praying for your good luck.
              Rest in Peace, Bear. We miss you.




                Taa, good decision,:goodjob: to ast least cut down, if not quit, it is WAAAAY worth it, and you are younger than me, so still have lots of good years ahead

                Listen to what everyone has to say, full of good advice here................and WELCOME!!!!!!!


                :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



                  start now and you will have one happy sober birthday
                  You can't turn a pickle into a cucumber



                    Welcome Tammy and what a great way to enter into 40! You sound really motivated keep it that way. We will be here for you!
                    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."

