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Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday

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    Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday

    Hi all. I'm doing well. I'm a bit worried about the latter part of the week, though. I leave for Chicago tomorrow for a friend's wedding. Actually it's my ex-fiancee, who's still one of my best friends, and one of the few people in whom I've confided my drinking problem. I think I'll be OK, but it'll be stressful. The anxiety of being around people, but also a forceful reminder of how lonely I am on some deep levels. Wish me strength.

    Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
    A: Practice, of course.


      Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday


      We will all be routing for your success, traveling, I know can be a little challenging, if you have a few days AF under your belt, I hope it will be easier, keep us posted, we will all think positive thoughts for ya!!!:h :l

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday

        HI everyone, glad to see we are all doing ok, I am now 8 out of 9 days af and although you are all aware of the terrible mistake I made on friday I have not let the stress of that take away all the success I had already made. It would have been so easy to have given in but I am not prepared to give up all the hard work I have put in this last 6 months for one terrible lack of judgement. It got me thinking today and I wonder what you thoughts are on this, we come on here with this horrible drinking problem yet underneath it all for many of us it seems there are just so many other problems going on, either from our past or with us now, we seem to have so many battles to fight but lets hope we all keep on winning. Its very depressing weather here in th uk, wet and dark, I think im going to get one of those lights that you use for SAD disorder and see if it does the trick, if not Ill move to spain:H . Ive been looking up bus/traintimes in preparation of losing my licence, seems strange it feels like its happening to someone else. What I have decided is that no matter what it takes I will make sure that none of my family especially my girls lose out on anything because of my mistake. Their lives will go on as if everything is the same, I need to do that as i am feeling so guilty. Sorry to go on about my problems just still very frightened. Keep up the good work Love GGXX


          Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday

          A Bit late in the day from me,
          Just wanted to say Hi to everyone.Poppy,Rust,Mary,Bluesky,Flutterbe,Gonegat or,and Cindi,.
          Well done to you all.
          Cindi that dress is gorgeous.How exciting for you xx


            Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday

            GG, You're doing fine. It was a lapse, not a relapse back to your old ways. Establish a positive attitude to move on with your life. We all have other issues going on in our lives but that IS life. We must just learn to experience everything without drinking. We know that drinking will only make every problem worse.
            Keep posting and stay strong and focused. Try not to dwell on this mistake. It will take a little while to put it behind you, but it will happen.
            You're doing the right thing..



              Newbies in need ODAT Tuesday

              Sorry,Lilnev,Cowgal and GG.Must have posted at the same time!
              Haven't had chance post for a few days,but have been catching up with the news.Just wanted send best wishes to you.
              Good luck with the wedding Lilnev that will be a toughie.Let us know how it goes xx
              GG,Sorry to hear about your mistake on Frid,and that is what it was an awfull mistake.I am sure you have learn't from it and thank goodness no one was injured.You have done well to stay sober,and focus positively.I Hope the pain will ease with time-Thinking of you xx

