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    good news

    Hello you all.
    I just came across this site last night and here i am reading through comments with a drink in my hand. BUT,, I finally feel that i have found the answer to my search as to how to get rid of my out of control drinking.
    Although i am still drinking at the moment, i cannot wait to read the book and get started on quitting drinking. And having read quite a few comments, i feel that i will get a lot of support from people like me. It's good to know that i'm not alone.
    Just tell me one thing... Does the book tell you how to get started, does it recommend what supplement to use etc?
    Can't wait to get started.

    good news


    MWO is a total program. Book, hypnosis CD's, supplements and topamax, along with this online community. It's not magic and it still takes your commitment, but it really seems to work for a lot of us here. Good luck and welcome!
    ?If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.? -Wayne Dyer


      good news

      :welcome: finski!

      Glad you are excited about the program! It is a great bunch of people who will support you and whom you can relate to.

      Keep posting and reading. Take it one day at a time, and also most importantly is to develop a quitting plan. The MWO book outlines this program and has valuable suggestions and other information in it to help you get started. If you have any questions, please post them and someone will definitely be along to answer them.


        good news

        Hi finski and welcome.
        This site has allowed me to discover freedom from alcohol. Just the same as much else in life, you get out of M.W.O. what you put in..........if you wholeheartedly commit to recovery, you cannot fail.

        Wishing you all good things,

        Starlight Impress x


          good news

          Hi Finski-
          Yeah, the book has ALL the info. I'm pretty new here too, and I'm making great progress. I signed up as a subscriber here, and with that you get the book emailed immediately in a pdf file and a free bottle of Kudzu, one of the supplements, sent to you. This program is defintiely a great way to start working on your drinking issues, whether your goal is to moderate or completely abstain. I'm on Day 4 with no alcohol, and while it has not been comfortable or easy, I've gotten all the support I need from this board to get me through the rough patches so far.

          So........ join us! The cheerleading squad here is phenomenal! and they're not just pretty - they're smart and full of love and support and great information!

          Good luck and hope to see you around....



            good news

            Thank you so much. I will definately join, feel very positive about all this. Hope to catch up with you very soon.


              good news

              Welcome, Finski!

              Yes, it does and I found the book to be very helpful. I am currentyly taking 25mg of Topamax (which will increase to 25mg twice a day starting tomorrow) along with all the supplements recommended by RJ. I have ordered the hypnotheropy cd's and am looking forward to using them as well. I have been AF for about a week now and am just starting to feel good. I know that not everything works the same for everyone. I find the best theropy is reading the success and the heartbreak stories, and what tremendous people they are and how they have helped me. Again, I am just starting out, but I am truly trying to live an AF life. I have learned from Starlight Impress and Satori how wonderful life is without alcohol and I want to join them. It's hard, but they assure me that is will get better and it's worth it.

              I wish you the very best!

              With love, Theresa


                good news

                Hi Finski ,
                Welcome! There is so much support here.
                Join in head first straight into the deep end.
                Looking forward to your posts.
                * * I love Determinator * *


                  good news


                  :welcome: You found a GREAT place Finski!!!:goodjob: I think the book is excellent, follow the supplements, I wasn't able to tolerate the topamax, but listen to CDs, take supplements and then some extras through another program I found here.

                  Keep reading, writing, someone is always here to lend a helping hand, including myself, I know I have gotten plenty of great advise and support!!!!!

                  Good luck:h :l

                  :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                    good news

                    Welcome to here. I doubt you will regret signing in. The MWO programme is quite great, use it as you will, especially the SUPPS, and of course this wonderful bunch of people. You sound very motivated... whenever you feel you are losing motivation, come back here.
                    Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

                    Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


                      good news

                      Hi and welcome

                      The programme is great and there is a wonderful support network here on the boards.


