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My first forum

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    My first forum

    This is the first forum I have ever been in and first time I have had the chance to talk about my drinking problem. I've been to detox once but did not follow up with the meetings when I got out. I am very shy....thats why I dont go to AA.

    Hopefully this book will help. This forum seems like it could help as well. I look forward to chatting with everyone soon.:help!

    My first forum


    I can understand shyness making follow up meetings difficult. (No, I am not shy but I understand.)

    The great thing about this site is that anonymity can be preserved. Period. If someone asks a personal question you feel uncomfortable with, you just say "None of your business." and no one is offended.

    More importantly, the anonymous piece of this site allows you to express feelings and concerns you could never do publicly.

    So, :welcome: and do not be a stranger.

    We are glad you are here and want the best for you. This is not an easy journey and I hope that in some little way we can all make it just a bit easier for you.

    AF April 9, 2016


      My first forum

      Hi buddha27 and welcome.
      Lots of us here wouldn`t dream of going to any face-to-face support group. Some people can handle that and others like myself just can`t.

      You`ll find everything you need to triumph over alcohol right here with M.W.O., provided you make a wholehearted commitment to all or part of the programme.......whatever parts suit you personally.

      Wishing you love and strength for your journey.

      Starlight Impress x


        My first forum

        Welcome Buddha,
        This is a great place to come and talk and one of the reasons I like it so much. I am not much of a big forum talker either. I have found a lot of support here from people all over the world and you will too. Whether you choose moderation or to give up alcohol completely everyone will help you along the way.
        I wish you the very best.
        "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


          My first forum

          Hi Buddha: I too have been helped by MWO. I haven't been open & honest w/anyone (even my husband) until I came here to MWO. This has made all the difference in the world. Right now, I'm working on my 11th consecutive day AF (alcohol free), & except for a few slips have been almost AF since the middle of July. Keep coming. Mary
          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
          October 3, 2012


            My first forum

            :welcome: buddha27!

            I am not much of a person who enjoys 'disclosing' my drinking nightmares to a group of strangers. I had been to a few meetings myself a few years back and did not like it at all. I did 23 meetings in 30 days and quickly grew tired and depressed of hearing the same old stories, over and over again. I never shared all of mine, but enough to 'participate' with the group. Many of the AA- old timers wanted to be my serogate father/mother. I did appreciate the concern and care but when I missed a meeting I would be bombarded with calls. I think it left me with the complete feeling of being 'powerless' and what I wanted was to move forward and feel empowered.

            So, here I am. Working the program. I have had 11 drinks in total since December 29th of last year. I use to drink that many daily. So with your determination to quit and if you utilize the tools, you will find this program really does work. It works on your terms, not those terms imposed upon you.

            Stick around, read through the threads, post often and gear up with the supplements and MWO book. You will find this place unique, full of love and will offer you lots of support.


              My first forum

              Hey Buddha,

              Great to see you posting here!!! Welcome:welcome:

              I know what you mean about shyness, it can be difficult to overcome.
              I am pretty shy too, just push myself out there. I have been to some groups to overcome my drinking problems and I always felt self conscious. But to be honest, I think everyone did.

              Great to see you have found this site. There are so many wonderful people here, you will feel incredibly welcome and before you know it, the shyness will start to melt away.

              Looking forward to seeing more of your posts!!

              Sober since 30/06/10


                My first forum

                Welcome Buddha,
                You don't have to feel shy here.xx


                  My first forum

                  Welcome buddah!



                    My first forum

                    Hi Buddah :welcome:

                    This is a great place, look forward to seeing you on the boards.


