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just new

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    just new

    hi all,really enjoyed reading all your success stories. gave me so much hope, i really dont know whether i need to cut down or give up drinking or if i even need to do either, really wish alcholism was as easy to diagnose as a cold or flu, but either way i wanna remain in control of my own drinking an dont want it to control me"" how do you know if you have a drink problem or a drink habit/??:h

    just new

    Hi lindae and welcome.
    Don`t think you`d have stumbled across this site if your level of drinking wasn`t giving you cause for concern........that concern is what brought all of us here, after all.

    Your best plan is to read RJ`s book to consider all your options and decide from there whether moderating or abstaining is your goal, and which components of the programme you wish to employ. Either way, the programme recommends an initial period of 30 days of abs to cleanse your body of all the alcohol toxins and put you on a firm footing, should you decide to moderate.

    Love and strength to you,

    Starlight Impress x


      just new

      Hello Lindae and welcome,

      I read somewhere (and it sounds pretty realistic) that if your drinking is affecting your health, wealth, career or relationships and you find yourself unable to change your behaviour to solve the problem, then you have a drink issue.

      For me, drinking affects all of those areas above so I know I have to address it.
      By coming to this site, you a making a step towards getting your drinking to a level that works for you.

      Sober since 30/06/10


        just new

        Hi Lindae and welcome.

        I second what Star and Amelia have to say. If you did not think you had a problem you would not be here but the first step to recovery is admitting that to ourselves. Read the boards, the book and give the programme a go, you will feel so much better and there is great support here on the boards.



          just new


          None of us can answer your question, really.

          However, the fact that you have asked it of yourself is a good starting point. If YOU think you might have a problem, then address it.

          You may well be in the group of people here who can moderate and be happy with it. We have quite a few members who have done so splendidly.

          There are those of us in the "other" category that simply cannot.

          One of the reasons I joined MWO was exactly why you are here. I totally abhor the "you are an alcoholic and you will be for the rest of your life, you MUST BE ASSIMILATED" attitude of other organizations. MWO offers you many alternatives and time to figure out what path you should follow. Not only that, but the members here do not deign to tell you what the "right" thing for you to do is. Only you can decide.

          You are :welcome: here and we recognize it may take you some time to figure out what, if anything, you need to do. All of us will be available 24/7 to talk, help, support WHATEVER decision you make.

          Glad you are with us!!
          AF April 9, 2016


            just new

            thanks for all your supportive replys- i really appreciate it, at the moment my drinking is not affecting my health, wealth or career or relationships but that doesnt stop me from drinking on average a bottle of wine a night- i dont like any other drinks and if wine wasnt available i wouln substitute it but i just wish i never got into the habit of drinking wine in the first place- anyone else feel the same way? regardless of this i look forward to the time of the day that i can relax and open a bottle!


              just new

              lindae, I was exactly where you are when I first sought out MWO. I love wine at the end of the day. Ask yourself, can I stop at one ? Also, ask yourself can I go to a social situation and have none ? Can I have none at the end of the day and not feel deprieved or denied. All of these were yes for me and I did't want it to control my life. I wanted to control my life.


                just new

                Correction, all these were no for me.


                  just new


                  Yes. I am a wino. I don't drink anything else.

                  Well, at Christmas I drink some Bailey's in my coffee...

                  However, wine is my poison of choice. I am at the point where two bottles is (was!!! OMG, I can't believe it even yet!!) my average.

                  Do not let yourself get there. Remember, us gals (you are a girl, right?) are only supposed to have ONE DRINK A DAY at most. Not sure that would ever satisfy me....

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    just new

                    thanks guys, that is so me like your right- my answer is no 2 all those questions? the question now is whether to quit or moderate and i suppose i can only ever make that decision myself- what did ye do


                      just new

                      lindae, I've tried moderation several times and failed. I tried Af during the week and mods on weekend and failed. I've read and heard you truely need to go AF for 30 days first to remove the effect on your mind and body. I've also heard its an ideal way to break any bad habit you have. Best to you.

