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Reason #2

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    Reason #2

    Hi all,

    Thank you for all the responses, support and sage advice yesterday.

    Made it through day 1 though for me day 1 is always easy. Did hear the little voice saying "What are you doing?" My challenges are coming later in the week!

    Reason # 2: When I drink I wake up in the night or first thing in the morning with great anxiety and feelings of shame!!

    It was nice to wake up this morning feeling just plain comfortable.

    Have a great day!!!

    Reason #2

    the next few days after i drink heavily i get the most awful, dreadful, incredibly fearful panic attacks...they are absolutely chilling and scary


      Reason #2

      Not to mention the physical side effects, achey tummy, sore liver, headache. Almost flu-like sometimes. Geez. Do we go out and search for the flu??

      AF April 9, 2016


        Reason #2

        Ever: I think the shame & sleep deprivation are some of the worst outcomes of drinking. I also hated the black-outs. I love waking up after 6 - 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep. I have a whole new lease on life. Mary
        Wisdom, Courage, Strength
        October 3, 2012


          Reason #2

          retteacher;213281 wrote: Ever: I think the shame & sleep deprivation are some of the worst outcomes of drinking. I also hated the black-outs. I love waking up after 6 - 8 uninterrupted hours of sleep. I have a whole new lease on life. Mary
          You said it Mary! I'm SLOWLY getting back to a full night's sleep. And every day I feel a little better. But I'm not back to the full "all is well" feeling. I know for sure it will come as long as I stay AF. Marching in step behind you and reading your posts everyday has really helped.

          And congrats Evergreen on Day 2! Sounds like you know just what you're up against and are well-armed. Way to go! Sending you a big hug -

          luv wonder xxx


            Reason #2


            Nothing like the sound, alcohol free sleep, deep w/ great dreams!!! Feeling fit and thin, and can eat anything since I am not pouring those empty calories into my body and polluting it

            Something to look forward to:h :l

            :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


              Reason #2

              Talking about thin, - I am actually having to make an effort to remember to eat enough!

              I guess I DID stop pouring about 1200 calories or more per day down my throat - AND decided to ramp up my exercise regime at the same time!
              I am pretty lean right now - so I dont REALLY want to lose more!

              Unfortunately - I still seem to be slowly losing weight so I will have to watch it carefully and stock up on the sticky buns! - but I must say losing 14 pounds or so has made a great difference to my climbing! .

              Oh and another thing to add to the benefit column - I had my blood pressure checked recently and it is now markedly lower than when I was drinking / not exercising so much / weighing more.

              Only good things coming out of this AF lark!

              Love :l

              "Though there are many paths at the foot of the mountain - all those who reach the top see the same moon - as any fule kno"


                Reason #2

                Well I just finished day 2 AF and had a night of terrible sweats -- just awful!!! Never had them this bad and feel so depressed -- I just have to keep pushing through as it has to get better!!!! It WILL -- my several years of poor nutrition & convincing myself that chardonnay was a food group (the most important one at that!) had lead me into a poor little malnourished body... but I am determined this time -- this is my third Day 3 this month!!! The thirnd time is a charm -- Evergreen , take it from me only do Day 3 once!!!!
                BabyGirl is trying to hang in there!

