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Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

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    Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning everyone

    :welcome: to some new people who have joined us

    Madisonmay, Bettelove, well done on Day 1. Gonegator hope the week started good for you.

    Lilnev, good job re wedding and good luck with the meeting with your boss.

    Freebird, Gumby, Cowgirl - you are all going in the right direction. We all have had that tug of war with the beast, eventually you will win. SlightlySuze gave some good advice yesterday.

    Teardrop, hope you have your water back, that is so stressful so well done on buying the bottles of water and not wine.

    Cindi - hope your daughter is doing better.

    Mary, Suzanna, Evergreen, Bessie and anyone else I have not mentioned, a big hello. Have a great day.


    Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

    Good morning all ODATers!!

    I woke up this morning after a FULL night's sleep. No waking up with sweats, no tossing and turning, just blissful sleep. Haven't had that in a long time.

    Okay, today I will not drink alcohol. Today I will enjoy every second of my existence and be happy I am here. Today is going to be another great AF day!!

    I hope all have one of those days with me, today!!

    AF April 9, 2016


      Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

      Ditto that Cindi!!!

      Rustop you are so wonderful to remember everyone!!

      Keep it up ODATers!!!!


        Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

        Hi ODATers!!!!

        kinda stole that from evergreen (liked it that much)

        Just checking in and wanted to say "HI" and hope everyone's day is a good one.



          Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

          Hi everyone,
          Yes rustop my water is back on,( thank God) yesterday my mind and body was crying out for alcohol but could not get my car out of the front drive, B'cause the plumbers block me in. (if only they could block me in every night.) did not feel to bad after 1or2hours.
          db2 i want to have another AF day with you even if my mind and body is crying.(i suppose its a mind over matter)
          hi evergreen totally agree with you, and freebird yes i do hope everyone does have a good day Too. Hello to any new ones.
          May everyone stay strong today.
          family is everything to me


            Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

            Good morning all, Going on day 4 AF, not sleeping real well yet. I've tried advil PM, Melatonin, L Tryptophan, valium and lastly trazadone. Any suggestions ?


              Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

              Hi Everyone: Cindi, I love your mantra for today. Nothing, absolutely nothing will give me the excuse to drink today. I'm in the middle of a house project, but I will not let the mess, delays, etc. get to me. I feel incredibly grateful today for my sobriety. Last night I made dinner for my daughter & her family. She had just come off a very difficult day at her job & was in tears about something that had happened. I just sat quietly & listened...there was no need for me to fix the situation or her mood. I didn't feel tense or upset myself. In the past, I would have wanted to come home & have a drink just to unwind. I didn't feel I needed that last night. The more I get through situations like that AF, the more accustomed I will become to it. I'm remembering that it takes 21 times doing something different for a bad habit (drinking) to break. Love, love, love, Mary
              Wisdom, Courage, Strength
              October 3, 2012


                Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                Hi All, thanks for the welcome Rustop.

                Got through day 2 yesterday, still having a problem with sleep but it was better than the night before. Had a strange feeling this morning, I have been feeling a little low for a couple of weeks, but this morning(it is 2.20 p.m. here now) I felt like the joys of spring, maybe just a coincidence that I haven't had a drink for the past two days. Also found out about another side affect of Kudzu, it helps women of "a certain age", supposed to help with hot flushes, believe me that is good news to me!! Hope you are all doing well. Upwards and onwards to day 3.

                Mary :l


                  Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                  Kathy and Madisonmay,

                  The lack of sleep without alcohol is a real pain in the hiney!!

                  It does get better, though, just keep pushing through. Your body is adjusting to life without alcohol and the first few days is tough. Your body and the beast are both howling!!

                  I went through almost 8 days having trouble sleeping from alcohol withdrawal (for me the melatonin and l-tryptophan helped a bit) Unfortunately, I have also figured out that I am waking up due to hormonal "issues" and having night sweats from that, so it all becomes a blur, really.

                  However, I am now sleeping well (except when hormones kick in but hey, this too shall pass) and waking up feeling calmer and happier than I have in years.

                  Just hang in there. It will get better!!
                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                    Good morning all. Meeting with my boss went well. He took a "where are we now, and what's the plan to move forward?" approach. I asked for regular consultations to help keep me on track, and a change in project, and got approval for both. Though he wasn't convinced of the new project I had in mind, he does have some ideas of his own that seem a lot better than what I've been working on. I may yet try to convince him of my idea's merits, or I may just run with his, we'll see. So I'm a lot less stressed. Hurray!

                    To those with difficulty sleeping: I was thrown off the first few days, but my adjusted pretty quickly, and now I sleep better than I used to while drinking (when I would sleep poorly until 3 or 4 AM, then have a couple of hours of insomnia, before finally getting a few hours of actual rest). I don't have specific advice, except perhaps to pay attention to your sleep environment -- lights, noises, etc -- that you may have been oblivious too before, but are now more sensitive to because you're not drunk. Good luck, and I hope it improves in a few days.

                    Well done, retteacher, on getting through a stressful situation. And congrats on day 2, madisonmay! Keep it up!

                    Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
                    A: Practice, of course.


                      Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                      good afternoon!!!!

                      I cannot believe our server here at work had been down ALLLLLLLL DAYYYYYYYY! Until now, when I finally got our of a meeting that lasted FOREVER!!!!!!!!!

                      Glad to see everyone trying so hard, some successfully, some not, I am fitting into both categories, that is why I can say that I guess without feeling badly, BUT today I intend to stay AF, we are going to take my son out to Ted Montana Grill, a great steak restaurant here in town ............................he turned the big 16 today, so it will be a treat for him, I cannot wait, yum!!!

                      I did end up drinking last night as much as I wanted not to, but just a few, then ate alot (part of the reason I want to stop too is cuz I go crazy w/ the munchies, and am concerned about my weight, want to keep it down)

                      I am glad I finally got here to have some sanity return to my crazy brain, it is good to see all the familiar faces (or Avatars anyway:H )

                      Will try to check in later, may even hit an AA meeting if I can gather the strength to show my face ...................

                      love and hugs to everyone all around!!!!:h

                      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                        Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                        thanks for all your support and encouragement, it's day 2 AF. keep up the good work everyone. i played the cd's last night while i was sleeping and i think it helped. what i did was download the cd's into my ipod hit play and just put the earphones under my pillow so that i wouldn't disturb my partner. I woke up a few times but i was able to get to sleep right away. hopefully i got some subliminal message although i was sleeping.
                        "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people" ~ Jennifer Beals


                          Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                          Hello to all - though at the tail end of the day today here in the UK. Thanks for the good wishes Rustop. Had a good day - hoorah! Not AF but only one glass of wine with dinner - a huge, all you can eat tapas feast! Can't wait to fill in my drinking diary for today! Got a challenge coming up on Friday - dinner at a friends and staying over..... Girding my loins for that one. Night all and good AF wishes for tomorrow and the next day....

                          Bessie x


                            Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday

                            Rustop you are the best for remembering everyone. I am gonna check in with you ODATers everyday and see if that gives me the kick in the pants that I need to get more AF days in. Cowgirl I can totally relate to your posts. Everyone have a great night. I think the sleep patterns need a few days to return to normal, Kathytk20, I have tried most of those things too and just worry about relying on them instead, so I usually have one night of hardly any sleep but if I'm AF then I figure it'll be more rest than an alcohol induced sleep anyday of the week. Good night, all! Suz
                            The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.


                              Newbies in Need ODAT - Wednesday


                              Let the sleepless nights go by. In no time you will be sleeping like a baby. It took me a couple of weeks. A couple of weeks is NOTHING compared to a lifetime of drinking and not REALLY sleeping.

                              Now, I sleep like a baby and wake up with a SMILE on my face. What a great way to be.

                              Take care and you can do this!!
                              AF April 9, 2016

