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    Hey everybody! To reintroduce myself, I'm Kaliana, only 20 years old. I've read many of yourthreads and would like to know a few things about you (I hope they're not too personal/offensive) so I'm making a Get-to-know survey.

    1. Age: 20
    2. Drinking since: 13, 16 on daily basis
    3. Regular drinking session: bottle of red wine/ 5 bears
    4. Physical addition: only a bit tensed muscles
    5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Don't know for sure
    6. Other drinking-related health problems: dermatitis
    7. Do you smoke and how much: 20-25 cigs daily
    8. Does your family know about your problem: No
    9. Their reactions: N/A
    10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: N/A

    Hope to get your answers soon! I'd really like to compare my results and not feel so alone in this thing.
    If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it.


    Hi K,

    Looks like the folks here are shy- me included!

    All the best to you.



      Kaliana, You are not alone here, hope this helps
      1. Age: 41
      2. Drinking since: 15/16 fun and turned to binge in college, became daily about 10 years ago going through divorce
      3. Regular drinking session: one to two bottles of wine or 6-8sometimes ten beers, scotch 5-8 way over limit of 7 drinks per week recomened for females
      4. Physical addition: not sure, habit right now, alittle irritated when I can't have one. Have trouble stopping.
      5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Don't know for sure
      6. Other drinking-related health problems: gastrointestinal, and I 'm sure aggrevates depression and anxiety. Weight gain
      7. Do you smoke and how much: NO
      8. Does your family know about your problem: No
      9. Their reactions: N/A
      10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: Naltrexone, Campral, Lglutamine, Amino acids, vitamin c, magnesium, milk thistle, potassium, multivitamin, and I just ordered Kuduz. Some of these are for cravings and some of these are to replenish the body. My two resoures have been MWO and Vitamins for Dummies has a section for alcoholics. As many members have said ther is no magic bullet, it takes alot of wil power and fighting with your inner voice. You are nerver alone here




        Not a shy bone in this body. My husband sometimes wishes there were!! Nobody is a stranger to me. If this helps you at all, I am glad to respond.

        1. Age: 50 (almost 51)
        2. Drinking since: 16 on a daily basis
        3. Regular drinking session: 2 bottles or 1 large (yikes that is 10 drinks!!!)
        4. Physical addition: Getting over it because I have been doing well on AF Yippeee!!
        5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Don't know for sure
        6. Other drinking-related health problems: Neuropathy, anxiety, headaches (heh), liver pain, dark urine, easy bruising. (OMG, I am in big trouble here, guys!!)
        7. Do you smoke and how much: 20-25 cigs daily (sigh, me, too)
        8. Does your family know about your problem: Yes. I have told them all. I don't hide things.
        9. Their reactions: Fear, concern, love. (Aren't I blessed????)
        10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: I've tried topa, can't do it. I tried Campral and Naltrexone, no help. I am awaiting Baclofen. I'll post when I find out if it helps.

        Okay, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!!

        AF April 9, 2016



          1. Age: 32
          2. Drinking since: 17, early 20's on daily basis
          3. Regular drinking session: bottle of red wine / 4-6 beers
          4. Physical addiction: ?
          5. How long did it take to get physically addicted: Probably once I got beyond a couple of beers a day
          6. Other drinking-related health problems: shadows under eyes, red nose, enlarged liver, indigestion and nausea, increased anxiety and worrying, quality of sleep, depression, general loss of fitness
          7. Do you smoke and how much: No
          8. Does your family know about your problem: Unsure
          9. Their reactions: N/A
          10: What medicines do you use to reduce craving: None, give-in and have a drink

          Struggling a bit with motivation, despite full knowledge of the health effects and how much it's screwed up my life.



            1. Age: 44.
            2. Drinking since: Late twenties (as in problematically).
            3. Regular drinking session: Two bottles of wine and any voddy I could get hold of nightly.
            4. Physical addiction: Anxiety at getting more, would walk/drive/beg someone else to go get it for me, shaking, sweating, think of nothing but getting some and then more, sneaking/stealing others drinks (the shame).
            5. How long to get addicted: Hmm not sure but not long, my father told my mother when I was a child that I was going to be alcoholic (he recognised it apparently).
            6. Other drinking related health problems: Liver and Kidney pain, Brain spasms (don't know how else to describe it), shaking, sweating, dark pungent urine, wretching bile, unable to sleep without it.
            7. Do you smoke: Yes unfortunately I am still smoking around 20 a day but roll my own now as I heard there are not as many chemicals (don't know if that is true but it is certainly cheaper).
            8. Does your family know: They know I drink a lot but do not know the extent of my problem, I like to 'hide' and drink alone.
            9. Their reaction to it: Goes from banter/humour to annoyance (usually at me phoning them while drunk). A quiet acceptance I would sum it up as.
            10. Medicines to help craving: Kudzo & LGlut. Visualisation and meditation. Belief in Higher Power.

            Ok, that's me.

            Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......




              It "sounds" like you are ready to take the plunge, though!! Thinking about it means you are understanding the issue.

              Anytime you want/need help, we will be here for you. (No pressure, either, we KNOW it has to be your decision)

              Do not let FEAR guide you, let yourself be open to other options (mods or AF) we don't care.

              However, we do care that you are hurting yourself physically and mentally.

              Lots of hands reaching out for you here, they sure helped me!!

              AF April 9, 2016



                Thanks Cindi for your thoughts. Definitely, I have to be the one to make the decision. It's a sneaky substance though, altering brain chemistry while you're not looking, to fall for its charms. I need a mental splash of cold water...

                /sorry for the thread-jack



                  Thanks everybody for taking this survey... I hope it didn't get too personal. Anyone else wants to share?
                  If God brings you to it, he will bring you through it.




                    1. Age: 62
                    2. Drinking since: My 20's
                    3. Regular drinking session: 1.5 liter bottle of wh. wine/at least 3 - 5 times per week until I stopped 19 days ago. I also liked vodka & could polish off a bottle in a weekend. I drank like this for a good 5 - 7 years. Previous drinking escalated slowly though I'd have some pretty severe binges now & then. I do think that alcoholism is a progressive disease. It kind of crept up on me.
                    4. Physical addition: Did you mean addiction? If so, I think I'm over that now.
                    5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Not sure...the emotional dependence is far worse in my opinion. I'm still learning how to change my thinking about drinking. I know that I cannot have even one sip of would tip me right back into the cesspool I was in before I came to MWO.
                    6. Other drinking-related health problems: When I was drinking, I got wicked hangovers & was very upset w/myself (that's putting it mildly).
                    7. Do you smoke and how much: No
                    8. Does your family know about your problem: I've never come out & admitted it, but I'm sure they have their suspicions.
                    9. Their reactions: If they did find out about my drinking, I doubt if they would be surprised.
                    10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: None. Regardless of how busy I am, I try to come to MWO every single day. That is the one thing that I think has been responsible for the progress I have made to date. (19 AF days in a row)

                    Kaliana: Good luck in your journey. As I said, MWO has been a godsend. It's the absolute only place I'm completely honest. I can't imagine where I'd be wo/MWO.

                    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                    October 3, 2012



                      Hi and :welcome:

                      1. Age: 45
                      2. Drinking since: 20's but socially until 30's and daily last 13 years
                      3. Regular drinking session: bottle of red wine, sometimes more
                      4. Physical addition: cravings in the evenings when I normally drink
                      5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Don't know for sure but progressive
                      6. Other drinking-related health problems: none, apart from the odd hangover, exercise every day, eat well and take no drugs for anything
                      7. Do you smoke and how much: No
                      8. Does your family know about your problem: Husband does but drinks himself so says nothing
                      9. Their reactions: N/A
                      10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: Have been taking the supplements from the MWO starter pack since 1st September. 100% AF in September and 98% in October. Going for another 30 Days AF in November.j

                      Hope this helps.




                        1. Age: 33
                        2. Drinking since: recreational bingeing in high school, frequent but moderate through twenties, heavy problematic the last ~3 years
                        3. Regular drinking session: was (yes, past tense) 8-12 usually beer, but not opposed to the alternatives
                        4. Physical addition: evening cravings are more mental I think; poor sleep for a few days when I quit
                        5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: ?
                        6. Other drinking-related health problems: depression, weight gain, high blood pressure, poor sleep
                        7. Do you smoke and how much: No
                        8. Does your family know about your problem: No, but a couple of good friends do.
                        9. Their reactions: Supportive; like I said, they're good friends.
                        10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: Citalopram + 5-HTP for depression; kudzu + L-glutamine for cravings; multi-vitamin + calcium/magnesium + anti-oxidant + omega-3 for general health.

                        peace and strength,
                        Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
                        A: Practice, of course.



                          Kaliana, It is wonderful for you that you are recognizing this problem at age 20. Awareness now will help you avoid the years and years of self-abuse so many of us have put ourselves through. The best of luck to you!

                          1. Age: 40
                          2. Drinking since: 11, noticed problem in late 20s
                          3. Regular drinking session: bottle of red or white wine + 1-2 more glasses before falling down/passing out; or five beers, or five hard al drinks: vodka, single-malt, rum
                          4. Physical addition: cravings but don't seem to have withdrawals if I go AF for a few days
                          5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Don't know if I am
                          6. Other drinking-related health problems: high liver functions at times, controlled with milk thistle and never ever taking acetaminophen (Tylenol)
                          7. Do you smoke and how much: No
                          8. Does your family know about your problem: Husband does, some friends do
                          9. Their reactions: Friends: Outwardly laughing it off but I know they talk about me. Hubby honestly does not understand abusive behavior and is just puzzled and saddened by it.
                          10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: Kudzu and Glut 1.5 weeks, so still new:goodjob: , thinking about Naltrexone. Side effects of Topa scare me.
                          And you may ask yourself, "What is that beautiful house?" And you may ask yourself, "Where does that highway go?" And you may ask yourself,"Am I right?...Am I wrong?" And you may tell yourself..."MY GOD!...WHAT HAVE I DONE?"




                            1. Age: 39
                            2. Drinking since: Since I was 13
                            3. Regular drinking session: 3/4 to 1 bottle of wine a night
                            4. Physical addition: Yes, I am physically addicted.
                            5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Many years, but mostly after I had my 2nd child and the evenings became longer.
                            6. Other drinking-related health problems: Headaches, weight gain, fatigue
                            7. Do you smoke and how much: No
                            8. Does your family know about your problem: No
                            9. Their reactions: Not sure
                            10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: None so far, I have been in moderation for 3 days and feel incredible!!



                              1. Age: 51 Female
                              2. Drinking since: Socially from 28 (I started late) till I was about 33 my brother died & I drank solid for 1 year then gave up till my marriage broke up at 37
                              3. Regular drinking session: At least 1 & 1/2 but if on a roll could be 2 to 3 bottles and then some.
                              4. Physical addition: No, Head addicted
                              5. How long did it take to get head addicted: I think if you drink everyday, consistently, it becomes a habit thats hard to break.
                              6. Other drinking-related health problems: High liver results, weight gain, poor sleep, foggy head can't function & depression & stopped caring for myself.
                              7. Do you smoke and how much: Did but gave it up about 8 years ago because it was bad for me. (Go figure!)
                              8. Does your family know about your problem: Only my husband (I think my youngest daughter suspects)
                              9. Their reactions: My husband allowed me to drink because he is a gambler. That was his payoff. Now that is all changed and he is winning his battle too. The rest of my family would be amazed, I am a closet drinker.
                              10: What medicines do you use to reduce craving: Have tried campral, anitabuse, but now take ALL the supps and eat healthy and I am feeling great.
                              Just keep on swmming, just keep on swimming!

