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    My husband has neuropathy also - he is diabetic but the progression of the neuropathy is much too speedy to blame realtively low blood sugar counts so alcohol is the diagnosis.

    How long have you had it? How bad is it?

    Thanks for sharing,




      Hi it's Jasmine.....already I feel like there may be a lot of help out. reading your respones to one another has already given me some hope



        Hi Jasmine, and welcome.

        You can do this. The desire and motivation have to come from you, but MWO has a lot to offer: (1) You're not alone. A lot of us are/were afraid to admit to our problems because we feel like we must be the only person in the world dumb enough to fall into the alcohol trap and too weak to get ourselves out (lilnev raises hand). You're not the only one with this problem, in fact there's lots of us. And everyone here has been in that hole, and won't judge you for it. (2) Examples of people who've succeeded in getting out. It can be done, and people who have done it will be happy to share their wisdom and encouragement. (3) Practical advice on medications/supplements, combating cravings, changing habits, etc. (4) Most of all, a whole community that want to see you succeed.

        The fact that you're here says to me that you have the desire to change. Keep reading, think about what you want to change and how you're going to go about it, and maybe post your story when you're ready.

        peace and strength,
        Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
        A: Practice, of course.



          ok, here goes

          1. Age: 44
          2. Drinking since: 13, then stopped until about 25, now have this problem
          3. Regular drinking session: 6 bears
          4. Physical addition: shakey, cloudy in the morning
          5. How long did it take to get psysically addicted: Don't know for sure
          6. Other drinking-related health problems: rosecea on face, fat!!
          7. Do you smoke and how much: 0 now, used to smoke 20/month
          8. Does your family know about your problem: yep
          9. Their reactions: N/A
          10: What medicins do you use to reduce craving: supps.

          For all who care.....................this is informative to know eachother better!!

          MA:h :l
          :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:



            age N/A
            2.since the age of 18
            3.mixing alot of drinks at the time.
   first job!
   outs and pasting out.
   dont think so,at the time hid so well i throught iwas in control with it.
            9.i think eveyone has some kind of reation in there own way.
            10.only supp's, mwo and will powerfull i do believe in.
            I hope this hleps you lot in mwo.
            Love Teardrop.x
            family is everything to me




              1. Age: 49
              2. Drinking since: 16, bingeing with friends, then slowed down, now just daily
              3. Regular drinking session: bottle of red/white, maybe some vodka occasionally
              4. Physical addiction: I think it's mental, the sneaky beast, some of us call it
              5. How long did it take to get physically addicted: not long, snuck up on me
              6. Other drinking-related health problems: increased anxiety and worrying, quality of sleep, depression, loss of fitness, accelerated aging
              7. Do you smoke and how much: No, quit about 12 years ago
              8. Does your family know about your problem: pretty sure they do
              9. Their reactions: nobody talks about it
              10: What medicines do you use to reduce craving: Just the kudzu, take the vitamins in all-one, and post here!
              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

