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Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

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    Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

    Hi Everyone: I couldn't sleep, so I decided to give this thread a very early start. I've been thinking about what ODAT (one day at a time) means to me. It means:
    -I never go into a liquor store for any reason whatsoever.
    -I turn my mind away from any kind of drinking thinking ASAP.
    -I avoid the wine/beer aisle at the supermarket.
    -I say: "I'd love a glass of diet soda" when the host asks what I want to drink.
    -I settle all issues so my mind isn't cluttered w/unfinished business.
    I'd love to hear from you out there in MWO regarding the daily "footwork" is for you. Stay AF or mod. Mary
    Wisdom, Courage, Strength
    October 3, 2012

    Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

    Morning Mary and all-

    ODAT for me means- I am completely committed to not drinking today. This means that:

    - I don't indulge any thoughts/fantasies about drinking. If it comes up, I let it go immediately.

    -If I can't let go of the thought and it turns into a craving, I come here and talk about it (and listen to supportive feedback) non-stop until it passes (for me this usually about a half hour)

    - I take care of myself in body, mind and spirit. Optimum: eating well, drinking lots of water, exercising, being productive, connecting genuinely with others, not getting too "speedy" or stressed, being mindful, being grateful, treating myself and others with respect and kindness, doing all I can to get a good night's rest (not a good sleeper in general!).

    Thanks Mary - a great way to start the day!

    wonder xxx


      Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

      2 threads

      I am confused, (doesn't take much this early in the AM!!!) Are there 2 threads started for today or did I post a bunch of stuff on the wrong day this AM?? I will go and check, anyway thanks Wonder and Mary btw..........good subject and way to start a potentially difficult day:thanks: :goodjob:

      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

        Hi everyone again,
        I have posted on the first thread but did not want to go on and on. So i thought i go on the second one. PART2, AF 5days today. Now looking back from sunday does not seem so bad not having a drink. Woke up feeling good in my head and body,( i hope i dont jinx myself)
        Its always in the evenings when i dont feel so good. i know ihave got to keep strong and say no to myself NO.
        I hope you all have a good strong evening.
        family is everything to me


          Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

          Mary, I agree with all you wrote except the diet soda. Blech! I would add that I plan ahead to be occupied during the early evening hours.

          Wonderworld, you're completely right about taking care of yourself in a broad and multi-faceted sense. Commit yourself to the positives of being strong and healthy, not just the negatives of what you won't do.

          Teardrop, well done on five days! It started getting easier for me around then (less hijacking of my brain with beer thoughts, and easier to get refocused if they did happen). I hope it's the same for you.

          Hi to everyone else, past and future.

          peace and strength,
          Q: How do I become the person I want to be?
          A: Practice, of course.


            Newbies in Need ODAT - Thurs.

            Mary - great thread!!

            WW, teardrop, lilnev, cowgal best to you all.

            ODAT to me means looking at today and not yesterday or tomorrow. Planning my strategies for this day. Not wallowing in shame from the past. Not sabotaging myself by thinking forward to other events and wondering how I will manage or thinking that I will change this behavior tomorrow but DOING IT today!!!!!!

            Have a good Thursday!!

