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Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky

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    Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky

    Hi all,

    Could not post this morning - had to leave the house by 7 am.

    First of all . . . . so many thanks for all the encouragement yesterday. Came home from work before I went to the event I was hosting and found all the support and well wishes. It made me feel stronger than I have felt in a long time. (I thought boy I have you guys fooled.) I got to my mom's house and thought I CAN do this without a glass of wine. I had a great visit with her before the guests arrived and a glass of water before dinner. At dinner I poured a glass of wine (first mistake) with the intention of not really drinking it (HA!) so as not to draw too much attention to the fact that I am not drinking (Who was I fooling). Barely sipped at it . . . . . but that was all it took. Got a little in my system and continued to drink with the other guests. Will I never learn?!?!? This is not going to work. I am the queen of rationalization. I get a few AF days under my belt and then that little voice whispers . . . this is not a problem. You can be social. Everyone else is doing it. What will they think if you don't! Well, the good news is that I did stop. I did not drink alone at home afterwards. Most of all, I am back here - putting my next foot forward - confessing the error of my ways . . . determined to slap Al (cohol) down.

    Reason # 4 to stop drinking: Al(cohol) is dishonest and sneaky. It creeps up on you. It tells you it has your best interests at heart and then takes over.

    Time to let it GO!!!!

    Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky

    Hi Evergreen-
    Good to hear your recap. I was wondering how things went. Good for you for being so mindful about everything and not drinking when you got home. That's awesome. Al IS a sneaky liar and those are the experiences that shed more light on what we're really up against! way to go-

    Hope to "see' you later-

    wonder xx


      Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky

      Yep - it takes that first sip and then whammo..... it starts to feel good and all inhibitions are gone.

      With every trigger and experience comes a lot of growth. Alcoholism didn't happen over night, neither does quitting. Take what you need from your experience last night and continue to move forward.


        Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky

        I'm an alcoholic!

        It is always a problem when others around you are drinking and you are not. I think society these days assumes that if you among friends who are drinking and you are not then the immediate response or thought is "You have a drinking problem!". I fortunately didn't find this a problem as I am not afraid or interested in what others think about it! because I'm happy enough and confident enough to know that whatever works for me in keeping sober holds no bearings with people who choose to mock or question me over it!

        Society and the media has a lot to answer for and not just over alcoholism but eating disorders as well; and many more issues in fact(sex, race, religion etc etc.) were the person is made to feel that they cannot openly talk about it without being made to look or feel inferior in some way.

        "I'm an Alcoholic" "I'm an Alcoholic" "I'm an Alcoholic" "I'm an Alcoholic"

        There, and I don't give a SHIT who knows!!

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky

          Dear Evergreen,
          When I read Al's dishonest and sneaky, I thought you were referring to Al Gore!
          I'm in the same situation as you.......... go AF for a while then think I can handle it. Next thing. back to square one. So I know how you feel.
          So my current move is to stay AF. It has now become a choice between my ego (which thinks it is so smart and can handle alcohol) and my inner self and beliefs. It's working so far.
          Keep up with your very hard work. You will defeat Al.


            Reason # 4: Al's dishonest sneaky


            I am with you.

            When I am around drinkers, I just say "no thanks, I'm an alcoholic and can't have even a sip"

            You know what?? I have never been given the "I'm so sorry for you" look, just the "Wow, you are doing something about it!!"

            I do not have the trait that makes people hide their issues. I am a WYSIWYG (pronounced wizzywig). What you see is what you get.

            It is in my genes. You either love me, hate me or don't give a crap about me and I don't care. I WILL take care of myself.

            Good on for you and me, I say!!

            AF April 9, 2016

