Sweetpea sorry your feeling sad at this moment.
Well i have a few good friends and they are from school and my old work friends where i use to work.
The answer to your questions:
A good friend is there when you need them through good and bad times.
The important about friendship is knowing you dont have to be there all the time and you can pick up from last time.
To become someone friend is to be yourself and like you for what you are.
I hope this help as well sweetpea.
cowgal...no more:upset: like you said better late than never.

Yesterday i fell of my bike:upset: trying to go up the kerb side ways before this car could past me, so now my neck hurts and my shoulder. Need to take a hot bath and go to BMX lessons on how to pull my handle bar up when going up a kerb.. As i said on another thread at least i did not fall of the wagon but it felt like it. lol. Going to flower market tomorrow busy day for me i will try and log in later if i can.
Take care everyone and keep safe.
p.s sweetpea read my signature as well.x