Hey all,
Been away from the computer for a while and only have time for a quick post!!!
Just finished Day 12 - cautiously optimistic that I will make it 30 days!!! When I get too optimistic in the past I have slipped.
MissCheryl - I can SO relate. That has been me so many times! In my neighborhood they call it Drunko. The really cool thing though is that you are taking the experience and learning from it. Trust that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Without the slip you may not have realized completely that you cannot moderate at least not now.
Suki - Welcome. Same thing. This is a process. Being perfect is boring. What is really important is coming here and recommitting after slipping. I have been a member since May or so and this is my longest stretch. ( I by no means advocate being such a SLOW learner

Rustop - HI I can relate to the busyness. I am SO late!!
Sweetpea - Love you bunches for getting us started.
Teardrop - Here's a hug and hope you feel better!!!!
Way to go all Fireworkers and ODATers!!