Hi Firecrackers,
Enjoy your holiday SweetPea.... and yes, I will toot your horn and blow your whistle, and beat your drum while you are away!! Nothing like musical multi-tasking to keep a person busy (and out of trouble :angel

I have today off :yay: but as I'm sitting here getting my act together I realize that the expectations for what I want to get done today at home are waaaay too ambitious. This leads to anxiety which triggers my monkey mind :crazymonkey: and you-know-who :alf: is soooo attracted to my monkey mind. I have to keep them apart so AL won't get lucky.
Speaking of lucky...Did you know that getting pooped on by a bird is also considered good luck? I think I will start today by throwing out my to-do list and find some "horse duffers to tread in" (I just love the way you put things SweetOne) or maybe stand under a telephone wire lined with birds hoping for a well-aimed poop. I tried to do a google search on the origin of why getting pooped on is considered good luck but was not entirely successful. I did come up with the origin of the word poop though --it seems to have appeared in its current form in 1735, and was developed from the word "powpen" or "popen", which meant to blow or sound a horn. Go figure!
Okay - enough of that.
Sending hugs to Rustop (Day 11--YES !!!!), Barebones (Day 41- WOW!!), AntEast (Day 20- AWESOME!!), Matt (Day 7? Seven is a lucky number!!), Erin (Day 60+++ -- FANTASTIC!) and more hugs for those that I don't have #s for but are also doing so well -- that would be you Teardrop, Lukalee, WW, any other train mates, and Me!!
Will leave you with this thought....
May you have enough happiness to make you sweet, enough trials to make you strong, enough sorrow to keep you human and enough hope to make you happy. "
- unknown
Go out and make One Good Day! OGDAT!!!